why cheating is good in school
Those with better grades and higher education secure better jobs. For example, Julio (Massachusetts) wrote, “Teachers care about cheating because its not fair [that] students get good grades [but] didn't follow the teacher's rules.” His perspective represents one set of ideas that we heard, which suggests that cheating is an unethical decision caused by personal misjudgment. With keen editors and friendly support, we guarantee quality, ORIGINAL papers and essays that score high. It makes them have a competitive advantage over other people who have no siblings or known friends that took the class before. But students also rationalize cheating on assignments they see as having value. This blog post is only a small step in that direction; young peoples’ perspectives vary widely across geographic, demographic, developmental, and contextual dimensions, and we do not mean to imply that these youth informants speak for all youth. Our team of vetted writers in every subject are waiting to help you pass that class. By doing so, they will be helping such students attain higher scores and possibly become better people in the future. Students who cheat are really just avoiding the root issue, and that won’t do anyone any favors. As long as a student has not been caught cheating and their grade is good, the institution will be satisfied. Therefore, while students are preparing for exams, they retain the content until they take the test. The assumption or the belief that students will not be caught makes students cheat. We are not liable or answerable to any third parties for the use of our service. Both students and education institutions are motivated by good grades. The instructors may lack objectivity while teaching. In such a situation, helping the disadvantaged students cheat will be morally justifiable because it will help them succeed and reinforce friendship. When students feel as if their instructors and/or the administered tests are unfair, they will be tempted to cheat so that they can reach the required expectations. Some students who attain better grades may feel obligated to help their peers and friends to get good grades. A student who is inspired or interested in arts will be forced to study math. If you don't get caught, you will probably end up lacking n… In other words, how are young people “reading the world,” to quote Paulo Freire, when it comes to questions of cheating, and what might we learn from their perspectives? Modern society has been designed in such a way that people should go through the education system before they enter the job market. Cheating is an issue that affects many students at one time or another throughout their education. In addition to the reasons why students cheat, we look at the moral lessons behind cheating in college. Most students who cheat aren't lazy at all. As a custom writing service we provide custom services for assistance purposes only. Students have no personal attachment to some subjects and therefore it is good to cheat so that they can meet the demands required. This applies in cases where students have not adequately prepared for an assessment because of procrastination, poor time management, or poor study skills. If the students are not motivated or interested in the subject, they will also cheat. 15 Reasons why Cheating in School Good 1. Several lessons can be learned from cheating in school. Secondly, cheating in school can be linked to the immerse pressure directed on students to attain good grades. At the same time, schools create an environment that propagates institutionalized oppression. Students would learn information and be tested on the information. Introduction Cheating in schools is getting worse and worse as the days fly by and here’s why. © 2020 GradeBees.com. For the student to be successful in the future, they will be forced to cheat on such subjects. They are forced to do subjects and tests that do not inspire or interest them. If a student cheats, they are most likely to attain higher grades compared to when they do not cheat. There are mandatory subjects that are forced on students who may lack interest in them. In this discussion, we explore the reasons why cheating in school is good, along with the benefits. Therefore, most of them are trying to find the easiest way out. Ideal assessments should put into consideration students’ learning capabilities and milestones. Again, as long as a student has scored good grades and has not been caught cheating, they will not face any consequence. Another lesson to be learned cheating in school is that the nature of the assessments, how they are taken, their reason for being taken, and the individuals administering the assessments determines whether students will cheat or not. Don't force cheating underground—let students know that you understand the pressures and, at least initially, be reasonable in responding to violations. Since schools require students to attain good grades, cheating in school is good when students feel that their instructors and/or tests are unfair. Studies and reports have found similar behavior in schools worldwide. The advantaged students who usually attain better grades will be obliged to help their friends get good grades. Our youth informants led us to believe instead that the type of horizontal support needed may be one where collective success is seen as more important than individual competition. They cite them as the reasons why they cheat, and makes sense listing and discussing. So a school where cheating wasn’t necessary would be amazing for both teachers and students because teachers would be actually getting new things into our brains and us as students would be not only attentive of our teachers but also in fact learning.” In most cases, instructors within learning institutions notify students of upcoming assessments. However, some students procrastinate or fail to manage their study time appropriately in preparation for the assessment. Such institutions regard failure as a badge of shame instead of an opportunity to learn. The causes of their cheating can follow them into adulthood, so nipping this in the bud is important. Nothing good comes from cheating your way through school, the only person you are cheating is yourself. Educators can create the spaces for this youth-driven work in schools, communities, and even policy settings — helping to support young people as both knowledge creators and knowledge consumers. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees. In the wild, the fittest means an organism that is capable of surviving through the utilization of its physical attributes and its wits. The education system has been designed to test the wits of students. The pressure forces students to cheat. Here's the truth about cheating in high school: your teachers really don't care if you cheat. Copying and cheating betrays trust. The Stuyvesant scandal may have been the most notorious act of cheating to take place at a high school in the United States, but it is by no means the only high-profile cheating … Students cheat because of the pressure to succeed. By cheating and getting a good grade you didn’t actually earn, you can also hurt the curve for the entire class and make the students who are struggling with the material believe there is something wrong with them for not understanding. The consequences of cheating in school here do not make sense to the students, who see them as less than those of failing. Cheating is an epidemic that infects schools and colleges across the county. Such rules dictate that students should adhere to ethical codes that forbid them to cheat. Cheating as a Solution Many people think cheating at school is a serious problem and only underachieving students resort to it. During the semester or an academic year, different forms of assessment are administered to students. This is because standardized tests put all students under one bracket and evaluate them equally. Some students may lack the understanding of what constitutes cheating in school. Place Your Order Now! Cheating is self-degrading. They have no say when it comes to what they are to study, how they should be tested, and what they like in school. Those with better study skills will most likely attain good grades while those with poor study skills will fail. If this is the case, why shouldn’t students cheat to meet the expectations and demands of the institution? This especially applies in situations where similar assessments are administered to may institutions. While cheating in school is wrong, the pressure to perform forces students to just do the wrong. They cheat because they’ve seen it modeled by politicians, athletes, and corporations. Cheating will help such students attain better results that will consequently make them better individuals in the future. Several of the older students with whom we spoke were able to offer us ideas about how schools might create more ethical communities. 1. Therefore, cheating in school is good because it will help students with poor study skills and capabilities to keep up with materials and proceed to the next level. Watch this video to learn more about this. This is why cheating in school should be celebrated instead of being regarded as an unethical act. This is one of the most obvious reasons why cheating in school is good. They cheat because they are bored. Usable Knowledge It is far from being true. If the tests or instructors are unfair, the students will cheat. Across students’ comments, we heard about how self-imposed pressure, peer pressure, and pressure from adults can encourage cheating. These basics are what we apply in the future to solve the problems we encounter. This especially applies in cases where students within a lecture class are too May or the instructor shows less concern on some students. In March, Usable Knowledge published an article on ethical collaboration, which explored researchers’ ideas about how to develop classrooms and schools where collaboration is nurtured but cheating is avoided. Again, if there are no mechanisms to detect cheating, students can easily cheat without getting caught. The first being that Students who cheat get higher scores then the honest ones putting the honest students at a disadvantage. As noted, schools are institutions that applaud good grades instead of perceiving failure as part of learning. Cheating does have benefits of getting a good grade without having to endure the hours of completing a homework assignment or studying for a test. When you know that students receive high marks by copying or cheating at a school or faculty, the diploma awarded by that institution becomes less valuable on the job market and in society compared to diplomas awarded by institutions where a mark is an objective estimate of the student’s knowledge and effort. Most often, instructors notify their students of the dates when tests and exams are to be administered. Students critiqued both the individual decision-making of peers and the school-based structures that encourage cheating. In such a case, cheating in school is good because cheating students will get better grades than those who do not cheat. Assessments such as tests and exams are administered to students to gauge their knowledge and understanding of subjects. Even though it is considered unethical, it can be beneficial to the students who cheat, or the students who do not possess good study skills. The institution and its agents, who are the instructors, regard students who attain the best grades as the best model students. Nature is competitive thus the reason why the law of nature is “survival for the fittest”. Thus, cheating in school is good if there is no consequence. The main reason why we learn is usually to build in the future. In the process, the institution will have a good rapport in the region or country because people will perceive commend their work. People are forced to produce better things or ideas to outcompete others. They find themselves observing specific ethical and moral codes such as rules against cheating. There are many different ways to cheat: copying homework, looking over at a peers test, plagiarizing, and so on. They want teachers to enable ethical behavior through holistic support of individual learning styles and goals. For many, she says, the pressure to do well academically and compete for good colleges has made cheating a way to survive high school. Since they are at the lowest level of the hierarchy, they are constantly monitored by the authorities and instructors to ensure that they follow ethical conduct like avoiding cheating in schools. Cheating is a Good Thing (Sometimes) Troels Graugaard—Getty Images/Vetta. Institutions should be clear on what constitutes cheating. The students that cheat will also attain better grades compared to the students who do not cheat. Then they can collect information, craft arguments they want to make, and deliver their messages. If they fail in math, they are labeled as failures. As college becomes more competitive, the pressure students feel to cheat increases. If they fail, the disadvantaged students will be forced to cheat to be on par with other students. If knowledge is a disposable commodity, then cheating in school is good. When there is a lot of pressure on students to pass in very high-stake assessments, they may be forced to cheat. 20 University Rd., 6th Floor The following are some of the reasons given by students as the advantages of cheating in school. With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. Why Do Kids Cheat? Therefore, students will be obliged to outcompete and outwit their fellow students during assessments. Here, such students will utilize any opportunity to cheat as long as they will not get caught. Therefore, students will be forced to cheat in schools so that they can get the future benefits of attaining good grades. Umna (Massachusetts) echoed this idea, noting that “cheating is … not using the evidence in your head and only using the evidence that’s from someone else’s head.”. From then, they can forget most of the content because there is a possibility that it will not be tested again, especially in some disciplines within institutions of higher learning. uknow@gse.harvard.edu Another reason why students cheat is because it is an easy way of getting a good grade. To get the best solution, let our professionals do your homework, and you will walk away smiling. Especially with the increase of technology, students have gotten creative in discovering a number of ways to cheat … They're ambitious. That's right. In this case, while cheating might be wrong, it is an acceptable means to a higher-level goal. We allow free revisions to ensure that our customers are satisfied and that the papers respond to the instructions. Therefore, students are made to believe that they should work hard to attain good grades to avoid being labeled as failures. Harvard Graduate School of Education In the process, they may favor some students and tend to dislike some students even when they are trying their best to get good grades. Other kids might feel like they can't pass the test without cheating. In such a case, students will perceive that there is a lack of consequence when they cheat. Competition is an important aspect of human society. Therefore, students will be forced to cheat so that they can attain better grades and be regarded as high performers. Many times, learning institutions fail to put in place mechanisms that help instructors detect cheating. There are several instances where students claim that their instructors or tests are unfair. People who have scored good grades in schools go to the best institutions of higher learning and end up getting the best jobs in the market. The number of students who cheat is simply staggering. Cheating in school for Improves Grades This is one of the most obvious reasons why cheating in school is good. Why Revisions? The article left me wondering how students themselves might respond to these ideas, and whether their experiences with cheating reflected the researchers’ understanding. From there the teachers would assess students' progress with this information, new material would be created to help individual students with what they don't understand. In a 2017 study of 43,000 U.S. public and private high school students, the Josephson Institute of Ethics found that 64 percent admitted to cheating on a test in the last year. Therefore, students fear failure to avoid consequences of failure, which they see as less. They aim to give students enough time to prepare for the tests and exams so that they can get good grades. When you cheat, you are telling yourself that you do not believe in your … This is the main motivating factor that results in cheating in educational institutions. We are an online custom writing service to provide products tailored for customers to use in their own way. When we are learning in various institutions, we obtain several basics. Thirdly, the education sector is a very important facet in human society. Those who do homework cheats are believed to have no future prospects since they acquire hardly any education because of such an approach. This is because our work customized. If that is the case, why shouldn’t students cheat if the motive of studying is to retain the needed content for an exam and then forget it? In a study, the fear of failure was cited as a factor connected to the pressure to attain good grades so that students can meet certain expectations. They rarely have access to information on current educational research, partially because they are not the intended audience of such work.”. I worked with Gretchen Brion-Meisels to investigate these questions by talking to two classrooms of students from Massachusetts and Texas about their experiences with cheating. If you are caught cheating, you may be punished and perhaps kicked out of school. The feeling of being anonymous in class may make some students cheat. Studies have shown that more students are cheating to get a good grade and thrive. It can keep you active and involved in a game, reward game play and allow expert players to teach others. As we have noted, schools have been created to replicate such situations whereby students remain voiceless. As we have noted, schools do not tolerate failure and instead applaud good grades. As we have noted, students have different learning capabilities and study skills. Second, that when other students see their peers cheating and not being caught by administrators and teachers, it makes it ok to cheat. The research that my colleagues and I have conducted over the past 20 years offers insights into why cheating may be prevalent in high-achieving schools. The benefits of cheating are obvious – improved grades in an environment where failure is not an opportunity for learning, but rather a badge of shame. About one-third said they had used the Internet to plagiarize an assignment. We asked these youth informants to connect their own insights and ideas about cheating with the ideas described in "Ethical Collaboration." According to a study, students have different study skills and capabilities. The presentation offers a definition of cheating as a form of violation of academic integrity and explanations for why cheating is attractive or tempting and then why, in the most fundamental sense, it should be judged to be morally wrongful behavior in an academic setting. The piece offers several explanations for why students cheat and provides powerful ideas about how to create ethical communities. Therefore, we should be concerned more about students who do not cheat because it demonstrates their inability to stand against or question abuses of power in society. Students may be pressured by their parents, instructors, institutions, and other involved entities to attain good grades. On the other hand, some tests that are administered may be unfair to some students because they fail to put into consideration the leaning capabilities and milestones of some students.