Sorry, my sweet summer child. Nori is another one of the more background characters whose personality we don’t really get to see. He is often also the voice of reason, and Thorin seems to trust him more than the others, which is a desirable trait in searching for a partner. None of you do. I gave Thorin his own post which you can view here. Thorin Oakenshield : You! Gandalf and Elrond talk about Thorin! T.A. I SERIOUSLY love food. Extended scene from The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey. why is bombur a obease fucking donkey. This assumed authority has, in the past, put him at odds with Nori, who disliked being talked down to. Pop culture goodness delivered right to your mailbox. The Dwarf: Balin operates as a deputy to Thorin, having fought alongside him at both Erebor and Moria. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: O’Gorman is best known for his television work, more recently in a lead role in New Zealand drama The Almighty Johnson. He has a strong sense of duty, following Thorin into dangerous situations without a second thought. Bombur is the heaviest of the dwarves and ends up sleeping through a good portion of "The Hobbit" novel. ( Log Out / However, Thorin also as a few red flags. We don’t belong anywhere. Regardless, Gloin’s axe is usually one of the first weapons swung in a conflict. And you’ve seen them all kitted out as well. The first reason is his dashing good looks. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: Peter Hambleton has been a regular feature in TV movies and shows, but has not had a major breakthrough part yet. His goal is to regain the Arkenstone back from the evil dragon Smaug, who has taken over his family home, the Lonely Mountain. However, THAT HAIR. He’s a wise and gentle dwarf who plays a key role in helping the other members of the party find their trust in Thorin and accept Bilbo into their fold. Unlike the rest of the company Gloin has left a family behind, his wife (an acclaimed beauty with a fine beard) and Gimli both await his return. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: Turner is a rising star on television, with his most recent role as one of the leads in Being Human where he plays a vampire hospital worker trying to pass for normal. Meet the Dwarves. Bilbo the hobbit, Thorin the dwarf, and Gandalf the wizard were all created for certain reasons. The contract concerns services to be performed in the Dwarven Kingdom. How many dwarves in The Hobbit? He also gives the best advice. Never the center of attention, but also a very capable warrior, which is an attractive quality. (HD 720p)Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.c... Dwarves Bathing. ( Log Out / He is also a little bit obsessive, to the point that he almost turns all his friends against him, which is a major red flag. The Dwarf: Dwalin is the most physically imposing member of the group, and the first to arrive on Bilbo’s doorstep (which must’ve come as a fright). Their impulse to journey to the Mountain to seek revenge for Smaug's theft of their treasure contrasts with Bilbo's hobbit-like reluctance to leave his comfortable home. Dwarves Bathing. The company of dwarves sit around Bilbo's Hobbit Hole table and attempt to plan their coming adventure, lead, of course, by Thorin. 2746, was 195 years old at the time and the oldest of the Dwarves in the Company. You don’t understand. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: Nesbitt has been working steadily in both comedy and drama roles for almost thirty years, appearing in Waking Ned Divine, Cold Feet, Murphy’s Law and Bloody Sunday. I have to imagine he would also be a great cuddler, but wouldn’t be able to sit still for too long. The relationship is further complicated by Ori starting to see the rebellious Nori as someone to emulate. Gandalf was created to help the hobbit and the dwarves through tight situations, Bilbo was created to be the reluctant hero and main character of the story, and Thorin was created to be the irresponsible leader. Ultimately he’s there for his brothers Ori and Nori, with whom he holds a parental role. Kili is also more apt to show genuine emotion. I put Dori in the same category of older men who are absolutely perfect as famous actors like Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson and Sean Connery. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: Kircher does not have an extensive filmography, his last role before The Hobbit being that of ‘Merchant’ in Legend of the Seeker. The ranking below rates each member of the dwarven company in order from least date-able to the most eligible dwarf. They don’t have beards like dwarves, and they likes to make fun with dwarves’ beards. I thought that they are shorter than hobbits and dwarves, and they have winds!! He would be the one I would call at night when I am facing a big decision. What happened to the 13 Dwarves of Thorins company after the events of the Hobbit? The Dwarves of ‘The Hobbit’ – A Guide to the Characters and Cast, Ten Years Later – The Cast of ‘Lord of the Rings’ (Part 1) « Funk's House of Geekery, Who Could be the Next Batman? Kili’s interactions with Tauriel demonstrate this point perfectly. Change ). 2. He’s a politely spoken and well raised dwarf who chronicles the journey along with drawings in his journal. I mean, the guy has an axe head lodged in his forehead, for goodness sake. The Hobbit doesn’t provide that luxury and quite literally drops a dozen bearded and bushy haired dwarves on the doorstep. Dark hair, dark eyes, chiseled jawline. The main song for The Hobbit ! Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. When Bilbo asks where the rest of the Dwarves are, it's made apparent that these twelve are those who answered Thorin's call--a group that seems meager, but which Thorin openly appreciates. Thorin said I should have never have come and he was right. In The Book of Lost Tales, the very few Dwarves who appear are portrayed as evil beings, employers of Orc mercenaries and in conflict with the Elves—who are the imagined "authors" of the myths, and are therefore biased against Dwarves. Bombur is something of a clown without being as waspish as his brother Bifur – although his physical comedy is not always intentional. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: Armitage has been making his mark in a few different places lately and should be familiar to geeks. During the quest he also takes Bilbo under his wing. Kili is obviously the only choice for the top spot on this list. You’re one of us. 2941 QUEST OF EREBOR Smaug is slain and Erebor is re- claimed. Dwarves are short but not quite as short as hobbits, who are typically between two and four feet tall. Balin is one of the few to be mentioned in Lord of the Rings when the Fellowship find his tomb under Moria. Throughout the quest he maintains a cheery demeanor and readily enjoys a song or a drink. Movies, Comics, Books, Games and Other Things Geeks Love. He’s played Lucas North in Spooks for three years and Guy of Gisbourne in Robin Hood on television. Horror Movies for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Into the Horror Genre, Follow Funk's House of Geekery on Richard Armitage is bae, and Thorin is a total heartthrob. Bombur is bomb. Bofur : I wish you all the luck in the world. Despite his grumbling Dori is a decent sort who has his brother’s best interest at heart. Although he chose to lead a quiet life he still answered Thorin’s call to join his company and take back their home. His axe is also iconic! Dwalin is a total dwarve’s dwarf. As Thorin’s nephews they were among the first dwarfs to join his company. He earned his name while battling the orcs for Moria and pushing back Azog with nothing but an oak log. The first reason is his dashing good looks. Great blog, every character is unique and awesome in their own right. The Dwarves had little participation in most of the important events involving the other races. By signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. However, he lies to Gandalf about the One Ring, which he found in Gollum’s cave and uses throughout the movie, so dishonesty is a pretty significant red flag as far as relationships go. Strong, capable, handsome. If the rest of the company wasn’t so perfect, he would definitely be higher on my list. The Dwarf: Thorin is the leader of the party and seeks to reclaim his throne. I really do. | Funk's House of Geekery, Casting Call: ‘The Odyssey’ | Funk's House of Geekery, Trans-Gender Issues in 'The Looney Tunes Show', The Dwarves of 'The Hobbit' - A Guide to the Characters and Cast, Star Wars in Review: The 10 Most Idiotic 'Star Wars' Characters, Top 10 Greatest Guest Stars on 'Gravity Falls'. Bofur : [Bofur nods his head and looks around at the sleeping company] No you’re right. The Hobbit: Everything That Happened To The Dwarves After The Battle Of Five Armies 10 The Deaths Of Thorin II Oakenshield & His Nephews. Where You’ve Seen Him Before: You haven’t! He has eyes that look like they’ve seen tons of mischief. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Bilbo and the dwarves see a twinkling light ahead of them in the forest and follow it to find a party of feasting elves, who disappear when the dwarves approach. He’s definitely on the older side, but I’m sure that brings an element of wisdom. This protective attitude from the others is evident in the knitted sweater and mittens he seems burdened with. The apple has certainly not fallen far from the tree as Gloin is a prickly character who, like Gimli, is quick to temper. TIMELINE OF THE DWARVES IN THE HOBBIT НОВBIT LOTRPROJECT.COM | EMIL JOHANSSON T.A. Howard Shore - Misty Mountains (Cold) But in the end, I would totally go for Thorin Oakenshield. This is what takes Kili from boyfriend material and very easily makes him husband material. You nearly got yourself killed! This momentary sowing of discord represents the effect of greed in general. 100% would not date. Kili is obviously the only choice for the top spot on this list. Take a look. Nori, Ori and Dori were brothers, and were from a group of dwarves called Durin's Folk. Arguably one of the downright hottest dwarves is my man Fili. In Peter Jackson’s adaption of the Hobbit they have changed the age of the characters quite a bit, most notably by having Thorin appear to be younger than Balin and Ori being the youngest of the Dwarves. (Thorin's grandfather had been the king of the Lonely Mountain when Smaug came and took it.) And Bombur also appreciates this pleasure in life, as evident by his enormous belly, but that just means after a huge feast, I would have the perfect pillow to rest my head on. Kili. Oin is also an interesting character. His sole goal is to retrieve the treasure held by the dragon in the Lonely Mountain. He’d want to be out in nature, exploring! He’s ferocious in both battle and leadership, rarely giving an inch. He’s relatively attractive, adventurous, and clever. After his turn as Bifur we can hope to see him in bigger roles. He also has one of my favorite interactions in the Hobbit trilogy with Bilbo. The dwarves love beautiful material things; they like to make merry with food, drink, and song; and they can be fierce and vengeful. I’ve never been so wrong in all my life. The Dwarves were made by Aulë, whom they themselves call Mahal, meaning “maker.” Aulë was unwilling to wait for the coming of the Children of Ilúvatar, for he was impatient and desired to have someone to teach his lore and crafts. Naturally Dwalin is the group’s muscle, and is fiercely loyal to Thorin. Bilbo Baggins : [Bofur’s expression falls and immediately Bilbo realizes he has gone too far] I’my sorry, I didn’t…. No. Elves are not short like hobbits or dwarves. Remembering that he had once known an adventurous Hobbit on his travels in the Shire, Gandalf decided to add Bilbo to their company because he knew that stealth and cunning were preferable to force. [Bilbo attempts to sneak out of the cave while the company sleeps but is stopped by Bofur]. Secondly, he is a well-rounded fighter. The Hobbit trilogy brought the storybook characters to life in some magnificent ways. He has some of the best character development along the journey. I was also surprised that they managed to make three of the dwarves reasonably hot… (Thorin, Fili, Kili) Aidan Turner looked more like an elf than a dwarf to me. Let's find out. Before joining Thorin and his brothers Ori and Dori he lived in the wilderness and made his living as a poacher and a thief. Of the group the two brothers are more active in battle, seeing their role as protectors of Thorin. Curious, he realises the dwarf is a slave and on impulse, he buys him and tries to free him. 2770 SACK OF EREBOR Balin leads an expedition to retake Moria and succeeds. There, I said it. He does, however, have one of the best beards in the company, so that gives he a few bonus points. Dwarves have few friends and fewer since the Crown Prince was lost and his younger brother assumed his duties. I don’t know what I was thinking. It's also stated by Tolkien in appendix A to The Lord of the Rings that female dwarves appear identical to males and we can assume they are also born with beards, just like their male counterparts. Follow edited Jun 2 '17 at 12:00. The contract was signed in the Shire. Unlike his brother Dwalin he is not eager to rush into battle but never fails to take up arms when required, and provides a good service keeping watch when required. In 'The Hobbit', Thorin Oakenshield is a dwarf on a mission. One of my all-time favorite scenes is after Bilbo risked his life to save Thorin from the orcs after escaping the goblin cave, and Thorin says. It takes a great man to father such a perfect character, so Gloin gets bonus points for that. At the outset he may not seem like the most dangerous member of the party but he keeps a range of knives hidden about his person (dwarfson). But unfortunately for this sweet man, I cannot bring myself to want to date him. You’re use to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere! Although loyal to Thorin, Gloin is the most outspoken of the company and would frequently challenge Thorin. I’m not fluent in Khuzdal, so communication between us would be difficult. Tolkien wrote it in the 1930s for his children as a bedtime story.The story takes place before The Lord of the Rings..