Soundtrack was excellent. Some of the comments here are decent, but most in the past have failed to differentiate between "it was bad" and "I didn't like it.". It has been roughly six and a half, post the last movie you watched and rate it from 1 to 10 But please do not back any of it up when questioned. Have you ever seen a John Carpenter movie? The movie is written and helmed by David Robert Mitchell. How is that unoriginal? Nothing disappoint me more than a waste of potential. It Follows has quickly become the horror hit of the year, expanding into over 1,200 theaters this weekend after weeks of rave reviews and sterling word of mouth in … Terrible acting was also abound in this shitfest of a film. The only issue is that it is very easy to dismiss the concept if you don’t go in and stick with it. A big bad sea witch follows him through the portal of truth and reeks havoc on lovely babies. im gonna be hosting a watch party for wandavision some time in the coming week (and maybe, HARRY POTTER FANS WHERE YOU AT??? What a classic, Movie Junkies: If you have a few minutes, listen to me gush about the amazing horror film It Follows. Good intentions don’t make this a good movie. The curse can be passed onto someone else by having sexual intercourse with the person, but if that individual is killed, the entity will revert back to stalking the previous target of the curse. But I loved It Follows and think it's easily one of the best horror films of this decade. Shok 10/10, heya folks! We can probably think up some great points here. It was awesome to look at and the soundtrack was boss. Don’t think because you’ve used the word “contrived” that you’re coming off as intelligent. It was boring is something often mentioned. So uncomfortable. There Will Be Blood, What shows or new seasons of shows are you excited for? We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. After a knight in shining armor time travels from the bad times to save the pretty chick all is well... NOT! This distracted you during tense scenes? You'll see all the posts on here raving about it, saying t was the movie of last year and all that. Once you dismiss it, it isn’t going to be scary and you won’t find anything in it. With Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Olivia Luccardi, Lili Sepe. She didn’t go off on her own and tell her friends something cliche like, “I’ve gotta do this alone.” She did what she needed to do in order to pass the “thing” on, twice… She actively tried to get away. Shouldn’t you know? But the whole premise seemed kind of weak. From this it follows that there is nothing to be called evil if there is nothing good. Little is known about the creature or where it came from, but it is the result of a curse that was created through unknown means. of mobile phones, the suburbia that feels almost Halloween-ish, the dated cars (I think? I really don't think that's what he was trying to do. You have all the right in the world to say that a movie sucks, that a movie wasn’t scary or tense, which is funny because you said the movie wasn’t scary but admitted they were playing “unfitting music in a tense scene”, tense is undoubtedly a side effect of fear, but nonetheless, you have an opinion and you’re allowed to share it. Not any more than Christine should be seen as Luddite propaganda against all cars, or Martyrs as atheist propaganda against all Christians. For me, it’s Stranger Things, and also Legends of, Critics are really trolling with the praise for this pseudo-horror movie. Personally It Follows is one of (if not) my favorite movies. A good that wholly lacks an evil aspect is entirely good. Can someone that really thought it wasn't good give me their reasoning? It doesn't have rules, or the characters discover Its rules only to find out they don't or never did apply. I didn't want to see what happens when the thing reach its prey, i just want to imagine it, while it keeps getting more and more close people, and not jumping at them or throwing stuffs all of a sudden. The first thing you’ll want to do you after you see It Follows is to tell other people to watch it immediately. The Fog soundtrack… Escape From New York soundtrack… Assault on Precinct 13 soundtrack… They’re minimalistic and dark. Or Forbidden Planet, which I think was the first electronic soundtrack. It’s bass and synth. And this is where I think you’re just fucking around; or trying to be cute. On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, it holds a 95% approval rating and a rating average score of 8.10/10, based on 259 reviews. The gross film starts out with actress Ester Expósito dancing a jig in a bar full of boys who like girls. From a human nature, which … It Follows (2014) Parents Guide Add to guide . They come up with a ridiculously stupid plan to electrocute the demon in a local pool. Not to mention the score was absolutely brilliant. She instantly disbelieved the supernatural in the beginning and got a rape kit performed and went to the police. I have seen way too many movies and I’ve never seen a single one with this concept. I like to try and be objective when it comes to whether a movie is "bad" or not. Directed by David Robert Mitchell. The film might not be as deep as it aspires to be, but It Follows is one retro horror movie that's quite creepy and has style to spare. The score is fucking awesome too. The reasoning I've read so far as to why this movie is bad can be explained away with either that person just not understanding the movie or simply not liking it. I've seen inconsistency mentioned too. Teen sex is a major issue; the actors are in their early 20s, but the characters -- who discover that the only way to get rid of the monster is to have sex with someone and "pass" the monster to them -- could easily be in their late teens. There wasn’t a single hint of “camp” to the movie, so I don’t understand at all how you can say it was corny. There are two main types of fake Instagram followers. Whoa @6xPlatinum that’s what im talkin about, you know your stuff. Spoilers ahead. It seriously seemed like some sort of 80s abstinence propaganda. David Robert Mitchell’s “It Follows” comes equipped with as good a title as a film could ask for. This is intentional, and if you look at the film as a whole you'll find a kind of odd inconsistency that is deliberate; the CRT television, the clamshell e-reader, the lack (IIRC?) Since "It Follows" concerns the never-ending state of hormonal crisis we call "adolescence," the film is about illogical actions that have long-lasting consequences. It Follows stars Maika Monroe as Jay Height, an average teenager (with a romantic outlook on life) who begins dating Hugh (Jake Weary), the handsome new guy in town. I’m saying it didnt belong in the movie and threw me off to the point of distracting me during tense scenes. The climax of the film includes Jay (Maika Monroe) and the other characters banding together to attempt to rid herself from the demonic curse that haunts her. It Follows = worst horror movie of the decade Follow. It has Maika Monroe who was in last year’s The Guest which I thought had great cinematography and an amazing soundtrack and brought back that old 80s thriller/horror feel. The movie just ain’t scary or interesting, the one interesting thing about the movie (the premise) had a pretty stupid fucking payoff at the end. Jay (Maika Monroe), a quintessentially sullen teen, learns this soon after she has sex with, and is summarily abducted by Hugh . Why Buying Instagram Followers is a Really Bad Thing. The characters weren’t dipshits. After watching the whole movie i was really pissed, cause this movie could have been the perfect horror (from my vision of how an horror movie should be) but "just" ended up being a masterpiece. Refreshing to see a horror movie that isn’t about a demon or ghost. However, after the two have sex for the first time, Jay finds herself being followed by a slow … Which makes me wonder, what old school movies were they trying to play homage to, if not Carpenter? im sure you may be, I’m very curious to see everyone’s different tastes, and have been looking for new movies to watch, what, so in addition to the watch party happening later this week im also working on putting the scripts for, It follows a bad act, that's understood. I don’t fuck wit dis. Sorry for bad english. The film gets off to a quick start, but the overall pace is slower than average, all the speed is saved for the It scenes (soundtrack does an amazing job of adding a frantic, frenetic feel too). It … You originally said that It Follows wasn’t paying homage to old school movies, and here you’re saying that the one’s it does pay homage to are significantly better. It follows the scientific method, only with errors or biases. The complaint about sex = death is a good surface reading of the film, that way it fits neatly alongside a lot of horror films, but I don't think it holds up. But I loved It Follows and think it's easily one of the best horror films of this decade. This is a movie that was light on the jump scares, which is a delightful change of pace. Fake Instagram Followers Don’t Engage. The score for Follows deserved its own credit alongside the cast of the movie, and besides, you had us at "perceive the outer limits." I enjoyed the film as well. It's all down to personal preference, one mans gold is another mans shit! I liked It Follows but I see @6xPlatinum has done my work for me. What about the movie was contrived? How is that thrown together? I’m either convinced you saw a different movie with an incorrect soundtrack or that you’ve never seen older horror movies and have zero credibility when analyzing It Follows beyond your personal opinion. I also didn't feel like I cared about the characters because the movie didn't give you any reason to. I was boring and it needs so much outside explaining that in my opinion it failed in its intent. I think it honestly is just a clever way to pass this demon or whatever we call it on to someone else. I didn’t feel like the movie was homaging old school movies with the soundtrack I was only thinking why the fuck are they playing this unfitting music during tense scenes? That one form it took in Jays kitchen of the woman all beat up peeling herself was one of the creepiest scenes I've ever seen in a movie, period. This can't be accidental. Why weak scenes? We Rationalize. Not everything was pristine and movie-set like (the pool being dirtied up like a lot of people's looks are). For if we couple (9) with, say, the thick, choice-based account of responsibility luck, it follows that for my present reckless driving not to be a matter of (bad) luck, it will have to be the case that I am responsible for, and hence have chosen, the causes of my present reckless driving. Add an image, video, or tweet by pasting in the URL: This forum is closed—no new threads or posts can be created. I give you my opinion (a bit spoiler inside), even if this is my favourite all time horror, this movie mixed genious scenes (the camera rotating all around in the school scene around mid movie, the hospital scene in which jay looks at the door w/o any clue if the thing is coming or not and even the ending scene) and weak scenes imho (the pool scene in which the thing throw stuffs at jay or the greg scene). The soundtrack is absolutely paying homage to John Carpenter, who the majority of horror film, and film directors in general, look up to in regards to horror, especially soundtracks! First off, I’d like to say the word contrived a couple more times. And the premise was so ridiculously awful. I hate the whole "sex is bad, don't do it or you'll die" nonsense. R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. But, if you get caught up with the atmosphere, music and the characters, it is really entertaining and fun. Hi, im saddened to announce that oreo the raccoon has died at the ripe old age of nine. Do you see the contradiction here? …they don’t go nowhere interesting with the concept. 7,556. The first is the follower who has agreed to take a small sum of money in return for going on a Fake Follower list. Metástasis (meaning "metastasis" in Spanish) is an American, Spanish-language version of the U.S. crime drama Breaking Bad.It follows all five seasons of Breaking Bad, with very few exceptions and little additions not seen in the original version.A few minor scenes were shot differently than in Breaking Bad, but this does not change the storyline. MamaSaidYouLiveNextDoorToDeathIfYouLiveInTheMoment. It Follows is the most important, disturbing, subtle and eloquent statement about sexual shame and magic that I could ask for in the form of a major motion picture.. Likewise, just as a bad tree does not grow good fruit, so also an evil will does not produce good deeds. When she eventually did accept the supernatural she took action, but not by running to the top floor and hiding. Sex is also the way to put off death, and from the director's comments he clearly was not going for a simple puritanical morality tale. There were a few scenes that were slightly creepy (the first and maybe the second time the thing shows up), but really, I could barely sit through the entire thing. Press J to jump to the feed. If anything, it's a comment on horror movies from the 70s/80s that kill off the teens who have sex. Upvote-3 Downvote. The reasoning I've read so far as to why this movie is bad can be explained away with either that person just not understanding the movie or simply not liking it. What about the movie was corny? Here are the possible solutions for "It follows a bad act, that's understood" clue. I linked the soundtracks to some of the most respected horror movies of all time that all have similar scores. In addition, I had the soundtrack on in my car when I picked up a friend. After he chloroforms and ties up Jay, Hugh deliberately, but impatiently tells her … Especially during the running scenes and that spinning shot. I thought the main character was significantly smarter than most horror movie protagonists. Thought it had a weak climax though. The soundtrack was brilliant and all the Carpenter nods and atmosphere was a refreshing break from current horror films. I absolutely loved it follows, thought it was a great movie with some decent scares too. Really?? It Follows is a 2015 suspense horror flick directed by David Robert Mitchell. : It follows that you don't have to reduce yourself to utter penury. Long, stupid shots of empty streets to build suspense, but only created boredom. : It follows that the music is a hybrid of rock, disco, acid, house techno and downtempo, but always with an upbeat and driving energy that keeps the crowd moving. If there is old school influence, shouldn’t that translate to homage to older horror movies? It was boring, in my opinion. Bad science is a flawed version of good science, with the potential for improvement. I maintain that girl was stupid as hell for walking towards that hole in the door at the beach and towards that pool. Upvote-3 Downvote. A young woman is followed by an unknown supernatural force after a sexual encounter. Or 31.25 days. Often, it’s produced with the best of intentions, just by researchers who are responding to skewed incentives. And as far as It not being scary, I just dk what to tell ya there. All too often we give leaders “a pass” instead of holding them accountable. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a cryptic one: It follows a bad act, that's understood. It was brilliant in every aspect and is every 1980s/John Carpenter horror fan’s wet dream. Among the many interesting reveals from Quentin Tarantino‘s recent wide-ranging interview was that he “really liked” David Robert Mitchell‘s indie horror hit It Follows. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It felt more indie than horror, so when the horror elements came into play they felt out of place for me. Or maybe it was just a nice nod to/update of the whole 'promiscuous teens die' trope of 80s slashers. Whatever floats your boat. ... honestly I hate the whole "sex is bad, don't do it or you'll die" nonsense. Harry really didn’t want a haircut in the 4th movie, For me it’s the second one. a couple people in discord, Even though I’ve seen 50% of his filmography, I’m going with Paul Thomas Anderson. The critical consensus states: "Smart, original and, above all, terrifying, It Follows is the rare modern horror film that works on multiple levels – and leaves a lingering sting." On the other hand, I watched bone tomahawk recently and it Bierce to tears, didn't get it at all. Read on, and be amazed. It was boring and I kept waiting for MORE. I would like to brainstorm some up-to-date Screen Genius guidelines. Because Maika Monroe was wearing granny panties. I really want to see this movie! What she didn’t do was steal someone’s car and drive across the country. ), the Bakelite/otherwsie dated electric devices at the pool, and so on. Parents need to know that It Follows is an indie horror movie with lots of buzz among horror fanatics. I don’t usually watch horror movies, but somehow I ended up last night riveted in the theater. From the Detroit suburbs (where It Follows takes place) to San Diego, it takes roughly 750 hours to walk without pause, according to Google Maps. The film is very atmospheric, relying heavily on tone to set the mood. Edit . “Everything” isn’t a reasonable answer. Sounds like you wanted an hour and forty minutes of the thing just slowly walking towards people, fun. In the past few years more and more horrors have relied on jump scares to make up for the true scariest part of any horror film, the sense of dread. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'm a fan of plenty of movies that really are considered shitty movies. Don’t listen to OP. What about the movie was uninspired? Which brings me to my next point: you are absolutely entitled to your own opinion. That’s why he’s top-tier with me in the books of our old school friends. Most of the comments seem to boil down to "the film was boring and OP is a faggot." It seriously seemed like some sort of 80s abstinence propaganda. The plot of the film revolves around a teenage girl named Jay who is pursued by a supernatural entity after her sexual encounter. The demon can look like anyone, and it just slowly walks and follows the person it's attached to." Is that her one fault, that makes her “borderline retarded”? 1. I liked the beginning but that lametastic climax threw me over the fence and made. I don't think this is an accident, and it's meant to create a dreamlike feel, where the dream is a mishmash of things in the real world, and when you have a nightmare, the nightmare doesn't stop because you do something in it, the terror continues, even illogically, despite your actions. I’m obviously overexagerating my hate for the movie in the OP (I’m just contrasting with the films poster that says “horror movie of the decade”, had me hopin to get my mind blown). It’s suspensful, dark, creative and smartly written. The main character’s lack of intelligence and survival bordered on either mental retardation or suicidal tendencies. Also, love the way that it was shot and how it forced the audience to look at the entire screen. Depressed Insomniac. It is very intense and often surreal. Just because a horror film has a premise involving danger being linked to sex (It Follows, Shivers, Alien), drugs (Blue Sunshine, Campfire Tales, ROTLD 5) or rock n' roll (Trick or Treat, Deathgasm, Shock 'em Dead) shouldn't condemn it as "puritan propaganda." It seriously seemed like some sort of 80s abstinence propaganda. She gets touched in the boob and she screams bloody murder! I kept waiting for the BIG scene or the SCARIEST part... but it just kind of simmered for me. One common interpretation of It Follows is that it's primarily about sex. Here’s an ingenious thing I just came, Just like the what are you listening to, and what are you playing right now threads this is just a basic, Lost girl from Kansas kills the first person she meets, then teams up with others to kill again. The entire premise was lacking, there was no connection with the characters, the monster / ghost / villain wasn't that scary, and honestly I hate the whole "sex is bad, don't do it or you'll die" nonsense. I really liked it. A person who possesses the curse will be stalked endlessly by the entity until it kills him or her. Anyway, I’m delaying the main event. Critics are really trolling with the praise for this pseudo-horror movie. While I disagree with you, I have to say I can respect your reasons. Edit: Also, this can't be the message because sex is also your salvation in this movie. Jordan Crucchiola is a … You need to have send to pass it to someone else. For the so-called horror movie of the decade I wasn’t scared for a single moment, the soundtrack was super out of place to me. Perhaps you were only referring to the soundtrack of the movie, but since I just linked five different classic horror movies with similar soundtracks, you’ve already been proven wrong there. I still don’t believe that you’ve seen classic horror movies to make this argument. Or 31.25 days. It Follows is an American supernatural psychological horror film which released in 2014. The movie was a great commercial and critical hit. Sorcerer soundtrack, scored by the group that does the same exact style, Tangerine Dream… If you don’t hear the similarities, then you’re not listening with your ears. The first thing out of their mouth when getting in: “This is creepy, what movie does this go to?”. Or, we … I liked the premise but it has no payoff at all, they don’t go nowhere interesting with the concept. Cause, as i said in previous reddit, they ruined the atmosphere the movie created till then. The film follows Jay Height (Maika Monroe), a 19-year-old student living in the suburbs of Detroit.After a sexual encounter, she becomes stalked by a … Never denied the old school influence in the soundtrack, I’m saying it didnt belong in the movie and threw me off to the point of distracting me during tense scenes. I don't think I've ever seen any articulate explanation of why someone thought it was bad. Showing all 25 items Jump to: Certification; Sex & Nudity (8) Violence & Gore (1) Profanity (2 ... because this movie could potentially heighten bad memories or symptoms. It Follows Sucks! A New Community-Driven Screen Genius Experience Maybe I’m too used to the horns and strings but I didn’t like it at all. I’m suspecting the premise only exist to have the most jailbait love scenes possible. Never denied the old school influence in the soundtrack, I’m saying it didnt belong in the movie and threw me off to the point of distracting me during tense scenes. It follows that the principle as enunciated in Sharp is that both the inculpatory and exculpatory parts of a mixed statement are admissible as evidence of their truth. See I think the characters felt like real kids. You are completely off base with your analysis, and it’s actually frustrating. There was a good feel of realism in that movie. critics consensus Smart, original, and above all terrifying, It Follows is the rare modern horror film that works on multiple levels -- and leaves a lingering sting. The old school horror movies this movie is supposed to homage shit on this movie, the premise sound good on paper but everything in this movie was painfully corny, uninspired and contrived. After a month of margaritas on the beach, make the following plan happen: Travel back home, do the sex with your bud, then head back to Cali. If you're not interested in the film, perhaps you won't feel that build up of tension, because it does ratchet up slowly to a peak, and then dies back down. The film is based on a recurring nightmare that he had as a child. I completely disagree with this statement. Your original post and your delayed response came off as ignorant, painfully corny and contrived. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games. It follows was terrible. It Follows is a horror film made for horror fans, and it's about time one of those came around again.