funding for agricultural projects in uganda 2020

Food for Peace provides assistance primarily through three types of … In 2021, improve your skills on European programmes and access all 2021-2027 funding opportunities! 669 likes. Let our Experts optimise your European projects for your 2021-2027 applications! Its goal is to support the efforts of African countries to double rice production on the continent to 28 million tons per annum within 10 years (by 2018). Read more Climate-smart agriculture is in particular linked to the SDG 2.4, one of the prioritized sustainable development goals of the Belgian Development Cooperation. The Agricultural Sector in Uganda. USAID, through funding provided by Public Law 480, Title II, makes commodity donations to Cooperating Sponsors (Private Voluntary Organizations, Cooperatives, and International Organization Agencies) to address the needs of food security in both 5-year development projects and emergency food assistance programs. The Alert Fund provide funding to diverse range projects like skills training for activists, protest rallies, recycle camps for youth, a LGTB coming out book (where it’s still needed), demonstrations all over the continent, awareness rap collabo’s, refugee camp art projects, anti-fracking protests, politically charged debate nights, theater about societies taboos, student congresses etc. MAAIF Projects. Protecting the Livelihoods and Agriculture Resilience (POLAR) during Covid-19. 01 Sep 2020. In Uganda, where 69% of households obtain their livelihood from subsistence farming, the agricultural sector is an important component of gross domestic product, and a major source of employment in addition to being the country’s primary source of food. The USAID activity emphasizes the need for women to share resources as a way to combat gender-based … Grant period: Up to 3 years (2017-2020) Grant amount per project: US$ 750,000 for Category 1 grant; and US$ 250,000 for Category 2 grant. List of available funding for youth projects in Africa. Value chains are generally weakly developed and the quality of farm produce and factory products are of moderate to poor quality… Read More. According to the Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) 2016/17, the bigger proportion of the working population is engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishing (65%). Rice for Africa is the Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) online presence. Uganda: African Development Fund approves $71.5 million in loans for road upgrading project 04-Dec-2020 - The Board of the African Development Fund (ADF) has approved a loan of $71.5 million to pave sections of two roads in southwestern Uganda, a project expected to boost livelihoods, school attendance and rural connectivity. We work to support smallholder farmers and their families by strengthening sustainable and resilient food and agriculture systems. aBi's 2019 Performance. If it is ready to fund, then you can start working on the proposal. Total budgetary allocation: US$ 5 million. Agribusiness in Uganda. Agricultural Livelihoods Agricultural growth helps reduce poverty. The START funding facility is designed to support the implementation of DINU food security and nutrition component. Consult our training sessions Don't miss any opportunities. Agricultural transformation in Nigerian federal states and Togolese regions towards achieving Zero Hunger. International Fund for Agricultural Development — Rural Youth Innovation Award in Latin America and the Caribbean. Agricultural Development Project (NSADP), the Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme – Project 1, 2 and 3 (CAIIP-1, 2, 3) - that won the 2013 USA Department of the Treasury MDB Awards, the Market and Agriculture Trade Improvement Project, and Farm Income Enhancement and … The Facility is intended to offer access to affordable medium-term finance for agricultural value adding projects in Northern Uganda through provision of seed capital to SMEs. The AgriBEE Fund was established by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries along with its strategic partner Land Bank. The content page will be changed in early 2020 once we redefine our funding vehicles. Aretho Cecilia and Lojo Apakwayo’s home is among over 224 homesteads in Karamoja, in northeastern Uganda, that USAID Integrated Community Agriculture and Nutrition Activity has reached with information on the benefits of harmoniously sharing family resources, such as goats. Read more. Past Food for Progress projects have trained farmers in animal and plant health, improved farming methods, developed road and utility systems, established producer cooperatives, provided microcredit, and developed agricultural value chains. Here you can find funding ranging from grants to private equity for your Agriculture-related business. The agricultural sector in Uganda is dominated by small holder farmers and many small (up to 50 workers) traders and processors. Any projects geared towards grassroots assistance are eligible for financing, including water and sanitation, disaster relief, and agricultural development. Introduction. Sign up now to get more funding opportunities emailed to you! START addresses the “middle missing” gap in agricultural finance targeting projects with a financing requirement from 10,000 EUR (approximately UGX 40 million) to 100,000 EUR (approximately 4 billion UGX). The award will promote the initiatives of young people who are . Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China in support of the Agricultural Sector Strategy Plan in the Republic of Uganda: Phase 2 . Under aBi 2020 Limited. Funds for NGOs AgriBEE FUND. It will closely cooperate and coordinate with other financing and technical facilities supporting agriculture in Uganda. NGO Funding - Grant Schemes for NGOs Grants. Partners per project: Minimum 3 and maximum 7 from at least two of the eligible countries. The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), together with National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) calls for 2021/2022 financial year funding applications for CASP and Ilima/Letsema …