highlands ranch water quality
Highlands Ranch is a 22,000-acre master-planned community founded in 1981. Find the best Water Heater Installation/Repair on Yelp: search reviews of 306 Highlands Ranch businesses by price, type, or location. However, the laws that regulate groundwater use limit annual pumping to no more than one percent of the total available water. Also, as part of our aquifer storage and recovery program, we periodically replenish the aquifers with high-quality treated surface water. 1808 Spring Water Ln , Highlands Ranch, CO 80129-5485 is currently not for sale. ft. single-family home is a 4 bed, 3.0 bath property. Highlands Ranch residents are fortunate to have two water supply sources — the South Platte River to the west, and a massive aquifer underlying our region. Centennial can combine supplies from both sources to optimize the reliability, quality and cost-effectiveness of water. Electricians Building Contractors Construction Consultants. The Highlands Ranch Weather Forecasts. Approximately one-half of this water is legally reusable. info@highlandsranch.org, Centennial Water District(breadcrumbs are unavailable), Residential Water Distribution Maintenance Responsibilities, Source Water Assessment and Protection Program, Maximizing the reuse of water supplies as allowed by law and decree, Utilizing South Platte Reservoir, a 6,400-acre-foot storage reservoir completed in 2007, which stores surface water, Seeking and acquiring additional cost-effective surface water supplies, Diversification of our water portfolio: A combination of surface and groundwater sources, Continuing innovative programs such as aquifer storage and recovery, a process that recharges water back into the aquifers when the surface supply allows, Supporting a community-wide water conservation program, including water budgets, Participating in state and regional water planning efforts, such as the South Metro Water Supply Authority, The reallocation of Chatfield Reservoir water storage for municipal use, Regional cooperation and reuse of water through the Water Infrastructure and Supply Efficiency (WISE) project, Water budgets for each customer linked to a conservation-based rate structure, Code requirement for water-efficient fixtures in all buildings, Efficient, computer-controlled irrigation techniques, Water conservation public information programs. This means it can be recaptured after its first use and used multiple times until it is used to extinction. It consist of a tall 5″ x 35″, 5 micron sediment filter followed by a Nano-AG ultra filter followed by an up flow carbon tank and then last filter is a TAC scale inhibitor with a full system by-pass. We appreciate your understanding during this challenging time. This report is a snapshot of last year's water quality. The amount of water returned to the aquifers in any specific year is highly dependent upon surface water yields from the South Platte River and other operational factors. To reach a staff person, please call 303-791-0430 or send a message to info@highlandsranch.org. If you cannot reach someone on the number above, please call 720-408-7034. 2020 Highlands Ranch Water Quality Report Chloramines (ppm) 0.70-4.1 NA 4 4 Yes Water additive used to control microbes (MRDL) (MRDLG) Haloacetic Acids (ppb) 5.70-33.00 17.65 60 NA Yes Byproduct of drinking water disinfection Total Trihalomethanes (ppb) 11.40-53.50 39.80 80 NA Yes Byproduct of drinking water disinfection (303) 409-3700. Highlands Ranch residents can be assurred all sources of drinking water, both surface and groundwater, are tested on a regular basis and meet all state and federal drinking water regulations and requirements. Groundwater is important to a water supply portfolio because it is of consistently good quality, is not dependent upon seasonal snowpack, and it can be developed with minimal environmental impacts. 303-791-0430 Yes. Centennial Water provides high quality water through the state-of-the-art Joseph B. Blake Water Treatment Plant located in Highlands Ranch. Highlands Ranch residents can be assurred all sources of drinking water, both surface and groundwater, are tested on a regular basis and meet all state and federal drinking water regulations and requirements. Localized Air Quality Index and forecast for Highlands Ranch, CO. Track air pollution now to help plan your day and make healthier lifestyle decisions. There are eight bimonthly residential billing cycles plus monthly commercial customers, including schools, churches, multifamily units and parks.