pros and cons of owning a gun
Do guns make us safer? So, let’s go ladies! If there is a gun in the house, however, it is possible that children could get their hands on it. Gun ownership cons: Having a gun in the house makes living there statistically more dangerous Unfortunately, guns can’t discriminate between criminals and innocent bystanders. But the overall concern is if the guns end up in the wrong hands, first I think we should ask ourselves why a gun is purchased. One pro of keeping a gun for home protection is that some people may feel safer having it in the house. Guns should always be kept under lock and key, preferably in a safe. These are my thoughts and experiences as a young, black gun owner. Follow the latest advice, information and news about safes and vaults. There are some Pros and Cons to this method of purchasing a machine gun: Pros: To build a well-informed opinion about this matter, let us take a look at the law’s pros and cons. Owning a gun today is not just about protection, but can be enjoyed for recreational shooting such as hunting and competing. So here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding if buying a used gun is right for you. While gun ownership is on the decline for men, the reverse is true for women. Share. The Cons of Spring Guns Spring guns cheap price may make them excellent for beginners, but one of their flaws is that they can break after excessive use. The pros of owning a gun: There are a number of reasons why owning a gun dedicated to home security is a good thing, but for this to be, proper precaution must be taken. Be sure to educate yourself through safety courses and workshops to better prepare for the life as a gun owner. So, expect more meaningless, if not harmful, 'gun control' legislation. Meaning, while many alarm companies attempt to initially contact you over telephone during an emergency, we are able to speak directly over the Cove Touch Alarm Panel and have a live audio feed into the home to properly assess the situation. Upon reviewing 114 mass shootings in the U.S, it was... 2. Posts: 17796. If others live with you, depending what sort of people they are (e.g. Reduce crime rates: If everyone is allowed to own a gun, this will lead to an increase in crimes in urban areas because you don’t know genuine firearm owners and those with criminal thoughts. 0. Full Movies, Reviews & News. Researchers have found that this holds true regardless of the type of gun you own, how you store it, or how many guns you own. Security systems are expensive to install and require a monthly subscription. List of Pros of the Right to Bear Arms. 0. For many gun owners, it’s a simple calculus: having a gun gives them at least a fighting chance in the event that a burglar or home invader manages to get in. Symbol of Freedom The individual right to carry arms is seen as an important symbol of individual freedom. We will delve into some of the pros and cons of gun ownership for women later. Carrying a Knife (Pros/Cons) ... con - u can get stabbed with your own knife. Americans favoring more restrictive gun ownership/use laws believe that such measures will reduce gun-related crime, homicide and suicide in the U.S. About 80 million Americans, representing 50% of U.S homes, own 223 million guns , easily the highest private gun ownership rate of any country in … First, let’s have a look at some of the top handguns for women on the market. About Joshua Gillem Josh is a lifelong practitioner and student of the gun. Having a gun in the house also increases your own chances of becoming the victim of a firearm-related homicide or suicide in the home. Some thoughts: Pros: 1. First, you need to ensure that you follow your state’s gun ownership laws. The Pros And Cons Of Owning A Gun. Purchasing an older model gun can save you money. — Larry Elder. Unfortunately, some kids may be able to get a hold of the combination and gain access to the weapon, and they could injure themselves or others. Any pros or cons to carrying a revolver for your EDC? Over 80 percent of all gun owners said that owning a gun makes them feel much safer in their home. Another pro for gun control is that the harder it is to legally own a firearm, the more care and caution will be taken by owner. But is it the best choice for you? Owning a gun pros and cons. The debate surrounding the right to own a gun in the United States is a controversial one, but answering the question about whether having a gun in the house will make you and your family safer is pretty straightforward. These firearms include handguns, machine guns, rifles etc.People use these weapons for multiple reasons. Lower The Amount Of Gun Related Deaths As of today, it is fairly easy to get your hands on a fire arm. Pros and Cons of Gun Control. The pros and cons of a national gun registry mirror most of the arguments you typically hear from hardcore defenders of the Second Amendment and vocal gun … Let me know what I missed in the comments below. Guns are used for far more than just shooting a fellow human, they have uses in hunting as well as sport. How do I Choose the Best Home Protection Dog. There are many pros and cons to consider before deciding to keep a gun for home protection. You can buy an older model. However, the ATF has decided that medical marijuana users are not allowed to purchase a firearm. Watch Movies Online. Or is it just in case? Find Your Favorite Movies & Shows On Demand. Robert Richardson Guns, Preparedness: Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters, Self Defense, Tactical 35. A majority of these guns are found during crime scenes or on criminals being apprehended. Karma: 3,678. Posts: 17796 - Karma: 3,678. I live alone, and although I am trained in self-defense, I am a 5'2, 115 pound woman. Criminals don’t like finding themselves on the business end of a gun barrel any more than the rest of us do, which is why 74% of them actively try to avoid breaking into houses when the owners are home. 1 Top 10 Best Handguns For Women Reviews. The debate of whether to own a gun or not is a rather interesting agreement. Some of the countries with the strictest gun control laws, such as Mexico, have the highest levels of crime. Those who do have a gun should learn how to use it safely and be prepared for the possibility that it might be used. It is important to understand the pros and cons of gun control to understand the debate. Gun Safety. List of Pros of the Right to Bear Arms. All other arguments regarding gun ownership are therefore irrelevant. I want to take shooting lessons and buy a handgun for protection. • Enforcing laws on the federal level in states would prevent ownership for those should shouldn’t have access to a gun. 1. But you're in better standing than most to own a firearm. Pros of Gun Control. Gun control is inflicting stricter and more harsh regulations on owning and carrying fire arms, which many people believe is the answer. 1669 Words 7 Pages. The only cons to owning a gun is that you will be looked upon by your left-leaning friends as politically incorrect and despite their claim to tolerance they will shun you and not respect your decision. Perhaps you have extensive training and experience handling a firearm. ethical debate is that gun ownership revolves around the freedom to “bear arms.” In the second amendment from the Bill of Rights, the founding fathers wrote that “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Gun ownership is a fundamental civil right, irrespective of the US Constitution. There are some individuals who worry about not being able to protect themselves, and having the weapon there may ease the fear. Carrying or owning a gun has a lot of pros along with a lot of cons. Generally, there is no limit to the number of guns that you can own unless you’re a convicted criminal or in certain other particular situations. Before you buy pistols in Schaumberg, you have to understand exactly what you are getting yourself into, this alone is the key to safe gun ownership. Further, when a child or teen is killed by a firearm, the gun that killed them comes from their own home fully 72 percent of the time. It was important enough for the people who founded our country to include it in the Bill of Rights. Here are the essential pros and cons of gun control laws. Studies have shown that unintentional shootings are four times as common as occurrences of gun use in legitimate home defense situations. Taking proper safety courses to use the weapon can be a huge asset. In fact, three quarters of gun owners believe that the right to bear arms is paramount to their freedom. It states that “A well-regulated Local militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Before buying a gun, a homeowner must review the laws of the area that he or she lives in, and he or she may also be required to have a license for the firearm. That increase remains no matter how many guns are owned or how safely they are locked in a gun safe. You will be able to hunt and kill your own food, if that becomes necessary. From keeping the weapon away from children to having protection from an intruder, there are several aspects that a homeowner must consider. While some people may not believe in keeping a gun in the home, those who are considering it should be aware of the pros and cons before making the purchase. Now you know the pros of gun control in the U.S, take a look at the cons of this measure so you can have a well-formed opinion on the subject. Most airsoft snipers will choose a spring gun over any other type of airsoft gun. Learning the good sides and the not so good sides of the Beagle is essential in gauging if he is the right dog for you. Gun control laws eventually lessen deaths due to gun-related incidents. children), you may have to keep it in a way that will limit their access. Pros. If someone were to break into my home, someone much bigger and tougher than me, I know a gun would take him out, no doubt about that. Gun Violence Pros And Cons ... Another aspect of gun violence that many people think that they can own guns and do what they want with it, because they are protected by the second Amendment. Let’s get into some gun ownership pros and cons right now. in Lifestyle. In case of civil unrest ( for myriad reasons) you have the means available to defend yourself, your family and your home. 1. All too often in such a contest, logic loses. A 2018 poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal found 58% of Americans agree with the statement “gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.” 1 And gun owners seem to believe that idea at a higher rate. Contents. I think that there are only cons. According to research, gun owners are less likely to become a victim of violent crimes. Reasoning with someone intent on harming or killing you is not an option. | 23751 Access to a gun increases Risk of Violence. Government rules may hassle you. The pros of owning a gun: There are a number of reasons why owning a gun dedicated to home security is a good thing, but for this to be, proper precaution must be taken. You are the best person to realistically assess the tradeoff between the risks and rewards of gun ownership and decide what the best course of action is for your family. People considering buying a gun should avoid making snap decisions and really take the time to really think about if it is the right option. There were two basic types of machineguns in use during World War I: heavy machineguns, typically water-cooled and fired off a tripod or other mount and “light” machineguns capable of being carried by one man. Good news - if you're a crook. According to the NRA, the rights of citizens to bear arms … However, despite these efforts, children often handle guns in the home without their parents’ knowledge; in one study, 22% of parents who believed that their children had never handled the guns in the home were contradicted by the children themselves. Purchasing a firearm can also be … In a study conducted in 2019 by Gallup, around 43% of Americans reported living in a gun household, and approximately 30% say they personally own a gun. I don't have any children, so no worries there. For example, you could buy a second-generation Glock 19 — instead of the newer fourth-generation Glock 19 — for a fraction of the price. A gun doesn't have a mind of its own, so if you get a gun, please take the time to train yourself and be responsible. Finally, if you have children, you should take into account how the presence of a firearm in the home might affect their safety. Gun control is one of the most debatable topics in present day.Gun control refers to laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms. … Before you buy pistols in Schaumberg, you have to understand exactly what you are getting yourself into, this alone is the key to safe gun ownership. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Advantages of Gun Control. Your Personal Streaming Guide. But there are pros and cons to gun ownership. Most gun-owning parents take precautions to keep their children from finding and handling the family’s firearms. Pros: 1. Just because your firearm can be used for recreational use doesn’t mean that you should skip the proper steps of safety. Our best bet is to look at the statistics surrounding gun ownership vs. gun violence and draw conclusions based on the research. Unfortunately in the US, many legally owned guns are stolen by criminals and felons, most commonly through car theft or property break-ins. Pros: Profit margins are high, especially on alcohol. Let's be clear: there are dangerous people in the world. If you have a gun in the home it is a lot more likely to shoot someone you don't want than to stop a dangerous criminal. very well put, The purchasing of a gun is a decision that could impact the rest of your life as a gun owner I handlle, carrying ,shooting with that in mind as responsible gun-owners we all need to remember this and make sure we educate those who do not understand or just take the word of the government or media of the rights of responsible gun owner and the thugs that don’t care what they do with a stolen gun… The Second Amendment to the US Constitution clearly guarantees the right to possess firearms by individual citizens, the people who dispute this are misinterpreting the US Constitution. Suicides, is a major factor of gun violence. Children should always be taught about weapons in the home and their potential danger. There are some individuals who worry about not being able to protect themselves, and having the weapon there may ease the fear. The legality of owning a gun far exceeds the mental health of the owner, few things non-gun owners know and what all gun … I feel that no matter what they decided to do about the problem, they will never solve it at all. It is a very important decision and a homeowner must consider not only personal safety but also the safety of those who are also living in the home. Reduce crime rates: If everyone is allowed to own a gun, this will lead to an increase in crimes in urban areas because you don’t know genuine firearm owners and those with criminal thoughts. Gun ownership is an American tradition older than the country itself and is protected by the Second Amendment; more gun control laws would infringe upon the right to bear arms. The debate of whether to own a gun or not is a rather interesting agreement. Then, make sure you like our Facebook page, if you're ever on that social media platform. There are about 300 million privately-owned firearms in the US; which works out to roughly one gun for every man, woman and child in America; with nearly a third of the population owning at least one gun. However, arguers believe that the right to have guns is part of every American’s constitutional rights. © 2020 Cove Smart, LLC All rights reserved. | 14015 Minuteman Drive, Draper, UT 84020, Early Access St. Patrick's Day Sale - 45% Off Equipment + Free Indoor Camera. He says one thing we do know is that our proximity to the U.S., a global outlier in terms of gun ownership, gun smuggling is a problem. Where are these statistics that support you? Why some see the necessity of owning a gun for reasoning from hunting game to house security, I personally do not have a true reason to own one. Weapon Mounted Lights Cons. This battle for 'common-sense' gun control laws pits emotion and passion against logic and reason. Pew Foundation report found that 79% of male gun owners and 80% of female gun owners said owning a gun made them feel safer and 64% of people living in a home in which someone else owns a gun felt safer. Advantages of gun control. tweet; Gun ownership has undoubtedly been a controversial topic in America over the last few years. Laws And Controls: The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control. And the statistics support me. Using your weapon as a flashlight means you are pointing the barrel of your weapon to use your light and identify your target. Pros And Cons Of Owning A Gun 1916 Words | 8 Pages. And while definitive numbers on the frequency of defensive gun use in the US are hard to come by; they range from a low of 55,000 to a high of over two million per year; none of that will matter if you are one of the thousands of American gun owners who uses a firearm in self defense against a criminal or intruder each year. Having the ability to own a gun can offer people with life-saving protection. I have been a police officer for 28 years, and feel there are no other means that a person can have that provide defense against a violent attack. Pro-gun lobbyists blame the tragedy on the mental condition of the young man and not the fact that he had a deadly weapon such as the Bushmaster XM15 assault rifle within arm’s reach. He grew up shooting/hunting with his dad, and was given his first gun, a 12 gauge shotgun, when just a small boy.