firehouse optimus polling

Recent Posts. March 9, … Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., South Bend, Ind. 0ptimus is a political and commercial consulting firm that conducts both public and private polling and modeling. Read 3 tweets. Tiggeroshii: Sep 2019 #1: the governor did not support Medicare for all when she ran. A new Redfield and Wilton poll finds Biden leading nationally, 50% to 37%. Firehouse and Optimus conducted a poll examining the battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, which asked likely voters about Trump, the election, and impeachment. Poll taken from Apr 28 - May 5 with a sample size of 880 adults and an MoE of 7.1% Looking at the subsample of 758 likely voters, we get: Biden 51.3% Trump 44.5% Firehouse/Optimus poll of NH/IA/SC: Biden and Harris lead « on: February 07, 2019, 12:39:53 PM » New Hampshire-Biden: 22% Harris: 13% Warren: 13% Iowa-Biden: 25% Harris: 17% Warren: 11% Sanders: 10% South Carolina-Biden: 36% Harris: … Firehouse/Optimus: Biden + 10.2% Talk Elections Forum Contact | US Election Atlas Election 2020 Election Results Election Info Atlas Wiki Welcome, Guest . Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Email. He is a founding partner of the consulting firm Firehouse Strategies Sullivan attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Rubio s 2016 presidential campaign and is a founding partner of Firehouse Strategies a consulting firm. Biden is five points below Trump in Michigan and Pennsylvania and nine points below Trump in Wisconsin. FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings are calculated by analyzing the historical accuracy and the methodology of each firm’s polls. Tiggeroshii : Sep 2019 #4: many union members are conservative leaning. Residents in the MUST WIN state of Pennsylvania, are coming out in massive numbers today, to show their support for the wildly popular President Trump. Trump tops Biden 46-41 in Pennsylvania, despite Biden being born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Firehouse/Optimus: Biden +8.7% Talk Elections Forum Contact | US Election Atlas Election 2020 Election Results Election Info Atlas Wiki Welcome, Guest . Political Polls @PpollingNumbers. JI7: Sep 2019 #2: So.. Vote for trump? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Latest Crosstabs. Firehouse and Optimus surveyed likely voters in the three states, asking who they would be more likely to vote for in a head-to-head matchup between Trump and the various Democratic contenders, including former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. 0ptimus is a political and commercial consulting firm that conducts both public and private polling and modeling. Methodology Statement The report cites a Firehouse Strategies and 0ptimus poll that has Ivanka's favorability trumping her presidential father in three key swing states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. @prioritiesUSA @guycecil 2020 Electoral Map "WITHOUT Toss-up states" According To The Democratic Super PAC @prioritiesUSA Via @guycecil. Topic: Firehouse/Optimus poll of NH/IA/SC: Biden and Harris lead (Read 1104 times) We Made PA Blue Again! PittsburghSteel Atlas Icon Posts: 12,478. A Firehouse/Optimus poll showing Biden vs. Trump in 3 critical battleground states, reveals support for Biden is plummeting. FireHouse is an American glam metal band formed in Richmond, Virginia before moving to Charlotte, North Carolina where they were signed to Epic Records in 1989. More information is available at and A Firehouse/Optimus poll conducted in December shows Trump ahead of his Democrat opponents, even former Vice President Joe Biden who remains one of the stronger candidates opposing the president. A Firehouse/Optimus poll conducted in December shows Trump ahead of his Democrat opponents, even former Vice President Joe Biden who remains one of the stronger candidates opposing the president. Filed Under: 2020 Campaign. Firehouse Strategies, a Republican firm, and data company Optimus found that a majority of 1,765 likely Democratic primary voters in early voting states believe that President Trump should not only be impeached but also imprisoned. As President Donald Trump denounces "fake polling," the popularity of daughter Ivanka Trump just might be a catalyst for re-election in a 2020 race that can turn on the narrowest of margins, Newsweek reports.