Well Logs and Well Reporting. A well log is a crucial source of information that documents the construction of a water supply well. Most records are from 1965 through 1999. This information is important for well maintenance and basic understanding of potential contamination risk to your water source. All well logs since 1991 have been individually maintained in the computer system. Well reports also contain information about location, owner name, driller name, and the quantity of water a well produces. Individual well logs and those in STR File have been ⦠In 1942, the relationship between resistivity, porosity and water saturation (and thus its inverse: hydro-carbon saturation) was established by G.E. Submit a Well Completion Report. The Washington state well report (log) viewer allows you to search for and view detailed records of the construction and subsurface characteristics of individual wells. A Section/Township/Range (STR File) of well logs was maintained prior to the computerized system. Center the map where you want the center of your print, enter a title in the textbox and choose a page size for your print using the drop down. HELP: About Water ⦠Limit wells & springs to the Kentucky Groundwater Monitoring Network Return only wells/springs with water-quality data available. Following is an explanation of the details contained in well logs. Water well records contain construction data on individual water wells (private residential, public water supply wells irrigation wells, industrial wells, and test wells). Print Tool. Welcome to Wellogic, the State of Michigan's statewide groundwater database! Your GWIC Id is a unique identification code for your well which will allow you ⦠Having a written record detailing the well's construction is more accurate than trying to ⦠Most of the well data in PaGWIS are from completion reports submitted by the water well drillers, and more than 55,000 records of field-located wells ⦠In fact, some are called water well records or drilling reports. Well Report Information * * * Well Log: BAKE BENT CLAC CLAT COLU COOS CROO CURR DESC DOUG GILL GRAN HARN HOOD JACK JEFF JOSE KLAM LAKE LANE LINC LINN MALH MARI MORR MULT POLK SHER TILL UMAT UNIO WALL WASC WASH WHEE YAMH to Well log layouts. Unique Well ID Township Range Section Address Owner Name Zoom to Township Range City Township Name Latitude Longitude Rectangle Zoom Select Scale 1:6000 1:12000 1:24000 1:50000 1:100000 1:250000 Measurement Tool Clear. California Water Code Section 13751 requires that anyone who constructs, alters, or destroys a water well, cathodic protection well, groundwater monitoring well, or geothermal heat exchange well must file with the Department of Water Resources a report of completion within 60 days of the ⦠Your well log has information about depth, water level and geologic material surrounding your well. Early electric logs, or e-logs, plotted only formation resistivity measurements. ... TEXAS WATER ⦠Select wells prior to 1991 have also been entered. If you have any questions or experience problems using Wellogic, please email the Wellogic Help (wellogic@michigan.gov).You only need an account if you are submitting or modifying data. Most, however, contain the same basic information. Historic records (those submitted before the 1965 state legislation was passed which mandated submittal of well records by water well ⦠For Geophysical Well Log assistance contact: BRACS-SUPPORT@twdb.texas.gov. Find your GWIC Id. Geophysical Well Logs for Well Id: close. Archie, paving the way for a quantitative evaluation of formation properties using well logs. The Water Well Drillers License Act of 1955 (Act 610 passed on May 29, 1956) began the statewide process of collecting groundwater data through the licensing of water well drillers.