how many golf balls can fit in a school bus

A golf ball or a ‘tee’ is a specialized ball that is designed for use in the game of golf. The depth of the seat is about 70 cm You can calculate the volume of that cubic form to be 50 x 70 x 200 x 3 x 30 = the number of golf balls in average. Note: Assuming 25% of the space is occupied by the seats in the bus, that leaves us 75% of space to accommodate the balls. If only we could fill ourselves with golf balls too! Adjusting for seats, machinery, and the other innards of a school bus you get about 1,658,880 cubic inches. Any golf ball that is bigger than this will be accepted in any golf game but smaller than this will be disqualified. Nevertheless, let’s dive in. Out of eight balls, seven balls weigh equal while the one ball is slightly heavier than the others how … 6 Answers. Another ball related question. Since we are looking to hand out 100 balls, we need to remove 50 balls from the maximum. Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million and you come up with 660,000 golf balls. Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million and you come up with 660,000 golf balls. The inside of a school bus is about 8ft wide by 6ft high by 20 feet long or 960 cubic feet (8 ft x6 ft x 20 ft = 960) Therefore the volume of a golf ball is about 2.5 cubic inches (4/3 * pi * .85) Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.7 million and you get 680,000 golf balls. How would you test a calculator? 4. The ESA is a course union and social hub for all economics students at the University of Toronto. So there are 9,131 gallons in a bus full of seats, which multiplied by the number of golf balls in a gallon gives you (9,131×58=529,598). It’s not so much about the answer you give, but about how you get there. … There are set regulations regarding the design of golf balls and those that do not adhere to these regulations cannot be used in golf competitions. 3) What is the weight of a large com­mer­cial airplane? So there are 9,131 gallons in a bus full of seats, which multiplied by the number of golf balls in a gallon gives you (9,131×58=529,598). The maximum in this case is 150 balls, because each of the 3 boxes can hold 50. Over the past 20 years or so, the use of brainteasers (e.g., How many golf balls can fit on a school bus?”) has been popular as a selection device. How many golf balls can fit in a school bus? About 500,000, assuming the bus is 50 balls high, 50 balls wide, and 200 balls long. An interesting article. How many golf balls can perfectly fit in a school bus? How many golf balls can fit in a school bus? So, if you are ever asked this question, you can answer it confidently by reading what I am about to tell you. A cubic foot has 1728 cubic inches. However, the “Getting a Job” link above is a dead one; please correct. Question 7: How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?. So, the answer to how many golf balls fit in a school bus is: (the volume of the school bus/ the volume of a standard golf ball. If you are a bold kind of person and also enjoy a bit of sense of humor, you can answer the following way. However, since there are seats and crap in there taking up space and also since the spherical shape of a golf ball means there will be considerable empty space between them when stacked, I'll round down to 500,000 golf balls. The standard size of a regular golf ball is 1.68 inches in diameter. Google has been asking crucial questions in their interviews. Lunchbox Theatrical Productions is one of Australasia’s leading producers of live entertainment specialising in musicals, concerts and boutique theatrical products. 183,752 . Google wants your answer to be smart and logical. As I have told you before the accuracy of the answer does not mean that much to Google.