A “qualified archaeologist" as an individual who can apply for a state archaeological permit for archaeological excavations and collection and is defined in ORS 390.235. Users of the data should refer to the metadata should they have any specific questions. Home / Historic Preservation Office / Online Tools. Jamie has lead many archaeological field schools on behalf of SHPO and Oregon State University throughout Oregon in such locations as French Prairie, Fort … How to READ maps. Info | Search Database View Statewide Map Report Menu. You will get an email when your account has been reactivated. Details. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) archaeologists provide education on cultural heritage issues,
This interactive database is intended to serve as an education and reference tool for preservation professionals and the general public, whether registered or non-registered users. With a population of 811,880 in an area of 466 mi², Multnomah is the most densely populated county in Oregon. This is a one-time applications process. This web site describes geographic information systems (GIS) and geographic information science (GIScience) facilities, research, faculty and education at Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, Oregon. These data sets are updated as needed. The Historic and Architectural Resources Geographic Information System (HARGIS) is the public portal to Illinois’ historic buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts. Please SHPO manages the Special Assessment program, The State historic preservation office (SHPO) is a state governmental function created by the United States federal government in 1966 under Section 101 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). fill out a new application and submit it. If you found an error and would like to This data layer is an element of the Oregon GIS Framework. If you think you found an artifact, please consider the following: Oregon Archaeological Records Remote Access (OARRA). A geographic information system (GIS) lets us visualize, question, analyze, and interpret data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends. , We provide a variety of programs for all people who are interested in preserving the places that help to tell the many stories of Nebraska's history. What if I need to amend a permit?Any permit can be amended one time by the original applicant. There is a growing interest in and awareness of the economic and strategic value of GIS. Start at a large scale (e.g., the county, nearest town, if associated with a river or topographic feature be sure to include the name), and then get as narrow as possible (address, driving/hiking directions, elevation, river mile, GPS point). - GIS & Data Access Please be advised: While the Office of State Lands remains functioning and ready to serve you, in order to maintain the health and safety of our employees, we are limiting in-person office visits until further notice. The Legislative Commission on Indian Services is the primary resource for tribal consultation in Oregon. Oregon SHPO Archaeological Services SHPO houses a statewide GIS database of known archaeological sites in Oregon (30,000+). Access Archaeology Bibliographic Database. A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared (Source: ESRI). The Bureau of Land Management Oregon data library allows users to access geospatial data sets as either a downloadable ESRI file geodatabase, or through Web Services. ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Be sure to submit them before sending the report to SHPO. Who can get OARRA access? For further information on availability of data, visit About the Inventory. Identifying artifacts is not always simple, and in many cases may actually relate to natural non- human processes. You are able to search by location, author, year published, keywords, or title. 12-0429, Draft Cultural Resource Inventory Report Dear Ms. Theisen: EM Strategies, Inc. (EM Strategies) is pleased to present the draft report entitled A Cultural Resource Inventory of 830 Acres for the Grassy Mountain Mine Project, Malheur County, Oregon, Projects include construction, rehabilitation, demolition, licenses, permits, loan guarantees, transfer of federal property, etc. A City and Street Name search is the most common way to find properties. Selection Screen. Apr. Benefits of learning online with Oregon State University. Alaska Heritage Resources Survey. These documents can then be viewed through OARRA (, Oregon Heritage Services and Programs Update, Aug. 20, 2020, Project Review Forms, Guidance, and Resources, Disaster Preparedness, Recovery & Resilience, Archaeology Bulletin 2: Archaeological Permits, Oregon SHPO On-Line Site Form User Manual. The survey drew upon Oregon’s State Historic Preservation Office’s guidelines for a reconnaissance level survey and imported those questions into ESRI’s Survey123 digital software. Web Soil Survey – provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. ... Missouri State Parks / State Historic Preservation Office. The ICs maintain information on cultural resources within their respective geographic areas. This will Building numbers and street names may have changed over time. Between November 2010 and January 2011, Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), and MIRATEK provided a geographic information system (GIS) technician that supported the ongoing data review and cleanup of spatial data in the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). This Web page provides quick data downloads of commonly requested GIS data sets. Learn. The Oregon Department of Forestry Geographic Information Systems (GIS) assist in the stewardship of Oregon's forests. and the respectful treatment of cultural resources. State Historic Preservation Office . If there is not enough room in the location or site sections here are some bonus pages to allow you to complete the form. This publication has been funded with the assistance of a matching grant-in-aid from the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office and the Historic Preservation Fund, National Park Service, Department of the Interior. The Jordan Cove Project will build a safe, clean, reliable natural gas pipeline and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Coos County, Oregon. Oregon shpo gis keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on … Any in-person office visits must be by appointment only. Jefferson City,MO. The Oregon SHPO hosts and The Oregon Fish Passage Barrier Data Stan. Please see Amendment Procedures for information. If the report is only a literature review it does not need cover pages. The site allows users to query and view maps of SHPO inventory data, create maps and export tabular data. Reviews state and federal projects for potential effects on proposed projects (>3,000 annually). Improvements are ongoing on to the historic database and its accessibility to the public, with the new addition of a GIS interactive program. A permit is also needed to probe for an archaeological site on non-federal public lands. Chris Dunlop (Coordinator) GIS Department - City Hall 625 Center Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Hours: M-F 8AM to 5PM (503) 496-1566 cdunlop@orcity.org Map and Image Interpretation (4). A lock ( Digital compliance and informational requests may be sent to NM.SHPO@state.nm.us and all messages left at 505-827-6320 will be returned as soon as possible. Shane McCreary, WYCRO Manager. Resource ID Name Address City County Eligibility Nat. April 9, 2021 CPRC Meeting Virtual Meeting The application requires thorough documentation of experience and supporting materials. resolve potential conflicts involving development, scientific research,
If you have been approved in the past you do not have to reapply. GIS based web portal with information on documented archaeological Multnomah County, located in northwestern Oregon, is home to Portland, the county seat and Oregon's largest city. GIS Soils and Natural Resource Spatial Data Sources. Please take your time when filling it out, read all of the directions, and only provide the requested information. All classes are developed by OSU's renowned faculty, who are known worldwide for their research, expertise and innovation in natural resources and science fields. See the OARRA User Guide to assist you in navigating OARRA. SHPO Online Tools. 10/25/19. This site provides information about the East Baton Rouge Parish GIS Program. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 5: Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces requires local governments to follow specific procedures whenapproving the … 2013 - 2016. Upcoming Events. automatically alert SHPO staff without having to hunt us. Be sure to include the form number on the cover pages. This category includes themes such as vegetation treatments, forestry, botany, and weeds. These reports were shelved and graphically displayed on a menagerie of maps, which themselves were collected over the years. No warranty is made by the BLM for use of the data for purposes not intended by the BLM. Greater Sage-grouse Record of Decision 2015. This category includes themes such as campgrounds and trailheads. Related Documents: Ground Transportation (GTRN) Data Dictionary. Projects include construction, rehabilitation, demolition, licenses, permits, loan guarantees, transfer of federal property, etc. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) manages the National Register of Historic Places program of the National Park Service in South Dakota. A GIS based web portal with information on documented archaeological resources and archaeological survey reports. They consist of: There are also several tribes, which are not federally recognized, in Oregon and federally recognized tribes from other states with interest in Oregon. Oregon Historic Sites Database. SC ArchSite is the online Geographic Information System (GIS) that combines archaeological site file information maintained by the SC Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) and above-ground historic and architectural properties information maintained by the SC Department of Archives and History (SCDAH). Oregon GIS maps, or Geographic Information System Maps, are cartographic tools that display spatial and geographic information for land and property in Oregon. Do not move or collect the artifact. Offered every fall and spring by the Geosciences Department, both face-to-face and via distance education as part of OSU Extended Campus. *Note: Shapefiles listed below use geographic coordinate system WGS 84 - EPSG:4326. Idaho SHPO educates the public about the importance of Idahos cultural heritage. you only had 1 year of access to OARRA your account may have expired. TOPIC TAG(S): Forest Management, Rivers, Streams, and Lakes, Habitats, Wildfire Risk, Vegetation, Water Quantity and Quality. SEARCH TIPS. First, there are links to University of Oregon Social Science Instructional Labs (SSIL) web pages containing or with further links to GIS data on external sources. Provide a location of the artifact. We recommend contacting our office if the proposed reporting method falls outside of this guidance. University of Oregon. Go Digital submittals are sent to ORSHPO.Clearance@oregon.gov with the appropriate attachments. The program surveys, inventories, and registers historical properties. This is the dqata we need to add to our state GIS system in linking the report's results. The Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) is a data repository with information on over 45,000 reported cultural resources (archaeological sites, buildings, structures, objects or locations, etc. Oregon State is a member of The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science. Our office has expertise in architecture, archeology, and history. Oregon's enterprise zones offer a unique resource to Oregon communities, and an excellent opportunit. While it is compelling to pick up or collect an artifact, it is best to leave them where they are found. report it to make OARRA better please log in and click on the “Feedback” button This is separate from Secretary of Interior (SOI) standards and many individuals who meet SOI standards do not meet Oregon “Qualified Archaeologist" statute requirements. Only include newly submitted sites and isolates on the cover page. This category includes Streams, Lakes, Riparian themes. explain current state cultural resource laws and regulations and help
This category includes themes which fall under BLM's National Conservation Lands and includes spatial data for National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and much more. If you are applying for a permit before our next review please include your application and relevant materials with your permit application and staff will review both concurrently. Log in to access the Archaeological Sites Database. A permit is not required for pedestrian survey if no materials will be collected. To assist with the review please be sure the application is filled out completely (see hover boxes on fields to be filled out) and that all requested additional items are attached to your email (e.g., CV, Transcripts, etc.). GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts. Without moving the artifact, take a photograph of it with a scale for reference (e.g., coin, pen/pencil, or ruler). in the top right corner. Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Oregon Archaeology. Those should be documented in an ethnographic report or a National Parks Service 10-900 form. The law is asking for justification that a person already has the education and experience to satisfy terms and conditions of a state issued permit. Submittal Processes for the Oregon SHPO: The Oregon SHPO is able to electronically receive project documentation using Go Digital. Information is organized by resources and reports, in a combination of digital (GIS spatial data, database records, and pdfs) and hard-copy formats. Register Status Geographic Information System (GIS) Files ... Oregon's SHPO, established within the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department in 1967, manages and administers programs for the protection of the 5. state's significant historic and prehistoric resources (Oregon Any opinion, ... and provide GIS shapefiles at the close of the project. 2). Download Free Oregon ArcGIS Shapefile Map Layers--Free ArcGIS Shapefiles--World ArcGIS Shapefiles--United States ArcGIS ShapefilesArcGIS ( Arc - GIS ) shapefiles are the industry standard and work with most all GIS programs including ESRI ArcView, ArcExplorer, ArcGIS, and Maptitude, Mapinfo, Manifold, Mapwindow, Mapguide and many others. If you are having any other issues, please Certificate Geographic Information Science and Cartography (GIS) 4.0 GPA. Characteristics and historical evolution of to… This page provides links to free Geographic Information Systems (GIS) common data types. These data sets are updated as needed. Please fill out the following application and send it to arch.qualifications@oregon.gov. Info | Search Database View Statewide Map Report Menu. WV SHPO Map Viewer: CONSULTANTS: Please be advised that the WV SHPO no longer requires a records search for Archaeological resources.In addition, our office does not require consultants to append the User Research Records Form to technical reports … If you are submitting a site or isolate form that is not or will not be associated with an archaeological report contact SHPO staff, be sure to have the form number available. Official websites use .gov Map layer Description Source Data period Update date Map data* Associated maps; Biodiesel Plants: Biodiesel plants in the United States. Site, Inventory, and GIS files will not be given out until this has been received. Be sure the photograph is at a scale where the artifact fills much of the frame. Disclaimer All information contained in the WV SHPO Interactive Map Viewer represents only the information that has been formally recorded. NOTE REGARING TEMPORARY CHANGE IN REVIEW PROCESS DUE TO LIMITED STAFFING (8/17/2020): Due to limited staffing Qualified Archaeologist review staff will be reviewing applications quarterly in March, June, September, December (the last week of the month). resources and archaeological survey reports. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) encourages the preservation, documentation, and use of cultural resources. GEO 301. https://maps.prd.state.or.us/shpo/archaeoview.html, The Legislative Commission on Indian Services, Legislative Commission on Indian Services. New York,NY. Established in 1854, the county was created from two other Oregon counties: Washington and Clackamas. Download individual datasets, listed by category below. Some buildings may have more than one address (e.g. Be sure to attach all necessary documentation to your email. Learn how, This resource allows you to search all of the reports that are in the SHPO Archaeological Library. Please do not use the site and isolate forms to document Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) or Historic Properties of Religious and Cultural Significance to an Indian Tribe (HPRCSIT). Oregon Historic Sites Database. Download. Explore. Contact SHPO, or click here for ePass instructions. Reading, analysis, and interpretation of maps and images. *Tip: For map layer attribute data in a tabular format you can open the .dbf file (part of the shapefile) in MS Excel. Full-screen view recommended. You must complete the check out while still online. An official website of the United States government. OARRA is available only to professional archaeologists and researchers who meet one of the following criteria. This category includes data from the Resource Management Plans of Western Oregon. This project was partially supported by funds from the USEPA–Office of Research and Development's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program through contract 68-C6-005 to Dynamac Corporation. 9/16/19. Mellon served once again as SHPO from 2002-2004, expertly shepherding the work and mission of California preservation. The same is true if you live in Oregon and work in Washington – you will pay oregon taxes on the income you earned in Washington.TravelPerks – Travel agency in Springfield, OR specializing in providing the best travel deals and bonuses available from your favorite cruise, resort, and tour suppliers.. bonus savings on Complete Travel Packages.. an oregon corporation. This category includes themes such as PLSS and Rights-of-Way. The primary authority for the coastal management program is the Oregon Land Use Planning Act and the 19 statewide planning goals. OREGON GIS AND DATA MANAGEMENT The Bureau of Land Management Oregon data library allows users to access geospatial data sets as either a downloadable ESRI file geodatabase, or through Web Services. Shell Middens are archaeological sites typically found in riverine and coastal areas in Oregon. The Oregon coastal zone includes the state’s coastal watersheds and extends inland to the crest of the coast range, with a few minor exceptions. In Oregon, there are laws that protect archaeological sites, so it is important not to disturb them. Applications are reviewed infrequently based upon reviewer availability and it can take time to receive a response. Re: Grassy Mountain Mine Project, Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Case No. Click here to visit the full interactive map. Idahos historic, archaeological, and cultural resources represent the physical and tangible manifestations of our history; they reflect who we were, where we came from, where we are now, and help shape our outlook for t… The New York State Division for Historic Preservation offers a set of interconnected online tools for searching and submitting historic resource data. This dedicated email account is monitored by support staff and ensures your project receives a SHPO case Some areas in western Oregon are still impacted by long term fire closures. This category includes themes having to do with fire and aviation such as fire perimeters. Oregon SHPO regularly receives emails and phone calls from citizens who believe they have found an archaeological object (artifact). We encourage you to visit each Tribes' website for additional information and resources. Need to update your account or has your account expired? Oregon has nine federally recognized tribes. Once the application has been submitted it goes through a rigorous review process including SHPO staff and outside professionals as needed. Occurrence of Archaeological Sites ... SHPO houses a statewide GIS database of known archaeological sites in Oregon (30,000+). Building numbers and street names may have changed over time. Send the image and location information to, If you think you have found an artifact on your property, or believe you have an archaeological site, please refer to, Are a current member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, Work for an Agency, Tribe, contractor with a bachelor's degree in archaeology and four years work experience, Graduate student working under a faculty member that meets one of the above criteria, Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Knowing the most appropriate tribes to contact for any part of Oregon. The Oregon SHPO hosts and administers the Oregon Archaeological Records Remote Access (OARRA). GIS benefits organizations of all sizes and in almost every industry. This category includes themes having to do with planning and land management data including land use planning boundaries and office or area specific planning activities. LockA locked padlock Select. Complete an Amendment Form and submit it to SHPO. The latest information is available here. Geospatial Publication CoordinatorJeanne Debenedetti Keyes503-808-65111220 SW 3rd AvenuePortland, OR 97204, Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, Ground Transportation (GTRN) Data Dictionary, BLM OR County Boundaries Polygon (cob_poly) (, BLM OR Oregon Washington State Boundary Polygon (state_poly) (, BLM OR District Boundary Land Polygon (dob_land_poly) (, BLM OR District Boundary Polygon (dob_poly) (, BLM OR Resource Area Boundary Polygon (rab_poly) (, BLM OR Resource Area Land Boundaries Polygon (rab_land_poly) (, BLM OR State Office Boundaries Polygon (sob_poly) (, BLM OR Cadastral Meandered Water Polygon (MeanderedWater) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS First Division Polygon (PLSSFirstDivision) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Intersected Polygon (PLSSIntersected) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Metadata Glance Polygon (MetadataGlance) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Second Division Polygon (PLSSSecondDivision) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Special Survey Polygon (PLSSSpecialSurvey) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Standardized Data PLSS Point (PLSSPoint) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Township Polygon (PLSSTownship) (, BLM OR Easements and Rights of Way Line (esmtrow_pub_arc) (, BLM OR Easements and Rights of Way Polygon (esmtrow_pub_poly) (, BLM OR Designated Right of Way Publication Polygon (ROW_DSG_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Fire History 1850 Polygon (fire1850_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History 1890 Polygon (fire1890_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History 1920 Polygon (fire1920_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History 1940 Polygon (fire1940_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History Polygon (fire_poly) (, BLM OR Fire Water Sources Point (fwtr_src_point) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Boundaries Polygon (ap_boundaries_poly) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Centers Point (ap_centers_point) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Flightlines Line (ap_flightlines_arc) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Tiles Polygon (ap_tiles_poly) (, BLM OR Public LiDAR Polygon (lidar_project_avail_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:100,000 Polygon (quads100_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:12,000 Polygon (quads12_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:24,000 (7.5-Minute) Polygon (quads24_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:250,000 Polygon (quads250_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:62,500 (15-Minute) Polygon (quads15m_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:63,360 (30-Minute) Polygon (quads30m_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 60 (1-Degree) Polygon (quads60_poly) (, BLM OR Hydrography Publication Area Polygon (hyd_pub_area) (, BLM OR Hydrography Publication Flowline Arc (hyd_pub_flowline) (, BLM OR Hydrography Publication Flowline Fish Arc (hyd_pub_flowline_fish) (, BLM OR Hydrography Publication Point (hyd_pub_point) (, BLM OR Hydrography Publication Waterbody Polygon (hyd_pub_waterbody) (, BLM OR Hydrography 00000000 Sub-basin Flowline Arc (HYD_PUB_00000000_FLOWLINE), BLM OR Hydrography 00000000 Sub-basin Point (HYD_PUB_00000000_POINT), BLM OR Hydrography 00000000 Sub-basin Polygon (HYD_PUB_00000000_AREA), BLM OR Hydrography 00000000 Waterbody Sub-basin Polygon (HYD_PUB_00000000_WATERBODY), BLM OR Stream Location Sample Point (STRM_LOC_PT) (, BLM OR Water Quality and Quantity Cross Section Sample Publication Point (CROSS_SECT_SAMPLE_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Water Quality and Quantity Stream Discharge Sample Publication Point (DISCHARGE_SAMPLE_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Water Quality and Quantity Stream Grab Sample Sample Publication Point (GRAB_SMPL_SAMPLE_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Water Quality and Quantity Stream Shade Sample Publication Point (SHADE_SAMPLE_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Water Quality and Quantity Stream Temperature Sample Publication Point (TEMP_SAMPLE_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Legal Description Line (STATUS_ARC) (, BLM OR Management Ownership Dissolve Polygon (ownership_poly_dissolve) (, BLM OR Management Ownership Polygon (Ownership_poly) (, BLM OR Subsurface Rights Polygon (SubsurfaceRights_poly) (, BLM OR Land Tenure Zones Polygon (LTZ_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Leases and Claims Polygon (LSE_CLM_pub_POLY) (, BLM OR Mineral Activities Publication Polygon (MIN_ACTY_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Mineral Stipulations Polygon (MINSTIP_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Other National 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BLM OR CVS Non-Tally Subplot Reference Data Table (CVS_NTSPREFS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Administration Table (CVS_PSUADMIN_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Center Point (CVS_SMP_PSUPLT_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Data Table (CVS_PSUDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit History Table (CVS_PSUHISTORY_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Subplot Centers Point (CVS_SMP_PSUSUBPLT_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Resource Downed Wood Pieces Point (CVS_RES_DW_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Resource Hard Wood Clumps Point (CVS_RES_HWCL_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Resource Non-Tally Site Tree Point (CVS_RES_NT_ST_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Stumps Data Table (CVS_STUMPS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Subplot Data Table (CVS_SUBPLOTDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Survey Condition Class Polygon (CVS_SRV_CC_POLY) (, BLM OR CVS Survey Subplots Polygon (CVS_SRV_SUBPLT_POLY) (, BLM OR CVS Tree Data Table (CVS_TREEDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Trees Point (CVS_RES_TREE_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Understory Vegetation Data Table (CVS_UNDERVEGDATA_TBL) (, CVS Sample Panel Point (CVS_SMP_PANEL_PT) (, BLM OR Co-Op and Consolidated Forest Breeding Units Polygon (FBU_COOPCONSOL_POLY) (, BLM OR Douglas Fir Breeding Units Polygon (FBU_DFIR_POLY) (, BLM OR FOI Down Log Decay Table (MS_DL_DECAY_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Downed Logs Publication Table (MS_DOWNLOG_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Layers Publication Table (MS_LAYERS_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Layers Species Percent Publication Table (MS_LYR_SPP_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Snag Decay Table (MS_SG_DECAY_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Snag Publication Table (MS_SNAG_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Stand Publication Table (MS_STAND_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Stand Species Percent Publication Table (MS_STD_SPP_PUB) (, BLM OR Forest Operations Inventory Vegetation Publication Polygon (FOIVEG_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Monitoring & Sample Point (SAMPLE_PT) (, Site Potential Tree Height Line (SPTH_ARC) (, Site Potential Tree Height Polygon (SPTH_POLY) (, BLM OR Timber Production Capability Class Polygon (TPC_POLY) (, BLM OR Biological Treatments Polygon (bio_poly) (, BLM OR Chemical Treatments Polygon (chem_poly) (, BLM OR Exclosure Protection Treatments Polygon (prot_poly) (, BLM OR Harvest Treatments Polygon (harv_poly) (, BLM OR Mechanical Treatments Polygon (mech_poly) (, BLM OR Prescribed Fire Treatments Polygon (burn_poly) (, BLM OR Revegetation Treatments Polygon (reveg_poly) (, BLM OR Anadromous Fish Arc (FISH_ANADROMOUS_ARC) (, BLM OR Anadromous Fish Polygon (FISH_ANADROMOUS_POLY) (, BLM OR Fish Resident Line (FISH_RESIDENT_ARC) (, BLM OR Fish Resident Poly (FISH_RESIDENT_POLY) (, BLM OR Non-Native Fish Line (FISH_NON_NATIVE_ARC) (, BLM OR Non-Native Fish Polygon (FISH_NON_NATIVE_POLY) (, BLM OR Fish Passage Barrier Publication Point (FPB_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Greater Sage-grouse PHMA/GHMA Polygon (sg_phmaghma_poly) (, BLM OR Marbled Murrelet Zone Polygon (mmz_poly) (, BLM OR Known Spotted Owl Activity Centers Oregon Polygon (koac_poly) (, BLM OR Northern Spotted Owl Site Summary Publication Point (nso_sitesum_public_point) (, BLM OR Northern Spotted Owl Sites Publication Point (nso_site_public_point) (, BLM OR GSGROD Greater Sage-grouse Priority Habitat Management Area General Habitat Management Area clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (wld_ROD_PHMAGHMA_BLMOwn_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Right of Way Designations Wind and Solar Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_ROWDSG_windSolar_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Grazing Allotments clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (rng_ROD_GraAllotment_BLMOwn_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Greater Sage-grouse Priority Habitat Management Area General Habitat Management Area Polygon R6 Albers (wld_ROD_PHMAGHMA_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Key Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) R6 Albers (sma_ROD_KeyACECs_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Key Research Natural Areas (RNA) Polygon R6 Albers (sma_ROD_KeyRNA_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Mineral Stipulations Polygon R6 Albers (min_ROD_Mineral Stipulations_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Non Energy Leaseables Polygon R6 Albers (min_ROD_nonEnergyLSE_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Off-Highway Vehicle Designations Polygon R6 Albers (sma_ROD_OHV_r6alb_20150706) (, BLM OR GSGROD Planning Area Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_PlanningArea_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Planning Area clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_BLMOwn_PlanArea_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Right of Way Designations Major Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_ROWDSG_major_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Right of Way Designations Minor Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_ROWDSG_minor_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFA) Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_SFA_Final_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFA) clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_SFA_BLMOwn_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Land Tenure Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_LandTenure_r6alb) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Areas Closed to Salable Mineral Entry Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_SALABLE_CLOSED_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_ACEC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Designated Wild & Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_Designated_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_NCO_Designated_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Land Tenure Zones Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LTZ_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Land Use Allocations Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LUA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Land Use Planning Boundary Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LUP_Boundary_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Lands Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LWC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Public Motorized Access Designations Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_MOTORIZED_ACCESS_DESIGNATION_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Recreation Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_RMA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Right of Way Avoidance and Exclusion Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_ROW_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Riparian Reserves Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_Riparian_Reserves_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Suitable Wild and Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_Suitable_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Suitable Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_NCO_Suitable_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Visual Resource Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_VRM_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Areas Closed to Salable Mineral Entry Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_SALABLE_CLOSED_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_ACEC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Designated Wild & Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Designated_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_SWO_Designated_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Grazing Allotments Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Grazing_Allotments_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Land Use Allocations Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LUA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Land Use Planning Boundary Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LUP_Boundary_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Lands Managed for Their Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LWC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Public Motorized Access Designations Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_MOTORIZED_ACCESS_DESIGNATION_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Recreation Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_RMA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Right of Way Avoidance and Exclusion Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_ROW_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Riparian Reserves Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Riparian_Reserves_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Suitable Wild and Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Suitable_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Suitable Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_SWO_Suitable_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Visual Resource Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_VRM_poly) (, BLM OR ROW ROD SWO Land Tenure Zones Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LTZ_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Suitable Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Suitable_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_ACEC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV BLM District Harvest Model Metrics Polygon (PSDV_ecn_MMBFbyDOB_c_v1_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Designated Wild & Scenic River Corridors Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Designated_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers Line (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Designated_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Eastside Management Area Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_EMA_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Forest Site Moisture Condition Class Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_FSMCC_30m_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Grazing Allotments Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Grazing_Allotments_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Harvest Land Base Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_HLB_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Land Use Planning Boundaries Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUP_Boundaries_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Lands Managed for Their Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LWC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Ownership Raster (PSDV_pol_ownership_c_v1_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Population Change by County Polygon (PSDV_ecn_PopByCounty_c_v1_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Recreation Management Areas Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_RMA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Reserves and National Conservation Lands Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_Reserves_NLCS_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Suitable Wild and Scenic River Corridors Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Suitable_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Visual Resource Management Areas Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_VRM_poly) (, BLM OR RWO Harvest Metrics By District Boundaries Polygon (RMPWO_MMBF_By_DOB) (, BLM OR RWO Ownership 10 Meter Raster (RMPWO_Ownership_10m_rst) (, BLM OR RWO Population Change By COB Polygon (RMPWO_Population_By_COB) (, BLM OR RWO ROD PSDV Riparian Reserves Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Riparian_Reserves_rst) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP BLM Ownership Draft Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_Ownership_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP BLM Shoreline 50 Meter Buffer Draft Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_Shoreline_50M_buffer_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP ERMA Intersected with Veg Alternative B Poly (SJIRMP_ERMA_Veg_Intersect_ALTB_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP ERMA Intersected with Veg Alternative C Poly (SJIRMP_ERMA_Veg_Intersect_ALTC_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP ERMA Intersected with Veg Alternative D Polygon (SJIRMP_ERMA_Veg_Intersect_ALTD_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Extensive Recreation Management Area Alternative B Polygon (SJIRMP_ERMA_AltB_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Extensive Recreation Management Area Alternative C Poly (SJIRMP_ERMA_AltC_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Extensive Recreation Management Area Alternative D Polygon (SJIRMP_ERMA_AltD_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP GeoBOB Publication Flora Sites Polygon (SJIRMP_Flora_Sites_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP NOAA Shoreline Buffered 200 feet Poly (SJIRMP_Shoreline_200ftBuffer_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Ownership Polygon (SJIRMP_Ownership_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Succession Clipped to Vegetation DRAFT Line (SJIRMP_Succession_Clipped_to_VEG_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Managemen Plan Alternative D Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltD_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Management Plan Alternative A Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltA_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Management Plan Current Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_Current_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Management Plan Alternative C Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltC_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative A (SJIRMP_VRM_altA_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative B (SJIRMP_VRM_altB_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative C (SJIRMP_VRM_altC_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative D (SJIRMP_VRM_altD_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Wilderness Characteristics Poly DRAFT (SJIRMP_WLD_Characteristics_Poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMPTravel and Transportation Management Plan Alternative B Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltB_line) (, BLM WA SJIRMP Dispersed Camping No Action Alternative Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_Dispersed_Camping_NoAction_poly) (, BLM WA SJIRMP Maritime Heritage Management Areas Polygon (SJINM_Martime_Heritage_Management_Areas_poly) (, BLM WA SJIRMP Ocean Areas 20 meters Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_OceanAreas_To_depth20m_poly) (, BLM OR Management Ownership Polygon (Admin_own_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Administrative Oregon Counties Polygon (Admin_Oregon_Counties_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Administrative Ownership Boundaries Polygon (Admin_Ownership_Counties_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP BLM Lands Polygon (Admin_BLMLands_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Oregon State Boundary Polygon (Admin_Oregon_State_Boundary) (, BLM OR SEORMP Ownership Dissolved and Clipped to RAB Polygon (Admin_own_BLM_diss_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Resource Area Boundary Land Polygon (Admin_RAB_LAND_POLY) (, BLM OR Resource Area Land Boundaries Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_MIN_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternative OHV BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_OHV_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternative ROW BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_ROW_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternative VRM BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_VRM_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternatives All Salable Minerals Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_All_SAL_MIN) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternatives LTZ BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_LTZ_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternatives Leaseable Minerals Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_All_LSE_MIN) (, BLM OR SEORMP Alternatives Final 20180125 Polygon (Alternatives_Final_2018_01_25) (, BLM OR SEORMP Current Vegetation Classes Raster (veg_FEIS_na_CurrentVegClasses_UTM_NAD83_Zone11_maskRAB_MaskBLM) (, BLM OR SEORMP Flora Observations Clipped Resource Area Boundary Point (bot_floraobs_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Flora Sites Clipped Resource Area Boundary Polygon (bot_florasites_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Juniper Raster (Juniper_data_SO_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Cartographic Feature Rivers Arc (cartfeat_rivers) (, BLM OR SEORMP Cartographic Feature Streams Arc (cartfeat_streams) (, BLM OR SEORMP Cultural Oregon Trail Arc (cult_intact_or_trail) (, BLM OR SEORMP Oregon Historic Trail Clipped Arc Resource Area Boundary (cult_oregon_historic_trail_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Existing Utility Corridors Southeast Oregon Polygon (Energy_UtilityCorridors_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Sage Grouse PAC Polygon (fiat_2013_COT_SG_Populations_PACS_WAFWA_clipRAB_1) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire Frequency 1980 - 2017 Clipped RAB Polygon (Fire_fire_freq_1980_2017_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire Frequency 1980 - 2017 Clipped RAB Polygon (fiat_2013_COT_SG_Populations_PACS_WAFWA_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire History Clipped RAB Polygon (Fire_Fire_History_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire Modle Raster (FM_fire_model_extend_reclass1) (, BLM OR SEORMP Bull Trout Critical Habitat Polygon (fhs_bull_trout_crit_hab) (, BLM OR SEORMP Forest Clipped RAB Polygon (For_Forest_Polygon_SEORMP_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Authorized Material Sites Clipped RAB Polygon (geo_AuthorizedMaterialSites_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Geothermal KGRA Revision Clipped RAB Polygon (geo_kgra_rev_clipRAB_1) (, BLM OR SEORMP Split Mineral and Surface Estate from GVAL Clipped RAB Polygon (geo_splitestate_from_GVAL_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Streams Clipped to RAB Arc (hydro_streams_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Waterbodies Clipped to RAB Polygon (hydro_hyd_pub_waterbody_Entire_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Oil and Gas Potential Polygon (minpot_Oil_Gas_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Leasable Minerals Polygon (Min_LSE_Min_Estate) (, BLM OR SEORMP Locatable Mineral Polygon (Min_Loc_Min_Estate) (, BLM OR SEORMP Locatable Minerals Polygon (Min_LOC_intrsct_Estate_2018_07_02) (, BLM OR SEORMP Minerals Final Polygon (Min_Minerals_Final) (, BLM OR SEORMP Minerals Polygon (Min_Minerals_BLMLands_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Minerals Split Estate Polygon (Min_Split_Estate_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Salable Minerals Polygon (Min_SAL_Min_Estate) (, BLM OR SEORMP Areas Not Available For Grazing Polygon (Owyhee_River_Corridor_Not_Available_Grazing) (, BLM OR SEORMP Grazing Allotments Polygon (rng_gra_allotment_poly_clipRAB2) (, BLM OR SEORMP Grazing Allotments Polygon (rng_gra_poly_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Owyhee Pasture Elimination Polygon (Alloc_Name_Alloc_Type_Closures_By_Pasture_2018_11_07) (, BLM OR SEORMP Pastures and Areas Not Available For Grazing Polygon (Pastures_Not_Available_Grazing) (, BLM OR SEORMP Range Fence Line (rng_fence_clipRAB_2018_06_25) (, BLM OR SEORMP Range Structures Point (rng_strct_pt_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Structures Line (rng_STRCT_ARC_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP OHV Designations Polygon (Rec_OHV_SOL_BLMLands_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP ACEC Polygon (sma_ACEC_poly_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Designated Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (sma_Wild_and_Scenic_Rivers_Designated) (, BLM OR SEORMP Geographic Management Areas Polygon (sma_gma_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Herd Areas Polygon (sma_whb_herdareas_No_HMAs_only_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP Herd Management Areas Polygon (sma_whb_hma_poly) (, BLM OR SEORMP SMA NLCS Polygon (sma_NLCS_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Special Management Areas NLCS Plus Polygon (sma_NLCS_Plus) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wild and Scenic Rivers Corridor Polygon (sma_Wild_and_Scenic_River_corridor_SEORMP_suitable) (, BLM OR SEORMP Highways Line (trans_HIGHWAYS_ARC_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Roads Line (trans_GTRN_PUB_ROADS_ARC_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Trails Line (trans_GTRN_PUB_TRAILS_ARC_clipRAB) (, BLM OR Invasive Species and Pastures Polygon (weed_Pastures_cat5cat6_blmowner_WeedsEA_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Treatment Components Polygon (weed_TreatcomponentLoc_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP VAT Category 5 6 Raster (Category_5_6) (, BLM OR SEORMP Weed Infestation Polygon (Weed_WeedInfestationLocation_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (wc_WILD_CHAR_POLY_2018_02_09) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wilderness Study Area Polygon (wc_wsa_poly_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Big Horn Sheep Polygon (wld_071211_OR_BHSheep_Occupied_Habitat_UTM12_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Pronghorn Sheep (wld_pronghorn_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Sage Grouse Habitat Polygon (wld_FEIS_prpFinal_PHMAGHMA_SGRMPA_r6alb_2017_09_25_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wildlife Disturbance Roads Polygon (wld_Disturbance_Cap_Roads_110815_ClipRAB) (.