Your email address will not be published. Reprinted with the author’s permission from “Tikkun: A Lurianic Motif in Contemporary Jewish Thought,” in From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding–Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, Vol. Tikkun olam, as it relates to practical methods, applies to working in all communities, not just Jewish communities. He is the focus of our passion, intention and will. To that end we offer a number of opportunities within CBH to participate in activities to help improve the lives of our friends and neighbors. Hey fellow members of Bnai Keshet, In a joint effort with the BK Tikun Olam committee and the Pressman Social Action Internship, I am excited to start a campaign to get 100% voter registration at Bnai Keshet. Go outside and take snapshots of what's blooming or draw what you see. And most importantly, they learned that THEY can do these acts of tikkun olam, even though they are kids. 4 Awesome Family Games You Should Buy Now, Review Tikkun Olam with a Tikkun Olam Bingo Game. Help spread kindness this Hanukkah with these 8 nights of Hanukkah Kindness Activities… one for every night you light the candles. To review the concepts the book and discussion introduced, we next did a fun craft called “YOU Can Save the World Poster.” It emphasizes that every child has the ability, and ideally the motivation, to help repair the world. My name is Kelly Tabak and I am co-chair of the Tikkun Olam Committee at Columbia Jewish Congregation. The Tikkun Olam Commission is a structure of the Reconstructionist movement comprised of rabbis and lay people who work on social justice issues on behalf of the movement. Feb 26, 2013 - Explore Anne Noble's board "Tikkun olam", followed by 339 people on Pinterest. Online Donation Form; Amazon Smile; Tree of Life; Memorial Plaques; High Holiday Appeal; Yizkor Memorial Booklet 1.Print out the Tikkun Olam Bingo Game template. Our country suffers from inequality. Idan, head of the Student Council told us: “The students were happy to take part in online activity, people I talked to said it was a great privilege to do good deeds from home, to be a part of something, even in these days of online projects.” Explain the concept of tikkun olam (the Jewish tradition to heal the world). Documented use of the term dates back to the Mishnaic period (ca. The thought of Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world, can be overwhelming. There is not one mention of it there. 10–220 CE). Tikkun Olam at Kehilat Nitzan. The Social Action Committee (SAC) is a long standing committee at Congregation Shalom. Simply pick a silhouette, trace it onto heavy-weight art paper or recycled cardboard, then cut strips of recycled magazine pages, glue them onto the shape, and use Mod Podge to seal the collage. You can take a walk to collect artifacts from nature and use them as part of your poster. These projects are also an important social activity for Temple Shalom members—a reminder of the… Tikkun Olam at Machar As a Machar member, you will be able to put your Jewish and humanistic values into action. Arrangement by Dmitry Gershenzon. Teaching a lesson on tikkun olam really helped the children to think about the world outside themselves. sustain and develop Jewish peoplehood. Rosie Saves the World is the perfect book to introduce this theme, especially to emphasize the ability of children to take hands-on actions to help repair the world. Rabbi Art Green sits down to speak about Tikkun Olam...Repairing the world and how we must discover the good in the world, wherever it is scattered. Or, in other words, “Shellom!” Here’s a creative project that allows your students to get acquainted or reacquainted for a new religious school year, and to review Hebrew: “Shellom” trinkets. I also really like the discussion that arose when we talked about each tikkun olam choice. It was so neat to see what acts of tikkun olam they could see themselves doing and promising the same. Each child has a bingo game board. Most of my students do not come from a household that speaks Hebrew so many of these Hebrew words are new to them and need to be practiced. New Tikkun Olam activities coming up! Social Action - Tikkun Olam. : ) Everyone can make a huge difference by reusing and recycling, planting a tree, starting a compost pile, picking up trash, pledging to conserve water… we all know what we ought to ... Clutter-Free Classroom has FREE tips & ideas to help teachers improve classroom organization & management. I love hearing the children’s responses to discussion questions like these. Featured Document. The Tikkun Olam Committee welcomes new and returning members. Machar’s Tikkun Olam efforts focus on both bigger-picture activism and policy advocacy as well as volunteer community service efforts serving individuals, families, and our community. There are many chesed (social action) activities for members to get involved with at Temple Israel of Great Neck. I brought home the supplies so my own kiddos could make these posters too. Shalom Cascadia Jewish Minyan We are a small tribe providing shelter and sustenance, literal and spiritual, to seekers in the sanctuary cities of Seattle and Portland, and on a small island in Puget Sound. Creating an online framework to engage the students in civic projects was a natural outgrowth of this belief. Blessing of the Animals – Shir Ami raises money and collects items to … Conspicuously absent from many contemporary discussions of tikkun ha-olam are precisely those activities that are critical for the kabbalists: observance of Jewish law; observance of the commandments; cultivation of moral virtues such as humility, ascetic practices, earnest repentance and observance of the Jewish holy days. Contact Charles Adler.Food and Clothing Drives: Various times We do this through the study of Torah, Beit tefillah, tikkun olam, tzedakah and life-long learning, while striving to strengthen our connection to the Jewish people, Israel and Jewish history. Excerpt from Beth Israel Torah Ceremony by Gail Chalew; Defining Tikkun Olam. Human rights monitoring. Tikkun Olam Supporting our local community through advocacy and service. With each card drawn, the child identifies any matches by placing a special marker on it. Our work currently includes: Immigration Reform - We work with a coalition of Jewish and interfaith organizations towards comprehensive reform of the immigration system in the United States. Protecting the Earth -Art Project: Involve students in creating their own trees to reflect their understanding of Tu B’ Shevat and Tikkun Olam. Donations of canned food and new or gently used clothing are always welcome. Synagogue Calendar; Upcoming Events; Donate. Featured Document. The mission of the Social Action Committee is to promote activities at the local, national and international levels which support the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam, Repair the World. And it would be super fun of course! Tikkun olam implies that while the world is innately good, its Creator purposely left room for us to improve upon His work. See more ideas about earth day activities, earth day crafts, earth day. Feb 26, 2013 - Explore Anne Noble's board "Tikkun olam", followed by 339 people on Pinterest. $5.95. And what a perfect time of the year–when so many people are focused on the winter holidays and presents, it’s so important to think about the bigger picture and the health of our world. Not only did they learn about what tikkun olam means, they learned real life examples of how to do tikkun olam. The sheet includes several suggested classroom activities for further exploration into Tikkun Olam. The Social Action Committee organizes programs, projects and fundraisers to improve the lives of others in our synagogue, our local area, our nation, and throughout the world. At Tikkun-Olam, we monitor and documents human rights violations as well as promote fairer legal processes such as … For the purpose of this lesson, let’s think of tikkun olam as any act of improving the world. Tikkun olam, in the earliest texts, means establishing order and balance whether in Nature or Creation, as God does when balancing the forces of compassion and judgment, or in society, as the rabbis do when they amend the laws of the Torah. PRINT. This property will provide shelter for 26 families, with 24-7 ac-cess and private rooms. They enjoyed the drawing parts the most. Kehilat Nitzan strives to combine in its activities the three pillars upon which the world stands: Torah (study), avodah (ritual), and gemilut chasadim (acts of loving-kindness). Inspire your child to say, "I'm small, but I can make a big difference in the world!" What are other examples of fixing the world? By reaching out to people in need, we not only help to repair the world, but also strengthen our Jewish identity and provide an important example of our values for our children. Our programs benefit women’s shelters, the homebound and the hungry. Tikkun Olam day will be held on Sunday, June 3rd as my (Ellie G.) Bat Mitzvah project. Every year from Purim to Passover, NVHC Change (the Social Action Committee) holds the Tikkun Olam Campaign to raise funds for the organizations we support and for our social action activities. For Opportunities to Engage in Social Justice Actions click here. That’s the first step–believing in yourself and your ability to make change. 'repair of the world') is a concept in Judaism, interpreted by some within Orthodox Judaism as the prospect of overcoming all forms of idolatry, and by other Jewish thinkers as an aspiration to behave and act constructively and beneficially. Teaching a lesson on tikkun olam really helped the children to think about the world outside themselves. They had no doubt that children could do tikkun olam. These organizations, both interfaith and Jewish, assist those in need and advocate for humanitarian and Jewish causes. I would like to provide you with some information about two exciting events we are working on: Students examine tikkun olam. Read Solomon and the Trees together to learn more about the holiday of Tu Bishvat and the concept of tikkun olam. 2- At the top of our neighborhood sits Fire Station #4 - we have been fortunate enough to never need their services, but I assure you that I sleep better at night knowing how close they are. Therefore, the questions I used were all about that objective: As a teacher (and a mom!) Publication: January 1, 2013. They were also very thoughtful when thinking about ways they have helped repair the world and what different ways there are to do this repair. The mission of the Social Action Committee is to promote activities at the local, national and international levels which support the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam, Repair the World. 4, ed. It will work best if you have white cardstock paper since the game board will be more sturdy, but if all you have is regular printer paper, that will work too! Required fields are marked *. Excerpt from Beth Israel Torah Ceremony by Gail Chalew; Defining Tikkun Olam. Planting Kitchen Scraps in Mini Greenhouses for Tu B’Shevat, Chametz or Not? Explain the concept of tikkun olam (the Jewish tradition to heal the world). Tikkun Olam Bingo Game template; Cardstock (optional, you can use regular printer paper) Scissors Putting It Together. These two activities that follow can be used to determine ways in which the students understand the significance of Tu B’Shevat and ways that each can protect nature -Tikkun Olam. Publisher: Kar-Ben Publishing; Brdbk edition (January 1, 2013). Having already taught lessons this year on tzedakah and mitzvot, I thought the kids were ready to learn all about tikkun olam. Awesome! As with most of my crafts, it is simple and easy to set up, allows the children their creative take on it, and includes a meaningful message that connects the craft to the theme of the lesson. promoting the Tikkun Olam approach and raising awareness of individual responsibility for the future of the world and other nations. Tikkun Olam is a concept in Judaism that roughly translates… Tikkun Olam: In Jewish teachings, any activity that improves the world, bringing it closer to the harmonious state for which it was created. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God is the central theme in all our activities. I also love how this book talks about different tikkun olam or mitzvah opportunities, but also focuses on the importance of kindness and generosity in the home. This year it seems more important than ever. 12 pages. If you are a former or retired healthcare worker, Gov. Tikkun Olam and Spirituality Experiences 2010-11. Our members organize and lead a plethora of creative community activities — from Jewish culinary arts classes to tikkun olam projects to festival celebrations. The term Tikkun Olam means "repairing the world" and is a general phrase that refers to social justice and improving the community. The final tikkun olam activity for this lesson was a fun Tikkun Olam Bingo Game. Tikkun Olam Foundation runs three core, mutually reinforcing justice, equality and peace programmes of work: Human rights monitoring programme: monitors and documents human rights violations; refers cases of individuals at risk to advocacy and legal programmes. We had a great time reviewing Hanukkah concepts with our Hanukkah Bingo Game during our classroom Hanukkah party. It was a wonderful and inspiring way to start the lesson. Earth Day Create Your Own Luck Bingo - This resource includes 24 Earth Day related images and vocabulary words and a blank "MY BINGO CARD" template that students can use to create their own unique Earth Day themed bingo cards.DOWNLOAD. After this great introduction to the subject, we practiced saying tikkun olam in a repeat-after-me-fashion. The Broken Shards – A Tikkun Olam Story Based on Lurianic Kabbalah, this page for teachers tells the story of the scattered shards of light in kid-friendly language. I love using bingo games to review concepts. There are a wide range of possibilities of experiences available from which to choose. In addition, many OHALAH members are active participants in tikkun olam efforts in their communities including feeding the hungry and providing shelter for the homeless, engaging in interfaith and inter-religious study and sharing, and advocating for causes that offer promise for the alleviating of suffering and increasing of dignity in the human, animal, plant and mineral realms of creation. Freeman goes on to state that tikkun olam implies that while the world is innately good, “its Creator purposely left room for us to improve upon His work. applying the the UN SDGs. Unfinished business. Some critics within the Jewish world argue that the progressive approach to Tikkun Olam is assimilationist and that if it replaces Jewish observance and Torah study, then it is devoid of Judaism. The questions we used for the cards were: I played this Tikkun Olam Bingo Game with my own children at home and elicited the same thoughtful discussion about the many ways people can do tikkun olam and help this world. Conspicuously absent from many contemporary discussions of tikkun ha-olam are precisely those activities that are critical for the kabbalists: observance of Jewish law; observance of the commandments; cultivation of moral virtues such as humility, ascetic practices, earnest repentance and observance of the Jewish holy days. Tikkun Olam In May, Portland Homeless Family Solutions ~ ^PHFS _ completed its pur-chase of a property in the Lents neigh-borhood. Raising kind kids who want to make the world a better place has to be an … 1 - We left our mailman a yummy box of girl scout cookies and a note thanking him for bringing us our mail! After completing an activity, students turn in a slip of paper that records their experience. Events are listed on our calendar; you’ll find time and location as well as descriptions of upcoming events there. So tikkun olam, I learned, means to do something in the world that will repair or heal, but also to improve. Students share ideas and post their ideas on the class web. All human activities are opportunities to fulfill this mission” (2017). It is essential that children gain historical knowledge and understanding of this horrific event, and explore the complexity of human nature in order to stand up to anti-Semitism and all prejudice, racism and hate today and in the future. Holocaust Memorial Day 2021: Be the light in the darkness and tikkun olam: Teaching and learning about the Holocaust is an imperative part of education. But more importantly, each card gives the opportunity to discuss how it relates to tikkun olam. (see the enclosed form.) Prior to moving to Wolf Point, they had been living in Denver for 7 years, where Laura worked as a teacher with Denver Public Schools. Congregation Shir Ami Tikkun Olam Events/Activities and Mitzvah Projects Have Included: High Holy Day Food Drive – Shir Ami members donate food/canned goods and personal care items to local food banks. Tikkun olam embodies the spirit of philanthropy. Tikkun Olam; Activities & Clubs; Gift Shop; The Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut; Calendar. Tikkun Olam (healing the world), social action, and social justice are important values of the modern Reform movement and a priority at Temple Emanuel. Tikkun Olam is a concept in Judaism that roughly translates to "repair of the world." A bank of Tikun Olam activities that could be done from home, was created, so that students would have a choice of how they would like to contribute. As a National Board Certified teacher, curriculum developer and conference presenter with 18 years teaching experience in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade I love sharing my best practices with other educators. My other main point is to emphasize to the students that yes, every single one of them, all kids, have the power to do their part in saving the world. promote cultural Jewish activities and art. This lesson plan is part of a larger Go & Learn guide entitled “Hurricane Katrina: Community Responsibility and Tikkun Olam.. Tikkun olam means "repairing the world" in Hebrew. Core Activities. Empowerment + understanding + having fun while doing so always equals not only a successful lesson, but also a good time. To participate in these activities or to suggest another one of particular interest to you, please email This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. support democracy, media literacy, ecology threats. This Tikkun Olam Bingo game follows the same idea. For this lesson, I wanted to emphasize how every single one of my students have the power to make change in our world, to help fix this world, to do tikkun olam. In what ways do you teach your children or students about tikkun olam? We are at the vanguard of many social justice campaigns fought by the Jewish, humanistic, and social justice communities in the Washington, D.C. area. So tikkun olam, I learned, means to do something in … Music and video* by Edward Zeltser. To finish the project, trace the silhouette onto a second sheet of art paper, cut out the shape, and use it to 'frame'…. The main objective of this lesson on tikkun olam is to introduce the children to the concept of tikkun olam, that it is about repairing the world through social action. Posted on September 23, 2011 by CJC. If there’s extra time, I think this would be a perfect spot to learn a song about tikkun olam. Click on any of the Tikkun Olam @GJC on-going initiatives below for a description, ways to get involved, and contact information, or scroll down to view all initiative information: General Fair Trade Initiative Refugee Immigrant Justice Initiative Awareness Understanding and Confronting Racism Service Housing the Homeless: Interfaith Hospitality Network Homeless… And if you have more time to devote to the subject in one class period, additional crafts, activities, books and songs can easily be added as well. At Congregation Or Atid, we place great value on caring for each ot her and bettering the world around us. See more ideas about earth day activities, earth day crafts, earth day. Contributions to the Tikkun Olam campaign go to outside organizations, not to NVHC. Sensory Bin - With Love, Ima. Contributions to the Tikkun Olam campaign also go to support our volunteer activities, such as making meals for the shelters. Our work is to contribute to social justice efforts locally and beyond. Welcome to my blog! This lesson plan is part of a larger Go & Learn guide entitled “Hurricane Katrina: Community Responsibility and Tikkun Olam.. Part of the spirit of Congregation Bet Haverim is to contribute to improving our community and the world around us. Shalom Cascadia is a community/congregation supporting Tikkun Olam projects and inclusive spirituality throughout the Cascadian bioregion. Foundation Tikkun Olam organises conferences, courses and webinars to facilitate people in finding restoration in their live. What are some ways you’ve helped to repair the world? Tikkun Olam, once associated with a mystical approach to all mitzvot, now is most often used to refer to a specific category of mitzvot involving work for the improvement of society — a usage perhaps closer to the term’s classical rabbinic origins than to its longstanding mystical connotations. Our Congregation provides its members with many opportunities for social action. Tikkun Olam Bingo Game template; Cardstock (optional, you can use regular printer paper); Scissors Putting It Together. In keeping with the Jewish teachings of G'milut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness) and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), there are many opportunities for our members to get involved in community service and social action activities. Contact Karen Ashkenase, 487-3048.Blood Drive: Semi-annual blood drive coordinated through Men’s Club. Do, read, discuss activities split into three age levels: Preschool; Elementary; Middle school; PJ Library provides ideas for learners to enact positive change in their own communities, to learn through reading books related to Civil Rights and inclusion, and to discuss diversity and Tikkun Olam with their families.. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Legal programme: monitors legal developments and conducts legal research; conducts strategic litigation to pursue effective remedies … How does the example in the card help repair or fix the world. Current Tikkun Olam Activities. Helping those who are in need, no matter in what capacity, is crucial and "holy" work. I’m so glad we were able to do this lesson on tikkun olam in December, when everything is so busy and full of the holiday buzz. The reasons they chose certain ones for their personal tikkun olam actions were thoughtful and interesting. So, as promised - here is a glimpse at our Random(ish) Acts of Kindness! Tikkun Olam day will be held on Sunday, June 3rd as my (Ellie G.) Bat Mitzvah project. We will be holding 3 different activities that day, and you get to decide which one you want to do! My birthday was AWESOME - I promise you that this was the BEST birthday I have ever had! Click here to view Rabbi Starr’s Deep in Our Memories presentation for Congregation Shaarai Shomayim in Lancaster, PA.. A key component of Judaism is striving for social justice for all. Tikkun Olam Lesson Plan: Yes, Kids Can Save the World! Tikkun Olam, a Jewish take on social action, stems from the belief that we are here to join together in repairing the world.Our Tikkun Olam Committee operates within a Reconstuctionist framework and offers opportunities for social action, political and environmental activism as well as the giving of tzdekah, the obligation to help those with less. God created all things and as He did quality control after each creation or production day, he deemed the products to be good. But you can donate all year long! Here is a small sampling of ways we can engage with the community during this global health crisis. Please check our Conference page for an overview of all our conferences. This lesson can easily stand alone, as is, or can be broken into the smaller sections and spread out over multiple classes. Click here to view Shared Resources from CJC’s Racial Justice Committee. on Tikkun Olam Lesson Plan: Yes, Kids Can Save the World! Jacob Neusner et al. Through acts of tikkun olam (repairing the world), we help our world by contributing to the lives of adults and families in Medford and beyond. Collect paper towel tubes, empty food containers, and old magazines. What You’ll Need. We will be holding 3 different activities that day, and you get to decide which one you want to do!