meaning of alessandra in the bible
It possessed a famous library of 700,000 volumes, which was burned by the Saracens (A.D. 642). The biblical female name Alexandra is Greek in origin. A spelling alphabet, voice procedure alphabet telephone alphabet etc. Short form of ALESSANDRA. Alessandra is generally used as a girl's name. In the Egyptian district was the temple dedicated to Serapis (Osiris-Apis) which was only excelled in grandeur by the capitol at Rome. The study of mathematics, astronomy, poetry and medicine was especially favored (even vivisection upon criminals being common); Alexandrian architects were sought the world over; Alexandrian inventors were almost equally famous; the influence of Alexandrian art can still be marked in Pompeii and an Alexandrian painter was a hated rival of Apelles. Here Neo- Platonism, that contemplative and mystical reaction against the materialism of the Stoics, reached its full flower. the ancient metropolis of Lower Egypt, so called from its founder, Alexander the Great (about B.C. This translation if not used by Jesus was certainly used by Paul and other New Testament writers, as shown by their quotations. The name is borne in the Bible by the first woman, "the mother of all the living." Our authorized texts of Homer and other classic writers come from Alexandria not from Athens. To avoid unnecessary friction a separate district was given to the Jews, another to the Greeks and another to the native Egyptians. Their differences come from grammatical constructs that make the name either male, female or local. The thought of both Sadducee and Pharisee was affected by it and much late pre-Christian Jewish literature is saturated with it. Caird, Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers (1904); Pfleiderer, Philosophy and Development of Religion (1894); Schaff, History of Christian Church (1884-1910); Zogheb, Etudes sur l'ancienne Alexandrie (1909). Under the protection of the first two Ptolemies and Euergetes Alexandria reached its highest prosperity, receiving through Lake Mareotis the products of Upper Egypt, reaching by the Great Sea all the wealth of the West, while through the Red Sea its merchant vessels brought all the treasures of India and Arabia into the Alexandria docks without once being unladen. Before Alexander died (323 BC) the future of the city as the commercial metropolis of the world was assured and here the golden casket of the conqueror was placed in a fitting mausoleum. Alexandra as a girls' name is pronounced al-eks-AHN-dra. An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name Alexandra. It was for a long period the greatest of existing cities, for both Nineveh and Babylon had been destroyed, and Rome had not yet risen to greatness. She was from Germany and had the birth name Alix, but was renamed Александра (Aleksandra) upon joining the Russian Church. Even secret allegiance to Serapis brought persecution and sometimes death. 332, who himself traced the ground plan of the city. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alexandra is "man's defender". It was begun B.C. A short form of Alessandra, the Italian form of Alexandra, which comes from the Greek alexo, meaning “to defend” and andros, meaning “man”. It may be claimed that in literature no special originality was displayed though the earliest "love storms" and pastoral poetry date from this period (Mahaffy); yet the literature of the Augustan Age cannot be understood "without due appreciation of the character of the Alexandrian school" (EB, 11th ed. But the epochal importance of Alexandria is found in the teaching which prepared the Hebrew people for the reception of a gospel for the whole world, which was soon to be preached by Hebrews from Hellenized Galilee. The Alexandrian philosophy was the Elijah to prepare the way for a Saviour of the world. Kalisha, Talisha (African American), Adalheidis, Adelais (Ancient Germanic), Alexandra (Ancient Greek), Aleksandra, Aleksandrina (Bulgarian), Alícia (Catalan), Aleksandra, Sandra, Saša (Croatian), Alexandra (Czech), Alexandra, Sandra (Danish), Adelheid, Alexandra, Aleid, Aleida, Alex, Alida, Sandra, Xandra (Dutch), Aleksandra (Estonian), Aliisa, Alisa, Alli, Sandra (Finnish), Adélaïde, Alexandra, Alice, Alison, … From this city Christianity reached all Egypt and entered Nubia, Ethiopia and Abyssinia. At the beginning of the second century the number of Christians at Alexandria must have been very large, and the great leaders of Gnosticism who arose there (Basilides, Valentinus) exhibit an exaggeration of the tendency of the Church. When Christianity became the state religion of Egypt the native philosophers, moved by patriotism, rallied to the support of Serapis. Alexander was the son of Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross of Jesus. Defender of mankind. iv.35) His keen eye noted the strategic possibilities of the site occupied by the little Egyptian village of Rhacotis, and his decision was immediate to erect here, where it would command the gateway to the richest domain of his empire, a glorious city to be called by his own name. An observatory, an anatomical laboratory and large botanical and Zoological gardens were available. This was the first attempt to form a universal religion. Short for Sandra, which is a form of Alessandra, the Italian form of Alexandra, which comes from the Greek alexo, meaning “to defend” and andros, meaning “man”.. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". Situation .-- (Alexandria was situated on the Mediterranean Sea directly opposite the island of Pharos, 12 miles west of the Canopic branch of the Nile and 120 miles from the present city of Cairo.) SANDRA Name Meaning and History. It was the residence of the kings of Egypt for 200 years. Perhaps its most visible influence was in the encouragement of image-reverence and asceticism. Lucas Bryant, actor in Haven series. Arius was a catechist in this institution, and Athanasius, the "father of orthodoxy" and "theological center of the Nicene age" (Schaff), though not officially connected with the catechetical school was greatly affected by it, having been bred and trained in Alexandria. Luke twice speaks of himself and Paul sailing in "a ship of Alexandria" (Acts 27:6; 28:11). One of these was so large that the chazan signaled by a flag when the congregation should give the Amen! What Does SANDRA Mean and History? Alexander was a relative of Annas, the high priest. Salem Media Group. Egypt was a battle-field in which each sect persecuted every other. Proud member
Being considerate of the feelings and wishes of other people is … The Jews were at first ruled by a Hebrew ethnarch. The victory of Heraclius over the Persians (629 AD) was followed by such a massacre of the Jews that the Coptics of Egypt still denominate the first week in Lent as the "Fast of Heraclius." It is not mentioned in the Old Testament, and only incidentally in the New. This was the most popular and human form of the Egyptian worship. Egyptians and Greeks were conciliated by the introduction of a syncretic religion in which the greatest Greek god was worshipped as Osiris, Egyptian god of the underworld, whose soul appeared visibly in the form of the Apis bull. Here the Jew acknowledged that Athens as truly as Jerusalem had taught a vision of God. Celebrated scholars, members of the various faculties, were domiciled within the halls of the Museum and received stipends or salaries from the government. It was obtained in Alexandria and sent as a present to the king of England (1628) by Cyrellus Lucaris, the Patriarch of Constantinople. We'll discuss the original Greek, plus the words and names Alexandra is related to, plus the occurences of this name in the Bible. The meaning, origin and history of the given name Alejandra At any rate, after this period we hear of great private libraries in Alexandria, but the greatest literary wonder of the world has disappeared. But its early influence was immeasurable and can still be marked in Christian art, architecture and ritual as well as in philosophy and theology. Meaning : expand search to ancestral names: the meaning is anything from the name's write-up that is surrounded by "double quotes" separate search terms with spaces; search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes; this field understands simple boolean logic. At one time it is said that as many as 10,000 Jews resided in this city. PRESENT CONDITION. Thereafter heathen worship hid itself in the dens and caves of the earth. Pfleiderer's statement that He "may be termed the most finished treatise of the Alexandria philosophy" may be doubted, but no one can doubt the fact of Alexandrian influence on the New Testament. In Greek mythology this was a Mycenaean epithet of the goddess Hera, and an alternate name of Cassandra. "For a long period Alexandria was the greatest of known cities." ), apparently a levirate marriage. But Theodosius (391) prohibited idolatry, and led by the bishop, the Serapeum was seized, and smitten by a soldier's battle-axe, the image--which probably represented the old heathen religion at its best--was broken to pieces, and dragged through the streets. Ptol. Here Euclid wrote his Elements of Geometry; here Archimedes, "that greatest mathematical and inventive genius of antiquity," made his spectacular discoveries in hydrostatics and hydraulics; here Eratosthenes calculated the size of the earth and made his other memorable discoveries; while Ptolemy studied here for 40 years and published an explanation of the stellar universe which was accepted by scientists for 14 centuries, and established mathematical theories which are yet the basis of trigonometry. Salome Alexandra was the wife of Aristobulus I (104-103 b.c. Because of their wealth, education and social position they reached high public office. Plato was numbered among the prophets. Here for the first time is seen a school of science and literature, adequately endowed and offering large facilities for definite original research. In Japanese the name is known as Subaru, the name of the car manufacturer. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Addison is "son of Adam". According to Josephus Alexander himself assigned to the Jews a place in his new city. Yet even when Alexandria was captured by the Arabs (641) under the caliph Omar, the general could report: "I have taken a city containing 4,000 palaces and 4,000 baths and 400 theaters." The statement of Josephus that Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-247) requested the Jews to translate the Old Testament into Greek is not incredible. The masculine name gained popularity when Alexander the Great went on his military binge and conquered the known world in a matter of years. Apollos, the "orator," was born in Alexandria (Acts 18:24). When the Christians reached political power they used the same methods of controversy, wrecking the Caesarion in 366 and the Serapeum twenty-five years later. The English poet and essayist Joseph Addison was popular and influential through the 18th century. Analysis, gender of … in the customary version to raise a riot (Expos, VII, 75). Excavations by the English (1895) and Germans (1898-99) have yielded few results, though Dr. G. Botti discovered the Serapeum and some immense catacombs, and only recently (1907) some fine sphinxes. It is the Italian form of the female given name Alexandra and the female form of the male given name Alessandro. Notwithstanding its dangerous teaching concerning evil, it was on the whole favorable to piety, being the forerunner of mysticism and sympathetic with the deepest, purest elements Of a spiritual religion. From Thurayya. Lucas in … According to the common legend, St. Mark first "preached the gospel in Egypt, and founded the first church in Alexandria." The Sinaiticus and Vaticanus uncials with many other most important Bible manuscripts--Hebrew, Greek, Coptic and Syriac--came from Alexandria. With the founding of the University of Alexandria began the "third great epoch in the history of civilization" (Max Muller). During the Roman supremacy the rights of the Jews were maintained, except during their persecution for a brief period by the insane Caligula, and the control of the most important industries, including the corn trade, came into their hands. Euergetes is said to have sent to Athens for the works of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, etc., and when these were transcribed, sent back beautiful copies to Greece and kept the originals! During the 4th century, ten councils were held in Alexandria, it being theological and ecclesiastical center of Christendom. Indeed in several cities, under the Ptolemies, who accepted this policy, foreigners were even given superiority to natives. Advertisement. STARTS/ENDS WITH Ad-, -son. It always stood for the philosophical vindication of Christianity. Alexander. It was borne by several early Christian saints, and also by the wife of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia. University of New Orleans, 2007 Only one important relic remains visible, the so-called Pompey's Pillar which dates from the reign of Diocletian. It sank lower when Cairo became the capital (circa 1000 AD), and received its death blow when a sea route to India was discovered by way of the Cape of Good Hope (circa 1500). A short form of Alessandra, the Italian form of Alexandra, which comes from the Greek alexo, meaning “to defend” and andros, meaning “man”. VI and Cleopatra the two generals-in-chief of the royal army were Jews. Among the private papers of Alexander it is said a sketch was found outlining his vast plan of making a Greek empire which should include all races as harmonious units. Free eBook: Getting Through the Storms in Life, Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Alexandria, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Alexandria, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Alexandria, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. (from Alexander ), 3 Ma 3:1; ( Acts 18:24 ; 6:9 ) the Hellenic, Roman and Christian capital of Egypt. al-eg-zan'-dri-a (he Alexandreia). The feminine name Alexandra does not occur in the Bible but the Egyptian city of Alexandria is mentioned a few times (Acts 6:9, 27:6), as are four or five men named Alexander (Mark 15:21, Acts 4:6, 19:33, 1 Timothy 1:20). Sandra Name Meaning. General Editor. It is Egyptian even in trifles. and the Effects Upon Meaning in the Works of the Gawain-Poet A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the University of New Orleans in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English British Literature by Alessandra Carmen Cusimano B.A. Origin of Sandre Name But with the coming of the Arabs Alexandria began to decline. The story that the Arabs burned it in the 7th century is discredited and seemingly disproved (Butler). The city was about fifteen miles in circumference (Pliny), and when looked at from above represented a Macedonian cloak, such as was worn by Alexander's heroic ancestors. "; } elseif ($show == "name") { require('_names_show.php'); } echo $mainbox_end; mysql_close($db); include('admin/tmpl_footer.php'); ?> Soraya is also sometimes used to describe a chandelier. Alexander is the name of four men in the Bible. Some of the greatest Christian leaders used all their influence against such atrocities, but the Egyptian Christians were always noted for their excitability. Though no department of philosophy was established in the Museum, nevertheless from the 3rd century BC to the 6th century AD it was the center of gravity in the philosophic world. One of the most outstanding Jewish women in our history was Queen Salome Alexandra.. Salome Alexandra, the sister of Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach, the famous leader of the Sanhedrin, was the wife of the first Maccabean to take on the title of “king” since the destruction of the first Holy Temple.The name of this great-grandson of Mattathias was Judah Aristobulus I. ), while in editing texts and in copying and translating manuscripts inconceivable patience and erudition were displayed. Latinate feminine form of Alexander. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of the latter upon religious thought. Stephen `disputed' in Jerusalem in the synagogue of the Alexandrians (Acts 6:9). Here was made the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament into Greek, begun about B.C. 333). Meaning of Sandra in the Bible. With oriental exaggeration they declared that one amphitheater could easily hold a million spectators and that it was positively painful to go upon the streets at night because of the glare of light reflected from the white palaces. 280, and finished about B.C. I had 30,000 Jewish soldiers, in his army, whose barracks have only recently been discovered. Cleopatras needle, set up by Thotmes in 1500 B.C., was found in Alexandria. Today the ancient Alexandria lies entirely under the sea or beneath some later construction. A short form of Alessandra, the Italian form of Alexandra, which comes from the Greek alexo, meaning “to defend” and andros, meaning “man”. History: In 331 BC, Alexander the Great, on his way to visit the Oracle of Amon seeking divine honors, stopped at the West extremity of the Delta at the isle of Pharos the landing-place of Odysseus (Od. In ancient Greece and Rome, a catamite was a pubescent boy who was the intimate companion of a young man, usually in a pederastic relationship. The surname was derived from Addie or Adie, a medieval (and occasional modern) pet form of Adam. Alessandra may refer to: Alessandra Acciai (born 1965), Italian actress. Under the khedives it has recently gained something of its old importance and numbers now 320,000, of whom 46,000 are Europeans, chiefly Greeks (Baedeker, Handbook, 1902; Murray, Handbook, 1907). The work thus begun was continued after the death of Alexander by the Ptolemies. On the other hand literature and art flourished under the careful protection of the court. 2009), son of American actress, comedian, and writer Wanda Sykes Lucas Wong, Chinese (Hong Kong) lead rapper, lead dancer, and sub-vocalist of South Korean pop boy group NCT. Philo estimated the number of the Alexandrine Jews in his time at a little less than 1,000,000 and adds that two of the five districts of Alexandria were called "Jewish districts," and that many Jews lived scattered in the remaining three. Spelling Alphabet. Some curious relics of the early Egyptian church have very recently come to light. "Ever since this epoch the conceptions of the sphericity of the earth, its poles, axis, the equator, the arctic and antarctic circles, the equinoctial points, the solstices, the inequality of climate on the earth's surface, have been current notions among scientists. According to the numerology prediction of the Bradley name, a lucky number is 4 and it impacts positively on personality development. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. By the days of Augustus a Council of Elders (gerusia) had control, presided over by 71 archons. Its importance as one of the chief corn-ports of Rome secured for it the general favor of the first emperors. ), and after his death became the wife of his brother Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 b.c. It stated but could not solve the problem. force a term to be included by preceding it with a + sign A man whose father, Simon the Cyrenian, bore the cross of Christ ( Mark 15:21). The name Αλεξανδρα (Alexandra) stems from deep antiquity, and it's probably older than the masculine version Alexander. All rights reserved. It may have been a good thing that the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes (2nd century BC) checked Jewish Hellenization. In it the profoundest Aryan speculations were blended with the sublimest Semitic concepts. It consists of 10 letters and 4 syllables and is pronounced A-le-ssan-dra. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. All famous books brought into Egypt were sent to the library to be copied. When Christianity became the state religion of Egypt the Jews at once began to be persecuted. The most appalling tragedy of this kind occurred in 415 when Hypatia, the virgin philosopher, celebrated equally for beauty, virtue and learning, was dragged by a mob to the cathedral, stripped, and torn to pieces before the altar. It only needed the change of a word e.g. They killed heretics easily, but they would themselves be killed rather than renounce the very slightest and most intangible theological tenet. In the Greek section were situated the palaces of the Ptolemies, the Library and Museum. Alexandra (Ancient Greek), Aleksandra, Aleksandrina (Bulgarian), Aleksandra, Sandra, Saša (Croatian), Alexandra (Czech), Alexandra, Sandra (Danish), Alexandra, Alex, Sandra, Xandra (Dutch), Aleksandra (Estonian), Sandra (Finnish), Alexandra, Alexandrie, Alexandrine, Sacha, Sandra, Sandrine (French), Alexandra, Alexandrine, Sandra, Sascha (German), Alexandra (Greek), Alexandra (Greek Mythology), Alexandra, Szandra (Hungarian), Alastríona (Irish), Alessandra… According to all tradition, Mark the evangelist, carried the gospel to Alexandria, and his body rested here until removed to Venice, 828 AD. The city still bears the same name and is a thriving metropolis, with inhabitants from nearly every European and Oriental nation. Bibliography Information The Jews possessed many synagogues in their own district and in Philo's day these were not confined to any one section of the city. That day, as Steindorff well puts it, "Egyp paganism received its death blow; the Egyptian religion fell to pieces" (History of Egypt). Neo-Platonism was the "germ out of which Christian theology sprang" (Caird) though later it became an adverse force. 1. It was borne by several early Christian saints, and also by the wife of Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia. It was founded by Alexander the Great, B.C. The Biblical baby name Alexander is Greek in origin and it's meaning is defender of men or brave. A Maccabean queen, the only Jewish queen regnant other than the usurper Athaliah. Meanings English Baby Names Meaning: In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Alexandra is: Feminine of Alexander. The manufactories of Alexandria were extensive, the greatest industry however being shipbuilding, the largest merchant ships of the world and battleships capable of carrying 1,000 men, which could hurl fire with fearful effect, being constructed here. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. Cassandra or Kassandra (Ancient Greek: Κασσάνδρα, pronounced , also Κασάνδρα), (sometimes referred to as Alexandra), was a Trojan priestess of Apollo in Greek mythology cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed.In modern usage her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate someone whose accurate prophecies are not believed. The next morning the city was evacuated and Jews and Coptics received better treatment from the Arabs than they had from the Roman or Greek ecclesiastics. A corollary is an obvious deduction or easily drawn conclusion; a natural consequence or result. Doubtless numbers of the recently discovered documents from the Cairo genizah came originally from Alexandria. It was in furtherance of this general policy that the Jews in Alexandria were given special privileges, and though probably not possessing full civic rights, yet they "occupied in Alexandria a more Influential position than anywhere else in the ancient world" (Jewish Encyclopedia). Each district had a practically independent political government. His temple was built of most precious marbles and filled with priceless sculptures, while in its cloisters was a library second only to the Great Library of the Museum. Meaning of Chelsea name, name definition, origin of Chelsea name, popularity and history of Chelsea, name meaning in the Bible/Torah/Quran? 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Is there LEXI name in the Bible/Torah/Quran? It was, however, not all translated at one time. The meaning of Alessandra is "defender of mankind". In its most flourishing period the population numbered from 600,000 to 800,000, half of whom were perhaps slaves. The famous library which at different eras was reported as possessing from 400,000 to 900,000 books and rolls--the rolls being as precious as the books--was a magnificent edifice connected by marble colonnades with the Museum, the "Temple of the Muses."