mac terminal no such file or directory
39 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. 6,877 1 1 gold badge 32 32 silver badges 37 37 bronze badges. Once done, log out of your Terminal and relaunch it again. Was there any other options for SECAM? Who is the true villain of Peter Pan: Peter, or Hook? For example (this is one line): ssh -i ./myfirstkeypair.pem Note that this is for a project with a new key added to gitlab. But I keep getting: No such file or directory! On macOS, the false utility is located in /usr/bin, not in /bin. Term to describe paradox where those with less subject matter expertise can sometimes make better teachers? What is the mathematical meaning of the plus sign (+) in chemical reaction equations? To SSH to your EC2 instance from your Mac, just go back to your terminal (or launch it again if you’ve closed it already), navigate into the directory that contains your private key file, and then enter: ssh -i ./nameofyourprivatekey.pem ec2-user@ipaddress or hostname. If this the case, you can try the solutions above to see which one would work. Remove directory in Terminal & other ways to delete files and folders on Mac. In a terminal: $PATH -bash: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin: No such file or directory echo $PATH /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin cd.. -bash: cd..: … Some types of malware attack important files that are required for running important troubleshooting tasks, such as files associated with the anti-malware app, the macOS security features, or the Terminal. It … .AppleSetupDoneis a placeholder that indicates the Mac has been set up with a User account.Its absence indicates OS X should initiate the "new Mac user" setup procedure. Automatically stretching non-default arrows in tikz-cd. Same issue here w/ High Sierra. Now you can open your file on a text editing application such as gedit by typing gedit filea.txt, which would open the file … It's likely that is either not actually a .zip file, or is corrupted. Hence, it is important not to use unreliable or free cleaner apps because it could just lead to more problems in the future. by Chiamaka Ikeanyi Sometimes, using the default terminal sucks. Is a comment aligned with the element being commented a good practice? directory. Helpful answers Drop Down menu. (though with these small files, you will not see much of it) You can suppress the progress display with the -q (quite) option. There may come a time when you install a software development command-line tool that creates a .bash_profile , and you can find all the things you put in .profile are not being set up. Mac OS X doesn’t have an obvious way to view the exact text based path to a folder (otherwise known as a directory) in the finder window. On macOS, the false utility is located in /usr/bin, not in /bin. directory is neither an existing file nor directory. It’s important to note that if bash finds .bash_profile , it will run that file, otherwise it will run .profile . rev 2021.3.12.38768. Without the .profile file, the Terminal is not able to set the environment variables necessary throughout your command line sessions. This will copy the local file sample.txt from the current working directory to the remote host’s ~/Documents/ directory. This program then looks for two files in your user’s [home directory][homedir]: .bash_profile and .profile. Your email address will not be published. I get a new Mac but the terminal doesn't work. Try running. Error: env: node: No such file or directory Error: env: node: No such file or directory at parameters.exit (/Users/csb/.atom/packages/linter-bootlint/node_modules/atom-linter/lib/helpers.js:77:20) at triggerExitCallback (/Applications/Atom at /Applications/Atom … What are the bounds of the enforced value of "legal tender"? I see this when I open up Terminal. You can have it show a graphical path, but getting just the text based path to a directory (for use in the Terminal for example) requires a couple of extra steps. Recommend:osx - No such file or directory in MAC Terminal. If the problem goes away, put each file back one by one and test each time to find which file contains the 'bad' line. (though with these small files, you will not see much of it) You can suppress the progress display with the -q (quite) option. When you start up Terminal, it launches a “login shell” by starting the program /bin/bash . Share. Word for the animal providing motive power for a vehicle? You can make changes to your files right from the Terminal. After nano is successful, you can verify the contents of "My-profile.txt" using 'cat' to show it in Terminal, and then 'cp' to copy it into place. If you type a file path incorrectly, Terminal will let you know with a “No such file or directory” error. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Please review EULA and Privacy Policy. If it is not present the Mac is going to proceed with the … This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. No such file or directory. Replace with the actual name of the zip file. As you can see from the above I'm trying to go to the folder brian2 but Ubuntu tells me No such file or directory but the directory list command tells me it is there. It is also possible that the file was deleted by a Mac cleaning app or an optimizer app that categorized it as an unnecessary file. cp
Copy a file to the current directory with the name given as rm Remove a file completely. If you encounter this error, this article will provide with the step-by-step process on how to fix the Terminal .profile: No such file or directory error on Mac. macOS. Improve this question. Apple Footer. In this video you'll learn how to easily create a new directory on your computer right from the terminal command line. In the macOS Terminal or any Linux/Unix shell, a common command line might look like:-$ ls path. Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell built on top of bash (the default shell for macOS) with a large number of Using echo $var you are printing the contents of the variable $var to the screen. You can have it show a graphical path, but getting just the text based path to a directory (for use in the Terminal for example) requires a couple of extra steps. The prompt says that there is no such file or directory, I used the ls -al /var/db, and I dont see it in the list that poped up. Improve this question. Also, by default, macOS doesn't have ssh-askpass as part of its arsenal, so I'm guessing that this is 'left over' from some git/*nix logic in the vscode git packages? 3 Ways to Fix the “Terminal .profile: No such file or directory” Error. After struggling getting the correct file or folder path I’m usually greeted with No such file or directory reminding me that the command line doesn’t like spaces in file and folder paths. Why is “java” a valid command in terminal (bash) if it is not in my path? When the .profile is not available, the .bash file is the next to be read. Permissions. 4: I get this problem whenever I moved a project folder. You can type in any kind of command in the Terminal window — from launching apps to removing files to installing updates. Thanks for contributing an answer to Super User! When using the Terminal, any two or all of these files are usually involved: However, several Mac users have recently reported encountering the Terminal .profile: No such file or directory when using Terminal. Does either 'messy' or 'untidy' necessarily imply 'dirty'? What is the point in delaying the signing of legislation that the President supports? You are always in a directory. Also, by default, macOS doesn't have ssh-askpass as part of its arsenal, so I'm guessing that this is 'left over' from some git/*nix logic in the vscode git packages? Required fields are marked *, Clean and Optimize Your Mac to Improve Performance with Outbyte MacRepair. Hide output… env: bash: No such file or directory And when trying to search something in Install: Searching for “test” failed. Write the HelloWorld code in the main.c file. For directories, the slash is pasted to the end of the name. If you try to move into a directory that has a space, you may encounter an issue. Then the file isn't there. Software Tested – Your Online Guide to Mac, Android, and PC Tips, Tricks, and Solutions, Home » Mac » 3 Ways to Fix the “Terminal .profile: No such file or directory” Error. Is there anyone met this situation before? Manjaro: sys/cdefs.h: no such file or directory I'm trying to build an x32 project with CMake. Solution no. $ ls ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State. It’s confusing, to be sure. Follow edited Aug 28 '11 at 10:27. Mac OS X doesn’t have an obvious way to view the exact text based path to a folder (otherwise known as a directory) in the finder window. It is not clear why this error happens, but one of the possible reasons is the accidental deletion of the .profile file by a third-party app or by the user itself. asked May 24 '11 at 2:33. colinfang colinfang. What Causes the “Terminal .profile: No such file or directory Error”? linux terminal -bash: env: No such file or directory. To mount an NFS file system, the resource must be made available on the NAS or NFS server. Note that word splitting can occur and usually you will want to quote your variables to avoid this: This does not work because cd is a command (OK, a shell builtin usually) and .. is its parameter and the two need to be separated by whitespace so the shell's parser can pick these up as separate tokens: Note that you can set up an alias to make cd.. work: but I would advise against that and learn how to properly use a Unix shell instead of making it mimic DOS. You can access it by typing "Terminal" into Spotlight. BashFAQ/050 aka I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail! To SSH to your EC2 instance from your Mac, just go back to your terminal (or launch it again if you’ve closed it already), navigate into the directory that contains your private key file, and then enter: ssh -i ./nameofyourprivatekey.pem ec2-user@ipaddress or … Why no relative pronoun in ἄνθρωπος ἐξηραμμένην ἔχων τὴν χεῖρα? Try renaming the file in Finder (you need to show invisible files to see it with Shift+Command+. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Super User works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, $PATH - No such file or directory MAC OSX - Terminal, No such file or directory after typing $PATH in terminal.