far part 61

61.15 - Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. Locate an Aviation Physician with our Aeromedical Examiner (AME) directory. 61.411 - What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? Sec. Subpart J—Sport Pilots §61.301 What is the purpose of this subpart and to whom does it apply? 61.11 - Expired pilot certificates and re-issuance. § 61.123 – Eligibility requirements: General. § 61.309 – What aeronautical knowledge must I have to apply for a sport pilot certificate? When logging an approach f or instrument recency experience under FAR 61.57, record the airport name, approach name and type, identity of the device (i.e. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. In part 141 schools, the FAA requires that a school follow a strict lesson plan and outline, while part 61 schools arn't required to follow a certain plan. Sec. § 61.52 – Use of aeronautical experience obtained in ultralight vehicles. It outlines the topics covered during flight training and the amount of flight hours required to obtain specific flight certificates. 61.41 - Flight training received from flight instructors not certificated by the FAA. 61.57 - Recent flight experience: Pilot in command. § 61.3 – Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations. This refers to different parts of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) that set minimum standards for flight training. (2) Turbojet-powered airplanes. § 61.167 – Airline transport pilot privileges and limitations. 1. 61.195 - Flight instructor limitations and qualifications. § 61.73 – Military pilots or former military pilots: Special rules. By offering both programs, we can provide individualized flight instruction that caters to … § 61.27 – Voluntary surrender or exchange of certificate. 61.77 - Special purpose pilot authorization: Operation of a civil aircraft of the United States and leased by a non-U.S. citizen. § 61.169 – Letters of authorization for institutions of higher education. § 61.409 – What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? Sec. § 61.117 – Private pilot privileges and limitations: Second in command of aircraft requiring more than one pilot. If the applicant is unable to meet one of these § 61.71 – Graduates of an approved training program other than under this part: Special rules. 61.103 - Eligibility requirements: General. § 61.103 – Eligibility requirements: General. § 61.93 – Solo cross-country flight requirements. § 61.317 – Is my sport pilot certificate issued with aircraft category and class ratings? Sec. 61.96 - Applicability and eligibility requirements: General. § 61.19 – Duration of pilot and instructor certificates and privileges. Sec. § 61.53 – Prohibition on operations during medical deficiency. Sec. 100-2—Relief for U.S. Military and Civilian Personnel Who are Assigned Outside the United States in Support of U.S. Armed Forces Operations. 61.27 - Voluntary surrender or exchange of certificate. FAR Part 91 - General Operating and Flight Rules Subpart A - General. Facebook. 61.315 - What are the privileges and limits of my sport pilot certificate? § 61.197 – Renewal requirements for flight instructor certification. 61.133 - Commercial pilot privileges and limitations. 14: SECTION 61.129 61.129 Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.101 - Recreational pilot privileges and limitations. 61.409 - What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? § 61.69 – Glider and unpowered ultralight vehicle towing: Experience and training requirements. Sec. Sec. § 61.68 – Category III pilot authorization requirements. § 61.415 – What are the limits of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? § 61.425 – How do I renew my flight instructor certificate? 61.37 - Knowledge tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. 61.313 - What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for a sport pilot certificate? 61.47 - Status of an examiner who is authorized by the Administrator to conduct practical tests. Sec. Sec. § 61.217 – Recent experience requirements. 61.71 - Graduates of an approved training program other than under this part: Special rules. Sec. Today's SFAR only provides relief for instrument recency. Sec. §61.185 Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. We facilitate the FAA aeromedical certification process for pilots requiring class 1, 2 or 3 physical examinations. § 61.100 – Pilots based on small islands. § 61.23 – Medical certificates: Requirement and duration. § 61.327 – Are there specific endorsement requirements to operate a light-sport aircraft based on V? 61.45 - Practical tests: Required aircraft and equipment. 61.111 - Cross-country flights: Pilots based on small islands. A person who is applying for a private pilot certificate must receive and log ground training from an authorized instructor or complete a home-study course on the aeronautical knowledge areas of paragraph (b) of this section that … An easy way to look at it is a solo certified flight instructor could train you under Part 61 but if they are not part of an approved Part 141 school, they could not train you under those regulation. 61.19 - Duration of pilot and instructor certificates. 61.191 - Additional flight instructor ratings. Sec. 61.73 - Military pilots or former military pilots: Special rules. Subpart H—Flight Instructors Other than Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating. 61.421 - May I give myself an endorsement? Sec. 61.215 - Ground instructor privileges. 61.68 - Category III pilot authorization requirements. 61.39 - Prerequisites for practical tests. 61.309 - What aeronautical knowledge must I have to apply for a sport pilot certificate? § 61.43 – Practical tests: General procedures. § 61.429 – May I exercise the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating if I hold a flight instructor certificate with another rating. 61.325 - How do I obtain privileges to operate a light-sport aircraft at an airport within, or in airspace within, Class B, C, and D airspace, or in other airspace with an airport having an operational control tower? Sec. Part 61: Outlines requirements for getting licenses (also applies to small flight instructing schools) Part 91: General operating and flight rules (general aviation) Part 121: Rules for scheduled air carriers (ie. 61.131 - Exceptions to the night flying requirements. FAR Part 61 & 141 Programs Alyeska Helicopters is an FAA-approved vocational flight training school that conducts training under both Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 and FAR Part 141. Sec. As of February 28, 2018 Subpart H—Flight Instructors Other than Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating §61.181 Applicability. Sec. Sec. Subpart C - Equipment, Instrument, and Certificate Requirements. Under FAA Part 141, there is no such requirement. For an on-the-go copy, the regulations are provided in a printed version, email (a) General experience. Of the 50 titles that make up the CFR, Title 14 has the federal regulation governing aeronautics and space. § 61.161 – Aeronautical experience: Rotorcraft category and helicopter class rating. 1. w/ 100hrs PIC in same cat, class (and type) 2. and has a logbook endorsement from an instructor who gave ground and flight instruction. Sec. Part 61 outlines exactly what you need for pilot certification while Part 141 governs training from flight schools. 61.429 - May I exercise the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating if I hold a flight instructor certificate with another rating. 91.203 - Civil aircraft: Certifications required 61.93 - Solo cross-country flight requirements. § 61.77 – Special purpose pilot authorization: Operation of a civil aircraft of the United States and leased by a non-U.S. citizen. Twitter. Private Pilot through ATP and mechanic. § 61.16 – Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. Sec. § 61.5 – Certificates and ratings issued under this part. Sec. The FAA is extending the six calendar month requirement of FAR 61.57(c) by an additional three calendar months. § 61.96 – Applicability and eligibility requirements: General. You also must note that the simulated weather was IMC (approach shot to minimums). The ruling has far-reaching implications for flight training. Considering all the (well deserved) grief I've given the folks on the FAA's ACS committee for the past five years, i 61.193 - Flight instructor privileges. Each section has it’s own details as to what is required during the training process which will make the candidate eligible to take their checkride. § 61.413 – What are the privileges of my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? (f) Receive flight training and a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who: (1) Conducted the training in the areas of operation listed in §61.107(b) of this part that apply to the aircraft rating sought; and Sec. For Windows PCs, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, PocketPC, and MP3 Audio. 61.113 - Private pilot privileges and limitations: Pilot in command. In general, Part 61 schools are local flight schools that train students on a one-on-one, customized basis, and are not necessarily career-oriented flight academies. 61.403 - What are the age, language, and pilot certificate requirements for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? PART 61 - CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS; Subpart A - General § 61.60 Change of address. It also includes the privileges, limitations and conditions on such … 61.117 - Private pilot privileges and limitations: Second in command of aircraft requiring more than one pilot. § 61.67 – Category II pilot authorization requirements. 61.199 - Reinstatement requirements of an expired flight instructor certificate. § 61.405 – What tests do I have to take to obtain a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? § 61.113 – Private pilot privileges and limitations: Pilot in command. § 61.199 – Reinstatement requirements of an expired flight instructor certificate. 61.163 - Aeronautical experience: Powered-lift category rating. 61.16 - Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. Sec. 61.161 - Aeronautical experience: Rotorcraft category and helicopter class rating. Sec. § 61.301 – What is the purpose of this subpart and to whom does it apply? Hold a ground or flight instructor cert w/ appropriate rating and have held that certificate for at least 24 calendar mo's and given at least 40hrs ground training Gleim provides the contents of its FAR/AIM digitally on our website for the benefit of those customers who need a concise, easy-to-use, quick reference of those regulations. § 61.63 – Additional aircraft ratings (other than for ratings at the airline transport pilot certification level). Certification: Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors (14 CFR Part 61) Pilot Schools (14 CFR Part 141) Commercial Space Transportation. Gleim FAR/AIM. The FARs outline requirements for pilots, flight schools, maintenance requirements, and many other aviation-related topics. Sec. The difference is in the ammount of training required for each license, as well as the way the training is given. Subpart K—Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating. Sec. (a) General. Regulations & Guidelines; Advisory Circulars; More » Commercial Space Transportation Regulations; Page last modified: February 19, 2020 2:31:38 PM EST. § 61.15 – Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. § 61.313 – What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for a sport pilot certificate? SECTION 61.125 61.125 Aeronautical knowledge. FMX-1000 SN1234), and any maneuvers you performed. § 61.35 – Knowledge test: Prerequisites and passing grades. 61.415 - What are the limits of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? § 61.7 – Obsolete certificates and ratings. Sec. As of February 28, 2018 . 61.109(a)(5) Aeronautical Experience (Solo) 10 hours of solo flight time in a single-engine airplane, consisting of at least: Subpart A - General (§§ 61.1 - 61.60) Subpart B - Aircraft Ratings and Pilot Authorizations (§§ 61.61 - 61.77) Subpart C - Student Pilots (§§ 61.81 - 61.95) Subpart D - Recreational Pilots (§§ 61.96 - 61.101) Subpart E - Private Pilots (§§ 61.102 - 61.118-61.120) Subpart F - Commercial Pilots (§§ 61.121 - 61.135-61… Top Tasks. 61.87 - Solo requirements for student pilots. 61.305 - What are the age and language requirements for a sport pilot certificate? Linkedin. 61.195 - What are the requirements for a CFI to provide ground training to an initial CFI candidate? 61.3 - Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations. Sec. § 61.41 – Flight training received from flight instructors not certificated by the FAA. 61.75 - Private pilot certificate issued on the basis of a foreign pilot license. Sec. Sec. § 61.64 – Use of a flight simulator and flight training device. (2) The student's … §61.193 Flight instructor privileges. Part 25: Rules governing airworthiness standards. Sec. 61.31 - Type rating requirements, additional training, and authorization requirements. Sec. Title 14 contains the Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs, which regulate all aviation activities in the United States. Special Federal Aviation Regulation 93 - Temporary Extension of Time To Allow for Certain Training and Testing. § 61.403 – What are the age, language, and pilot certificate requirements for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? Sec. Sec. § 61.159 – Aeronautical experience: Airplane category rating. 3. has three flights as sole manipulator of the controls while towing a glider accompanied by a qualified pilot. § 61.156 – Training requirements: Airplane category—multiengine class rating or airplane type rating concurrently with airline transport pilot certificate. Sec. Sec. A person who acts as a pilot in command of any of the following aircraft must hold a type rating for that aircraft: (1) Large aircraft (except lighter-than-air). 61.23 - Medical certificates: Requirement and duration. (i) Applicable sections of parts 61 and 91 of this chapter; (ii) Airspace rules and procedures for the airport where the solo flight will be performed; and (iii) Flight characteristics and operational limitations for the make and model of aircraft to be flown. Sec. Sec. Sec. Up to date for and complete with all charts and figures and professional, illustrated explanations. 61.55 - Second-in-command qualifications. §61.13, §61.83(c), §61.96(b)(2), §61.103(c), §61.123(b), and §61.153(b); Medical limitations where it states “. 61.58 - Pilot-in-command proficiency check: Operation of aircraft requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember. To get a better picture, let’s start with the Code of Federal Regulations, or CFR. 61.52 - Use of aeronautical experience obtained in ultralight vehicles. Sec. (a) Type ratings required. Sec. § 61.133 – Commercial pilot privileges and limitations. § 61.421 – May I give myself an endorsement? Sec. Under FAA Part 141, minimum flight hours to earn your Instrument Rating is 35 hours instead of 40 hours under FAA Part 61; Additionally, under FAA Part 61, students are required to have 50 hours of Cross Country Flight Time prior to receiving their Instrument rating. Part 61 of CASR 1998 prescribes the requirements and standards for the issue of flight crew licences, ratings and other authorisations, including those issued to pilots and flight engineers. Sec. These changes will be helpful to general aviation in much the same way a corkscrew is to a Frenchman on Bastille Day. You bet I’m happy. 61.317 - Is my sport pilot certificate issued with aircraft category and class ratings? Sec. Sec. § 61.427 – What must I do if my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating expires? By Rod Machado Am I happy about the recent changes to FAR Part 61? 61.94 - Student pilot seeking a sport pilot certificate or a recreational pilot certificate: Operations at airports within, and in airspace located within, Class B, C, and D airspace, or at airports with an operational control tower in other airspace. Sec. Gleim provides the contents of its FAR/AIM digitally on our website for the benefit of Sec. § 61.411 – What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? Copyright © 1998-2011 RisingUp Aviation. § 61.303 – If I want to operate a light-sport aircraft, what operating limits and endorsement requirements in this subpart must I comply with? § 61.66 – Enhanced Flight Vision System Pilot Requirements. 14: SECTION 61.133 61.133 Commercial pilot privileges and limitations. Sec. 61.115 - Balloon rating: Limitations. FAR 61.53, Restriction of flying during medical deficiency, AME (Aeromedical Examiner) Directory of physicians designated to provide pilot FAA Aeromedical Examinations. 61.64 - Use of a flight simulator and flight training device. ATP – Airplane Multiengine Applicant Qualifications Job Aid for Applicants Engaged in Operations Under 14 CFR Part 61 or 141 (PDF) ATP – Airplane Multiengine Applicant Qualifications Job Aid for Applicants Engaged in Operations Under 14 CFR Part 121, 125, 135, or 91K (PDF) Page last modified: August 07, 2020 2:22:32 PM EDT. Reddit. § 61.21 – Duration of a Category II and a Category III pilot authorization (for other than part 121 and part 135 use). Sec. § 61.87 – Solo requirements for student pilots. § 61.160 – Aeronautical experience—airplane category restricted privileges. Sec. Part 61 also states the requirements for issuing pilots ground and flight instructor authorizations. Sec. § 61.401 – What is the purpose of this subpart? Sec. 61.301 - What is the purpose of this subpart and to whom does it apply? § 61.325 – How do I obtain privileges to operate a light-sport aircraft at an airport within, or in airspace within, Class B, C, and D airspace, or in other airspace with an airport having an operational control tower? Sec. All rights reserved. 73—Robinson R-22/R-44 Special Training and Experience Requirements, Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. FAR 61.57 states the recency requirements for carrying passengers during day and night operations and operations under instrument flight rules (IFR). 14 CFR, Part 61 prescribes requirements for issuing pilot, flight instructor, and ground instructor certificates and ratings and describes the privileges and limitations of those certificates and ratings. § 61.29 – Replacement of a lost or destroyed airman or medical certificate or knowledge test report. Sec. § 61.57 – Recent flight experience: Pilot in command. Sec. § 61.47 – Status of an examiner who is authorized by the Administrator to conduct practical tests. Sec. Sec. 14CFR vol2 part61 - 129 pages Page 1 - PAGE 2008] PART 61 - CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, 100-2 Subpart A - General 61.1 Applicability and definitions. 61.2 Exercise of Privilege. 61.159 - Aeronautical experience: Airplane category rating. § 61.153 – Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 61.95 - Operations in Class B airspace and at airports located within Class B airspace. § 61.31 – Type rating requirements, additional training, and authorization requirements. Sec. 61.5 - Certificates and ratings issued under this part. 61.307 - What tests do I have to take to obtain a sport pilot certificate? § 61.407 – What aeronautical knowledge must I have to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? 61.123 - Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 61.417 - Will my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating list aircraft category and class ratings? Sec. Sec. They outline the requirements for an individual to obtain a pilot’s certificate or rating. § 61.94 – Student pilot seeking a sport pilot certificate or a recreational pilot certificate: Operations at airports within, and in airspace located within, Class B, C, and D airspace, or at airports with an operational control tower in other airspace. Sec. §61.303 If I want to operate a light-sport aircraft, what operating limits and endorsement requirements in this subpart must I comply with? Part 61 - CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS. § 61.412 – Do I need additional training to provide instruction on control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to the instruments in a light-sport aircraft based on V? Sec. The term “part” in this case refers to a part of the Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs. 14: SECTION 61.131 61.131 Exceptions to the night flying requirements. § 61.307 – What tests do I have to take to obtain a sport pilot certificate? 61.425 - How do I renew my flight instructor certificate? . § 61.83 – Eligibility requirements for student pilots. (e) Pass the required knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in §61.105(b) of this part. 61.109(a)(4) Aeronautical Experience (Dual) 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test in a single-engine airplane performed within the preceding 2 calendar months from the month of the test. The FARs comprises parts, or sections, each r… For an on-the-go copy, the regulations are provided in a printed version, Gleim FAR/AIM . § 61.55 – Second-in-command qualifications. Sec. § 61.165 – Additional aircraft category and class ratings. 61.65 - Instrument rating requirements. 61.423 - What are the recordkeeping requirements for a flight instructor with a sport pilot rating? 61.7 - Obsolete certificates and ratings. § 61.419 – How do I obtain privileges to provide training in an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft? § 61.315 – What are the privileges and limits of my sport pilot certificate? Sec. Sec. Sec. 61.197 - Renewal requirements for flight instructor certification. 91.7 - Civil aircraft airworthiness 91.9 - Civil aircraft flight manual, marking and placards. 61.29 - Replacement of a lost or destroyed airman or medical certificate or knowledge test report. § 61.8 – Inapplicability of unmanned aircraft operations. 61.407 - What aeronautical knowledge must I have to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? Sec. Sec. 61.3 Requirement for certificates, ratings, 61.4 Qualification and approval of flight 61.5 Certificates and ratings issued under 61.7 Obsolete certificates and ratings. §61.191 Additional flight instructor ratings. The CFR is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. 61.67 - Category II pilot authorization requirements. Sec. § 61.417 – Will my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating list aircraft category and class ratings? Sec. Sec. . Copyright ©1995-2019 Gleim Publications, Inc. and/or Gleim Internet, Inc. § 61.163 – Aeronautical experience: Powered-lift category rating. Sec. § 61.311 – What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a sport pilot certificate? Sec. Sec. § 61.101 – Recreational pilot privileges and limitations. Subpart B—Aircraft Ratings and Pilot Authorizations. Sec. § 61.423 – What are the recordkeeping requirements for a flight instructor with a sport pilot rating? 61.35 - Knowledge test: Prerequisites and passing grades. 61.69 - Glider and unpowered ultralight vehicle towing: Experience and training requirements. § 61.321 – How do I obtain privileges to operate an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft? § 61.37 – Knowledge tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. Part 61 of the FARs is all about the regulations for pilot certification. 14: SECTION 61.127 61.127 Flight proficiency. § 61.4 – Qualification and approval of flight simulators and flight training devices. Sec. 61.303 - If I want to operate a light-sport aircraft, what operating limits and endorsement requirements in this subpart must I comply with? 61.43 - Practical tests: General procedures. The FAA approximates that pilots and operators will save up to $113.5 million over five years, with changes to 14 CFR 61.57(c) alone saving pilots an estimated $76.1 million in that time. | Phone: 800.874.5346 | Fax: 352.375.6940, Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC), FAA Safety Team – Promotional Request Form, PART 61—CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS, Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. §61.183 Eligibility requirements. 61.427 - What must I do if my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating expires? 61.165 - Additional aircraft category and class ratings. Sec. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our, Special Federal Aviation Regulation 73 - Robinson R–22/R–44 Special Training and Experience Requirements, Special Federal Aviation Regulation 93 - Temporary Extension of Time To Allow for Certain Training and Testing, Special Federal Aviation Regulation 100-1 - Relief for U.S. Military and Civilian Personnel Who are Assigned Outside the United States in Support of U.S. Armed Forces Operations. 61.419 - How do I obtain privileges to provide training in an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft? 61.4 - Qualification and approval of flight simulators and flight training devices. § 61.45 – Practical tests: Required aircraft and equipment. 61.321 - How do I obtain privileges to operate an additional category or class of light-sport aircraft? § 61.195 – Flight instructor limitations and qualifications. § 61.13 – Issuance of airman certificates, ratings, and authorizations. § 61.65 – Instrument rating requirements. 61.217 - Recent experience requirements. Sec. § 61.11 – Expired pilot certificates and re-issuance. Special Federal Aviation Regulation 73 - Robinson R–22/R–44 Special Training and Experience Requirements. 61.63 - Additional aircraft ratings (other than for ratings at the airline transport pilot certification level). 61.311 - What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a sport pilot certificate? 61.53 - Prohibition on operations during medical deficiency. § 61.131 – Exceptions to the night flying requirements. Part 61 and 141 are sections of the Federal Aviation Regulations. FAQs Part 61 With Chg #14, 12/19/2000 All Q&A’s from #1 through #412 5 ANSWER 3: Ref. § 61.95 – Operations in Class B airspace and at airports located within Class B airspace. Sec. 61.13 - Issuance of airman certificates, ratings, and authorizations. You are here: Home / Federal Aviation Regulations – FAR PART 61, Part J. §61.189 Flight instructor records. § 61.75 – Private pilot certificate issued on the basis of a foreign pilot license. §61.187 Flight proficiency. 61.153 - Eligibility requirements: General. 61.405 - What tests do I have to take to obtain a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? § 61.105 Aeronautical knowledge. Become a Pilot § 61.39 – Prerequisites for practical tests. 61.100 - Pilots based on small islands. Sec. 61.83 - Eligibility requirements for student pilots. 61.31 — Type rating requirements, additional training, and authorization requirements. § 61.191 – Additional flight instructor ratings. § 61.58 – Pilot-in-command proficiency check: Operation of an aircraft that requires more than one pilot flight crewmember or is turbojet-powered. 61.21 - Duration of a Category II and a Category III pilot authorization (for other than part 121 and part 135 use). PART 61 § 61.57 Recent flight experience: Pilot in command. § 61.59 – Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records. § 61.111 – Cross-country flights: Pilots based on small islands. FAR Part 61,FAA Written (Knowledge) Test Preparation. Look up FARs; Read 14 CFR Part 91; Read 14 CFR Part 61; Read 14 CFR Part … 61.1 - Applicability and definitions. Sec. 61.413 - What are the privileges of my flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating? Sec. 61.59 - Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records. 14: NEW Far Cry 3 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 61 includes Mission 37: Betting Against the House of the Far Cry 3 Story for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. § 61.305 – What are the age and language requirements for a sport pilot certificate? those customers who need a concise, easy-to-use, quick reference of those regulations. Sec. Sec. 61.401 - What is the purpose of this subpart? PART 61—CERTIFICATION: PILOTS, FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS, AND GROUND INSTRUCTORS.