why guns should be banned essay

• Why gun violence should be banned – For one talk about the risk having an unlicensed gun as the leading reason for the rise of violence issues in your gun violence essay. In 98% of civilian gun defenses, no shot is fired. The Center also conducts surveys to find out from the public what people think about gun laws and policies There is like all arguments, a reason why guns should not be banned. A majority of these handguns are used for home defense and recreation. All guns should be banned. Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use. 3.) There are reasons which have to be accounted for such as the quote “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. I know banning guns will not stop all violence as some people will go to huge lengths to still get that one weapon, but I can assure you it will have a dramatic decrease in the deaths and violence in any country around the world. 2.) Guns are unnecessary. Civilians should leave crime prevention to the Police, who are properly equipped to investigate following the crime’s completion. 776 Words | 4 Pages. Why Guns Should Be Banned 9306 Words | 38 Pages. The USA has the highest civilian gun … First and foremost, banning guns will not stop criminals from obtaining and committing crimes with them. Actually, it’s the second amendment. Essay On Anti Gun Laws 845 Words | 4 Pages. 301 certified writers online. Assault Weapons Should Be Banned. ... 20 Reasons Why Assault Weapons should be Banned … Professor Pashie Argument essay 05/06/2014 Guns Should Be Banned America is a freedom country that has people from all over the world have come and lived. Although gun violence is present in American culture, guns should not be banned in the United States for a multitude of reasons. With the use of guns, America has grown to be a strong and independent country throughout history. Proponents of the ban argue that guns should be limited to target shooting, hunting, and antique collections. The debate over gun control has been relentless with the efforts of gun control by the top people in the government falling on deaf ears. This is way too high. In America, there is a growing perception that guns are: they are harmful, they kill, and they commit crimes, and so most guns should be banned. Banning guns Owning a gun is legal in the USA. Some .004 % (4/1000 of 1%) of guns are used in crime each year. 1. It is illegal to hunt with automatic weapons, they are only used for home defense and recreation. Oral exam English 1. 2. In the present day, gun shootings are not new to our ears. Washington DC’s low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis’ high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, & Chicago cops need guns. Why Guns Should Be Banned Essay 872 Words | 4 Pages. We will write a custom Essay on Assault Weapons Should Be Banned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. Furthermore, guns don’t kill people; people kill people. Pistols aren’t the only problem but automatic weapons are legal in only a few places and the United States is one of them. Argumentative Essay: Why Guns Should Be Banned? Reasons Why Guns Should Be Banned Assault weapon is a term used in the United States to define some types of firearms. You may also be interested in the following: why guns should not be banned essay, why guns should be banned essay But, how can a gun kill or commit crimes; it is not a living thing, it is a tool.