61K likes. Search for: Search. Temporary; Posted 2 weeks ago; JOB-uri depozit Olanda – Jumbo. Check our job offers! Богдана Хмельницького 11а, 1Тернопіль, 46001, Phone: +38 067 351 26 40; +38 096 759 13 27Email address:ternopil@ottoworkforce.com.ua, вул. About OTTO Work Force; Work in the Netherlands; Contact; ... Ovo je odlicna prilika za rad i stjecanje iskustva u poznatoj kompaniji. The OTTO Work Force Head Office for Central and Eastern Europe is situated in Wroclaw, Poland. You can find us in Presov and Banska Bystrica. 126 East Lansing, MI 48824-1222 Research Interests. Munkát keresek. U nás musíte každý deň posúvať veci vpred. Search for: Search. Zamestnanci sú naším kapitálom a o ten sa veľmi dobre staráme. Natural Resources Building 480 Wilson Rd, Rm. Соломії Крушельницької, 1Львів, 79000, Phone: +38 (0322) 61 66 70; +38 067 351 42 28;Email address:lviv@ottoworkforce.com.ua, вул. Munkavállalókat keresek. PRONAĐI SVOJ POSAO IZ SNOVA! Mi csak a legjobbakkal dolgozunk. Search for: Search. VCU certification The OTTO group’s dedicated team of specialists, under the brand name OTTO HR Solutions, offers complex advisory services on innovative HR solutions in the following areas: 1) Recruitment and selection of specialists and experts (both full and direct search) – Poland and abroad 2) Assessment Center / Development Center 3) Personnel outsourcing Feel free to mail or contact us, or complete the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Pružamo podršku u privremenom i stalnom zapošljavanju, u oblasti radnog prava i HR consultinga, kao i obračuna plaća. OTTO’s Account Manager is your first contact person and he/she will plan work rosters together with you. Velünk minden nap változást kell hoznod. OTTO Work Force | 3 660 sledující uživatelé na LinkedIn. OTTO identifies with young international talents, who excel in their field. OTTO Work Force Croatia OTTO Work Force Croatia Close. Стрілецька 1а, офіс 203Вінниця, 21000, Phone: +38 067 224 76 22;+38 097 915 89 47;+38 096 570 68 51Email address:vinnytsia@ottoworkforce.com.ua, Phone: +38 067 484 89 38Email address:zt@ottoworkforce.com.ua, Phone: +38 067 679 01 15; +38 067 352 26 68Email address:zp@ottoworkforce.com.ua, пр.Поштовий, 39 (р-н пл.Визволення)Кривий Ріг 50000, Phone: +38 098 118 17 17;+38 073 118 17 17 (viber)Email address:kr@ottoworkforce.com.ua, Phone: +380503377266; +380731067266Email address:kropyvnytskyi @ottoworkforce.com.ua, вул. Posao se sastoji od rada sa rucnim skenerima – skeniranje, oganiziranje i priprema narudzbi za slanje. Through the OTTO Foundation we have been able to lend our support successfully in these countries. Swobodna 150-089 WrocławPraca za granicą: +48 71 3444423Praca w Polsce: +48 71 3444420, Phone: + 421 948 292 840Email address:infobb@OTTOworkforce.sk, Phone: + 421 918 934 461Email address:infopo@OTTOworkforce.sk, вул. Hľadám zamestnancov. Both OTTO Work Force and Labour Housing provide suitable housing on a non-profitmaking basis. A tiež osobnú pozornosť. As an OTTO Work Force employee, many changes to cope with in a short span of time. OTTO Work Force Sofia Bul. Pl. Who are the employees of OTTO Work Force? Poland is a country that … Hodím sa pre OTTO Work Force? In addition, our company offers employment on a large scale to people in their home countries. OTTO has 7 clearly defined core values, which together form the word RESPECT. Labor and Economic Opportunity - Orientation & Mobility Instructors. OTTO Work Force Polska, Kobierzyce. Telefon: + 359 883699968, + 359 883699967 E-mail cím: smilanova@ottoworkforce.bg After the take-over of Olympia Personaldienstleistungen in 2010, OTTO Work Force is also represented in Germany. Ovo je odlicna prilika za rad i stjecanje iskustva u poznatoj kompaniji. Tzar Boris III Obedinitel 67A 4000 Plovdiv, Phone: + 359 883699961Email address:skamesheva@ottoworkforce.eu, Bul. TE változtatsz? OTTO Work Force is privately owned. We take responsibility for the impact of our operations on man and the environment. A respectful relationship with the environment is central to our CSR policy. 551 talking about this. Interested in working at OTTO? OTTO Work Force Ukraina OTTO Work Force Ukraina Close. Majora Wacława Kopisto, 8A35-315 Rzeszów, Phone: +48 735 969 125, +48 17 777 99 10Email address:rzeszow@ottoworkforce.pl, ul. Keywords. More than 15,000 flex workers are employed through our company, mainly in the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. 130 talking about this. (58) 661 31 38 Gliwice tel. In addition, our company offers employment on a large scale to people in their home countries. Coaching A new country, a new culture, a new job. 84 talking about this. Naša rješenja kreirana su prema vašim potrebama, bilo da tražite posao ili ste poslodavac, da li vam je potreban 1 ili 1000 zaposlenih. Please note: These resources, compiled by staff, are provided for your information only, without any official endorsement or guarantee. Phone: + 359 883699968, + 359 883699967Email address:smilanova@ottoworkforce.bg, Bul. Search for: Traži. Pl. S úctou! Procedure; On-Site Services; Placement / secondment; Recruitment & selection; Certification; Who is OTTO? Location Berieme len najlepších. Core Values; Working and living in the Netherlands; Working and living in Germany; Working and living in Poland; Sectors; OTTO Academy; Trends; Working with OTTO . Long-term forecasting plays a major role at our company and that is why we are able to provide you … OTTO Work Force Romania Close. Have a look at our current vacancies. 4000 Plovdiv. CEVA Heerlen. Check our job offers! Keywords. Location Top job offers. Since the establishment of OTTO Work Force in 2000, the company has experienced tremendous growth and we have grown into the largest international employment organization in Europe. OTTO Work Force Plovdiv. OTTO Work Force Croatia OTTO Work Force Croatia Close. Oferim locuri de munca in depozite in Olanda pentru persoane care vorbesc limba engleza la nivel conversational With almost 50 offices we cover a substantial part of Germany. V spoločnosti OTTO Work Force sa k ľudom správame tak, ako by sme chceli, aby sa ľudia správali k nám. contact also … About OTTO Work Force; Work in the Netherlands; Contact; Menu. ТЦ «Підземне Місто». suchslan@msu.edu. Харків 61052, Phone: +38 067 67 90 115; Email address:kharkiv@ottoworkforce.com.ua. At OTTO Work Force we set great store by coaching on the work floor as well as on a social level. Szwedzka 5,55-040 KobierzyceTO BIURO NIE PROWADZI REKRUTACJI, Phone: +48 71 3394673Email address:sekretariat@ottoworkforce.pl, Domaniewska 39A wejście E, 02-672 Warszawa, Phone: +48 22 8260387Email address:warszawa@OTTOworkforce.pl, Ul. OTTO Work Force Slovakia s.r.o., je dcérskou pobočkou holandskej personálnej agentúry OTTO Work Force B.V., ktorá sa zaoberá sprostredkovaním zamestnania do Holandska a do Nemecka, pôsobí na pracovnom trhu od r. 2000. Ak ste iba dobrý, nemá zmysel na nás sa obracať. OTTO Work Force is honest and transparent. We can offer you a challenging position for a salary, to which you are legally and morally entitled, of course. At OTTO Work Force we set great store by coaching on the work floor as well as on a social level. This means that, wherever you may want to work in Europe, we take care of your career. That is why we are involved with top sportspeople and events we can identify with at regional and international level. Posao se sastoji od rada sa rucnim skenerima – skeniranje, oganiziranje i priprema narudzbi za slanje. We believe in one European labour market without borders and are continuously on the lookout for new concepts. Vyhovujem profilu spoločnosti OTTO? OTTO Work Force is NEN-4400-1 certified. Since the establishment of OTTO Work Force in 2000, our company has undergone tremendous growth and has grown into the largest international employment services organization in the Netherlands. Preto hľadáme najlepších zamestnancov. Megfelelek az OTTO Work Force számára? OTTO Work Force is the market leader in the field of international recruitment services We take care of our people | OTTO Work Force believes in one European labour market without borders.