I'm sorry but the Wii just doesn't compare in any way with it's competitors. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) in 1st quarter 2008, Japan gets it in this November. Obviously, the Wii holds the favor here. Keep discussion friendly and on-topic. Biznes i Finanse (35130) Bekijk PS3 vs. Wii - linda op Dailymotion. Co do Wii to nie zrobiło na mnie wrażenia. The wii has them weird wee miii people characters, who get really annoying after a while. PS3 vs X360 vs Wii. Podobno serwery iply nie wytrzymały podczas wczorajszego meczu?P.S. Don't get me wrong, the Wii definitely has a few stellar titles to its name, but there are more great PS3 games than there are great Wii games. PS3 vs Wii vs Xbox360? Puma16 Member. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. Playstation 3. Also pause at 30seconds exactly the textures compare perfectly. So by volume of games alone, PS3 has the Wii beat. You miss nothing going with a newer choice. On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Zobacz 2 odpowiedzi na pytanie: xbox 360 vs ps3 vs wii. i like hands on games, which basically explains why i like wii so much. Wii. PS3 vs Wii. 0 0. Fallout 76. Im have a choice of either a wii or a ps3 but i wanted the wii for the virtual console and gamecube games and the ps3 for mainly online play but i have to choose and its hard. Cyberpunk 2077. Granted the PS3 carries the higher price tag, but once you consider all the heavyweight features it carries, not to mention its sound reputation as a durable piece of hardware, some of the sting is taken from the initial outlay. 08.02.2010, 20:51 RE: Konsola do gier, Nintendo Wii (vs. PS3) - oplaca sie kupowac? Na Wii można grać przez podczerwień np: Wii boxing czy jakoś tak. However, I'm questioning your decision to pit the Wii against PS3 when the issue is really PS3 vs. Xbox 360. Wii is probably best CONSOLE as its near Pi in cost, and gets you Gamecube & Wii, in addition to what you would on Pi. At least you can play proper games on the PS3, just save and get the best PS3 though make sure that you get the one that is back compatiable to PS2 games, i think it is only the 60GB and 80GB ones that do this no the PAL 40GB ones. PS3. nothing is new it just looks like the wii game upscaled to 720 point blank and a small texture upgrade. the PS3 version got a 4.0 in graphics and the Wii got a 7.5 in graphics....the PS3 review said the graphics would have been acceptable on the PS2 but not the PS3. 20-10-2011, 17:26 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 20-10-2011, 17:27 przez Puma16.) 0 1. Weź udział w ankiecie PS3 vs Xbox 360 vs Wii w Zapytaj.onet.pl. Liczba postów: 128 Liczba wątków: 47 Dołączył: 12-02-2011 #11. Osobiście nie dałbym za tą konsolę nawet 400 złotych. PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. ofcourse the ps3 would win it has blu-ray awsome controlers and free wi-fi.the wii on the other hand,is better than the 360. i have a wii, aiming for a ps3 though. Could you please advice between the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii which one I should take? Samurai Warriors 5. Wii: just for having fun, non gamers system. Xbox 360. Dears, one of my current objectives is to buy a video game console, I don't know which one is the best and this is really making me go crazy. i'd say that gamers like playstation's better though. Although, its CPU was an indisputable improvement, whereas the Wii U's CPU compared to the Xbox 360/PS3 is much more questionable. Użyj konta Twitter So depending on what you like follow the list above. Użyj konta Facebook. Predator Hunting Grounds. smh for a powerful ps3 system it should look way better unless we all agree that the wii version looked good to begin with and all the ps3 did was upgrade the visuals slightly to hd. @iTizMrOxygane Jeśli wybrałeś xboxa 360 tylko dlatego, że według Ciebie ma lepszą grafikę? (in other words, wii owns them both.) wii > ps2 & ps3 combine. PS3 vs. Wii vs. 360: Which Console Downloads Games Fastest? Sample III. Ben 10: Omniverse 2 - Trailer HD | PS3/X360/Wii/Wii U/3DS - ( Coming Soon To Wii U ) V360 is correct. Okami doesn't really benefit much from motion controls, and they're poorly-implemented in the Wii version, with many people, including myself, having issues with them. my wii kinda stinks cuz i have a thing in the wii that scratches my games. You would be getting PS2 & PS3 in addition to your classics. Na, I have a relatively new 32-inch LG 1080P LCD that I bought for my bedroom that I keep my Wii & PS3 hooked up to. The PS3, in the first place, was designed with a processor that is so powerful using the Cell Broadband Engine. Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3 vs. Wii: Updated. on 3/7/2007. SHOOTER Left 4 Dead : Xbox 360 Scores: 9.2 [AU], 9.0 [US], 9.2 [UK] Graphics: Amazing Store Bought Games: Some games, like Resistance Fall of Man and Blazing Angels are great games; others like Sonic suck. it really depends on the type of person you are, though. 1 decade ago. 7 years ago. This isn't a discussion about 360 vs PS3 vs Wii vs PC, there is a similar thread that currently integrates PC discussion, so please use that for PC related discussion. That's pretty hard to beat. 2. It is unique. This article is a quick guide for anyone who is wondering why the Sony PS3 is a superior gaming console to the Nintendo Wii. 10 … PS3 i X360 to wspaniałe konsole, cudowna grafika. Source(s): ps3 wii: https://tr.im/M3kJf. now for the crapiest of all the GARBEGE 360. i mean its gonna have the R,R,O,D(RED RING OF DEATH. archive-Stephen-Totilo 02/02/2009 We pitted the three major consoles against each other, … Plus, the PS3 has Uncharted. Monster Hunter Rise. Although oddly, your Wii vs Gamecube comparison is pretty much right on the money, since the Wii was practically a Gamecube with 50% higher clocks and more RAM. I did watch some 480P Wii gameplay videos and some 720P (my laptop is old) PS3 gameplay videos and while it's not a huge difference, the PS3 version was definitely sharper w/ more vibrant colors. Sony's earnings report yesterday provided some of the final pieces of data to answer a question that goes back to 2005: Will the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii … PS3 would be viable if you can actually load CEX/DEX firmware. Cześć wszystkim! P.S. Godfall. Dziuru. Here’s the basics: PS3: OVERPRICED but you can find it. FYI: I have ALL 3 systems, graphics wise PS3 can kick 360s *** blindfolded, the 360 is using up 100% of its cpu and GPU power while the PS3 is only using 10%, 360 is good for..wel..its OK, Wii is kinda wierd honestly motion sensors get annoying if your tired and you want to play. Let me list the following: Casual gaming: 1. Now that I have both the PS3 and the Wii, I thought it would be good to compare the two. The Wii is in a completely different category. PS3 for defs. Xbox hardware is trash in comparison to Wii/PS3. Anonymous. Wii. Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or Wii — which game console should you buy? I'm so torn, it sucks. by C.K. Lub zaloguj się za pomocą jednego ze swoich kont. PS3 vs Wii????? The PS3 has outsold the wii in Japan two weeks in a row now And probably a third week with Winning Eleven (PES2008) out this week on PS3/PS2/360 with the Wii version not coming till next year but the control system on the Wii is fantastic vs the other systems. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it. ;) Tak się składa, że moja rodzina chce sobie kupić konsolę. Aside from the price, most of the Nintendo Wii vs. PS3 comparisons has revealed that the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii differ significantly in terms of their built-in processor. Osobiście miałem styczność i z PS3, X360 i z Wii. I suggest you get a PS3 ^.^ While the PS3 didn't quite have the number of platformers on it to beat off the Wii, LBP is a platforming darling. Anonymous. PS3 is the definitive version for sure; original credits, both control schemes, paper filter options, full HD, trophies, etc. Hardcore gaming: 1. Answer Save. Ale ty raczej będziesz grał sam więc bierz PS3. Winning Eleven first day sales from vgchartz ps2 - 155k ps3 - 103k 360 - 7k Xbox Kinect vs PS3 Move vs Nintendo Wii. Wii is pretty much only good if you have alot of peopel to paly wiht, Mario Kart, SSBB, Wii sports are only good if you have peoepl to paly wiht, PS3 is great if you are gonna moastly be on your own, ther are a ton of good multiplare gmaes too, like LittleBigPlanet coming out soon is one our hosue is looking forward too. Wolałbym już nową czarnulkę kupić.