cse 355 github

trans(ttable, s): Translates a string using the provided translation table (which is provided by maketable). 17–24. CPSC355. This 3 credit course provides an introduction to basic concepts in the design of programming languages. [23]. histo(s): Computes the histogram for the given string. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM conference on Recommender systems (RecSys 2011). Branae Holdings, LLC 7027 Old Madison Ste 108 Huntsville, Alabama 35806 info@branaeholdings.com SDVOSB WOSB HUBZone 202-355-9434 Embed. Colunms in profiles.txt follow this order: userid itemid rating. IEEE, 2011, 2: 241-244. For those taking CSE 355, here's a repo of study materials GitHub repo Last year, in preparation for the CSE 355 final in /u/ryandoughertyasu 's class, I made a study guide for all the material learned in Theoretical Computer Science. 93–102 (2012), [2]. [11]. ACM International Conference on Conference on Information & Knowledge Management ACM, 2013:979-988. Springer, Cham, 2015: 49-66. ... Latest CSE News. [22]. Benevenuto, F., Magno, G., Rodrigues, T., & Almeida, V.: Detecting spammers on twitter. pp. Wulczyn E, Thain N, Dixon L. Ex machina: Personal attacks seen at scale. [15]. This is intended to supplement the classroom experience. CSE Senior Capstone class. collection for the common dataset in my research. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. Han Z, Xiang L, Pengye Z, et al. 595 Directed Study in Computer Science V 1 (0-3) to 3 (0-9) May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 3 hours. CSE 355 is an introduction to formal language theory and automata; Turing machines, decidability/undecidability, recursive function theory, and introduction to complexity theory. Large Scale Crowdsourcing and Characterization of Twitter Abusive Behavior. This course is offered as both AMS 345 and CSE 355. Current topics in computer science. Contribute to justam58/cs355 development by creating an account on GitHub. Latest CSE News. Projects for CS355 (Programming Language Design) at WSU, taught by Carl Hauser during Fall 2013. 582 Software Testing 3 Software testing, testing levels, testing objectives, testing techniques. Last active Dec 1, 2020. Vol. pp. [5]. Class Recordings. ACM (2007). [6]. Star 0 Fork 0; … Founta A-M, Djouvas C, Chatzakou D, et al. CSE 5525: Speech and Language Processing Fundamentals of natural language processing, automatic speech recognition; lab projects concentrating on building systems to … The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015. merge2.rkt: Implements a function that merges two lists of integers (already in ascending order) into a new list that is also in ascending order. Work fast with our official CLI. 620-627. Canada. in_list(x, []): Checks whether the variable x is in the list []. Author: Cam Davies. What would you like to do? [26]. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. IEEE, 2014: 244-252. Benevenuto, F., Rodrigues, T., Almeida, V., Almeida, J., & Gonçalves, M.: Detecting spammers and content promoters in online video social networks. Email. Each lecture session of this course will be recorded. What were the assignments? ACM, 2017: 13-22. mergeN.rkt: Implements a function that takes a list of lists (each in ascending order already) into a new list containing all of the elements of the provided lists. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 27(5): 1343-1355, 2015. You signed in with another tab or window. ACM, 2015: 617-622. Project Three: Programmed with Scheme using DrRacket on Windows 8. fold.rkt: Implements the foldr and foldl higher-order functions (. maketable(s1, s2): Returns a dictionary mapping s1 to s2. ACM, 2016. In: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM conference on Recommender systems. Or call Distance Learning Services: (800) 500-1554 or (517) 355-2345. 580 Advanced Topics in Computer Science 3 May be repeated for credit. Read the 492 Syllabus.. [19]. In 3rd Annual ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci ‘11). 496–506, 2016. 2014. [17]. In this course, we will be using CSE GitLab, a CSE -supported alternative to GitHub. Careful what you share in six seconds: Detecting cyberbullying instances in Vine. Bulletin Link. Machine learning and applications and workshops (ICMLA), 2011 10th International Conference on. Created Feb 2, 2018. Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on. Class Information: Class Overview. filter(pred, [], []): Returns a reversed version of input list using the provided predicated function (pred). Project Overview. COURSE OVERVIEW. Bayzick J, Kontostathis A, Edwards L. Detecting the presence of cyberbullying using computer software. Write a C program myfind whose behavior resembles that of the system command find. Mean birds: Detecting aggression and bullying on twitter. The first column is the user class (i.e., 1 for promoters, 2 for spammers, and 3 for legitimates) and the subsequent columns numbered from 1 to 60 represent the user characteristics. Colunms in yelp.txt follow this order: user_id prod_id rating label date. Hosseinmardi H, Ghasemianlangroodi A, Han R, et al. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (WISMM '14). You signed in with another tab or window. The class is an introduction to cryptography basics: classic historical ciphers including Caesar, Vigenere and Vernam ciphers; modern ciphers including DES, AES, Pohlig-Hellman, and RSA; signatures and digests; key exchange; simple protocols; block and stream ciphers; netw CSE 335 Class Account @cse335 Member since September 17, 2014 If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. [21]. 2016: ResearchPaper61. mender Systems (HetRec 2011). ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ACM, 2015:985-994. This project is centered around the 'color' photographs taken by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii in the early 20th century. ACM (2009). If a file name matches filename or if the substring filename occurs within a file name, the name of that file is printed. insert x []: Outputs a list rotated around the value x. perms []: Outputs a list of all permutations of the provided list. Gaur, Shailendra Singh, A. K. Mohapatra, Sarfaraz Masood, Design of an optimized novel cryptographic algorithm and comparative analysis with the existing cryptographic algorithms, Int.Jr of … G. Zhao, X. Qian, and X. Xie, “User-service rating prediction by exploring social users’ rating behaviors,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. Towards understanding cyberbullying behavior in a semi-anonymous social network. repl.rkt: Returns a new list that is the same as the original but changes a single value in the list to a new value. [10]. Learning Tree-based Deep Model for Recommender Systems. arXiv:1902.07565. There is a … Xu, Chang, et al. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Hao Wang*, Wu-Jun Li, Relational collaborative topic regression for recommender systems. News Releases. My ARMv7 Assembly code for CPSC 355 2016 Fall @ University of Calgary. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. scheme.rkt: contains all the above functions. The recordings will be available to students registered for this class. Prerequisite: AMS 301; programming knowledge of C or C++ or Java. ; myfind accepts the following parameters: $ myfind filename [startpath] where; filename is a substring that is matched against each filename in each directory that myfind inspects. Contribute to zjensen/CS355 development by creating an account on GitHub. GitLab Community Edition. This is an undergraduate cryptography course I taught at Purdue University in Fall 2012. [8]. ACM, 2018: 33-36. Chatzakou D, Kourtellis N, Blackburn J, et al. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. In: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. The first column is the user class (i.e., 1 for non-spammers and 2 for spammers) and the subsequent columns numbered from 1 to 62 represent the user characteristics. Han Z, Daqing C, Ziru X, et al. SPS-working: A folder containing various stages of development for my SPS implementation. ... Arcology Releases Sourcecode for Public Review on Github. [16]. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Project One: Implements various encryption/decryption functions to solve an encrypted string (solved string is at the bottom). [4]. Solution: Each dice can take six different values {1,2,3,4,5,6}. "Uncovering collusive spammers in Chinese review websites." What is the probability that the sum is 3? View All. Learn more. Understanding and fighting bullying with machine learning[D]. 2011: 1-2. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on web science conference. In: International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, WSDM 2012, Seattle, Wa, Usa, February. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2017: 1391-1399. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio. [18]. [7]. CSE 555: Project 1 Automatic Image Alignment with Image Pyramids Robert Miller. c-webber_scheme_assignment.txt: contains all the above functions. [25]. php-cs-fixer.config. Iván Cantador, Peter Brusilovsky, and Tsvi Kuflik. intersection(aL, bL): Returns the intersection of the two provided lists. 4(2), 34, 2016 ISSN: 2327-5227. Assigments from CS355, Spring 2018. Class Recordings. A Quality Type-aware Annotated Corpus and Lexicon for Harassment Research. Wang, Dongjing, et al. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2015. Each lecture session of this course will be recorded. What You Need to Do on the First Week of Classes¶. Rayana, Shebuti, and L. Akoglu. [1]. Tang, J., Gao, H., Liu, H.: mtrust:discerning multi-faceted trust in a connected world. 2010. Data Set Non-spammer Spammer Introduction ; Twitter [4]: 1,295: 355: The first column is the user class (i.e., 1 for non-spammers and 2 for spammers) and the subsequent columns numbered from 1 to 62 represent the user characteristics. - vonderborch/CS355 Han Z, Daqing C, Ziru X, et al. 604-343-2977. 18, no. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science. GitHub is an online platform for storing and managing backups of our Git repositories. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM, 2018. Course Outcomes: An understanding of the fundamental algorithms and structures in computational geometry, such as convex hulls, … All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Rafiq R I, Hosseinmardi H, Han R, et al. arXiv:1902.07565. ACM, New York, NY, USA, [9]. 2010, p. 12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fold_%28higher-order_function%29, ML Project: Programmed with Poly/ML for Windows. union aL bL: Returns the union of the two provided lists. An important factor to consider when using findings on electrocardiograms for clinical decision making is that the waveforms are influenced by normal physiological and technical factors as well as by pathophysiological factors. nth.rkt: Implements a function that returns the nth element of a list (0-based indexing). 5 Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN 37 830 6 The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Departm ent of Biological Sciences. Massa, P., Avesani, P.: Trust-aware recommender systems. ECIS. Projects for CS355 (CPT_S 355, CptS 355, CS 355) at WSU. Skip to content. Phone. Sui J. Ansari Mohammad Izharul Hasan, Surendra Pal Singh, M. N. Doja, Effect of Transmission Range on Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol, Jr of Comp. Analyzing labeled cyberbullying incidents on the Instagram social network. cs355 labs. digraphs(s): Computs a list containing the number of times each digraph occurs in the string s. main: Uses some testing functions to test the above functions. Be your first course in advanced cryptography.CS355 will introduce you to the joy of cryptography research.We will cover many of the foundational techniques that you willneed to get started with crypto research and togo on to solv… Contribute to rkalz/CS355 development by creating an account on GitHub. Engine for debugger scripting. Assignment and language specifications can be found in the ssps.pdf file in the directory. 30Music Listening and Playlists Dataset[C]//RecSys Posters. "Collective Opinion Spam Detection: Bridging Review Networks and Metadata." SPS-test cases: The completed SPS code (see SPS) including test case programs. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web. 2nd Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recom- davidfowl / LazyControllers.cs. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Turrin R, Quadrana M, Condorelli A, et al. Students are expected to already be familiar with the C … Joint Optimization of Tree-based Index and Deep Model for Recommender Systems. SPS: Implements an interpreter for a PostScript-like language (assignment and language specifications listed in firstInterpreterAssignment.pdf in the directory). Projects for BYU's CS 355. Eva Zangerle, Martin Pichl, Wolfgang Gassler, and Günther Specht. quicksort pred []: Returns an ordered list based on the original provided list and predicate function. In: Collaboration, electronic messaging, anti-abuse and spam conference (CEAS). Example 19 Cristina Nita-Rotaru Random throw of a pair of dice. CSE 355 Spring 2012 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science Home Course Syllabus Class Announcements 2015. ECG feature extraction and disease diagnosis.. PubMed. 6, No. Some example programs can be found in the SPS-test cases folder. These projects were programed using a variety of languages but were universally run on a Windows machine (although there shouldn't be any reason for them to not run on other platforms with proper compilers). Projects for CS355 (CPT_S 355, CptS 355, CS 355) at WSU. Project Guidelines || Course Website. eitherSearch Empty x: Outputs whether a value (x) is found in the tree (Empty) or not. Bretschneider U, Peters R. Detecting Cyberbullying in Online Communities. 2011. & Comm. International Conference on Social Informatics. [14]. 1780-355 Burrard St. Vancouver, BC V6C 2G8. [12]. info@codebase.ventures. Or call Distance Learning Services: (800) 500-1554 or (517) 355-2345. The recordings will be available to students registered for this class. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 21-26. test.sml: Creates a tree with leaves and nodes to use for testing functions in ml.sml. pp. This class is a first introduction to the theoretical concepts of Computer Science. [13]. Bhyri, Channappa; Hamde, S T; Waghmare, L M. 2011-01-01. 3, pp. Joint Optimization of Tree-based Index and Deep Model for Recommender Systems. If you did not take 490 last semester then email me your GitHub username on … "Learning music embedding with metadata for context aware recommendation." Rezvan M, Shekarpour S, Balasuriya L, et al. This package doesn't provide access to debuggers, but defines interfaces that other packages implement. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Star 0 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 1. SSPS: Reimplementation of the SPS interpreter to handle a static-scoped version of the language as well as the default dynamic scoped version. [20]. long press implementation based on location. This is intended to supplement the classroom experience. Lander: Implements a basic 'moon lander' game in Java. The number of possible events (value of … Skip to content. Hosseinmardi H, Mattson S A, Rafiq R I, et al. Reynolds K, Kontostathis A, Edwards L. Using machine learning to detect cyberbullying. range.rkt: Implements a that returns a list of integers between the minimum (inclusive) and the maximum (exclusive). Stanford students have been behind some of the mostimportant developments in modern cryptography, includingDiffie-Hellman key exchange,Merkle trees, ElGamal encryption,and fully homomorphic encryption.With this history in mind, the purpose of this course is twofold: 1. #nowplaying Music Dataset: Extracting Listening Behavior from Twitter. yuka1984 / SaveRequestKeyActivity.cs. treeToString pred (LEAF(V)): Converts a tree (LEAF(V)) to a string using the predicate function (pred). [24]. [3]. Upcoming …