cse 160 uw

Filter options. Course from the UW English composition list: ENGR 101: 1: Engineering Exploration: Choose one of the following: AMATH 301, CSE 142, CSE 160: 4: Beginning Scientific Computing, Computer Programming I, Data Programming in Bioengineering program depends on a student’s current class standing. About Us ... CSE 142, or CSE 160. See checklist for the current list of approved science electives (minimum of 12 credits). 4 credits. At the University of Washington, we are deeply committed to ensuring the success of all our graduates, and we consider data science to be a critical component of student education whatever major they choose to pursue.. We have identified a core set of skills that form the heart of data science education, but also recognize that data science education needs vary across disciplines. In order to receive credit you MUST SIGN UP with your UWnetID email address (e.g. Prerequisite: either CSE 142, CSE 143, CSE 160, or CSE 163. Computer Science Principles. Focus areas are designed as guidance for students who wish to deepen their knowledge in a specific subject. Students as well as instructors can answer questions, fueling a healthy, collaborative discussion. Prerequisite: either CSE 143, CSE 160, or CSE 163; and either STAT 311, STAT 390, STAT 391, IND E 315, or Q SCI 381. Choose an option below to learn more about the placement or application process. University of Washington UW W Logo UW College of Engineering Wordmark Logo Diversity & Access K-12 Programs MyCoE UW Links. Of those, he says, only about 5 … UW 1XX (136 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) AUT Qtr. Computer Programming I. CSE 143. Both classes are supposed to be for people with little to no coding experience, but I'm not sure how fast the class is paced. “Speaking from a computing symposium in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, UW CSE’s Ed Lazowska was fired up about computing enrollments and eager to talk about the promise of the field. For each area, the department recommends a combination of engineering electives and VLPA/I&S or DIV courses. 1993 thru SPR Qtr. If you are unclear about your class standing, contact us. Main menu. Data Programming. Optional sequences. *The course designations given are for courses taken at the UW. About Us. CSE 163. CSE 120. For a full list of data science related courses at the UW, please see this page. Understanding vision and perception. CSE 160, Intro to Data Programming For non-CSE students with no prior CS experience! STAT 341, 390, or 391 . STAT 416 | University of Washington … CSE 312, STAT 341, or STAT 391 . All other students will be allowed as space permits. Michael Ernst's teaching. TOTAL CREDITS FOR DEGREE = 180 Mathematics (24 credits) Course Topic Credits MATH 124, 125, 126 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I, II, III (or honors equivalent) 15 MATH 307 or AMATH 351 Introduction to Differential Equations OR Differential Equations 3 MATH 308 or AMATH 352 Matrix Algebra with Applications OR Applied Linear Algebra and Web Programming. STAT 435 . Intermediate Data Programming. Some of the most frequently used of these include Scott Hudson's SSUI class (at CMU's HCII) and James Landay's CS 160 class and Eric Paulos' class of the same title (at UC Berkeley). *ChemE placement. Students may follow the recommended curriculum in one area, or, with guidance from advisers and faculty, draw from multiple areas to create an individual learning Search. CSE 142. Prerequisite: either CSE 143, CSE 160, or CSE 163; and either STAT 311, STAT 390, STAT 391, IND E 315, or Q SCI 381. 2001 § ASL 201 (5) UW 2XX: AUT Qtr. Computer Programming II. Introduction to Data Science. Visualization . Counts as NW and QSR. But he also expressed frustration that UW caps its computer science and computer engineering enrollments at 160. Below are a list of courses that may serve as engineering electives for ChemE undergraduate students. One of OCN/FISH 452, AMATH 301, Q SCI 381, or CSE 160 (4 credits) Integrated Capstone Experience: ATM S/ESS/OCN 475 (3 credits) Science Electives: At least one course from each of ATM S, ESS, and OCN. This series of coursework allows students to graduate with evidence of data … Machine learning . 2001 § ASL 137 (5) formerly ID 137: UW 1XX (137 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) AUT Qtr. CS majors are not permitted to register for CSE 160. Interaction Programming (CSE 340) The material taught in this class was inspired by many others, who have generously shared slides and syllabi with me. I'm planning out my schedule right now and I'm deciding between CSE 154 and 160. Students from a variety of other majors have taken the course, and some have gone on to double-major in CS as well as their original field HCDE 411 Information Visualization (5) I&S/VLPA The design and presentation of digital information. CSE 442 . CSE 416 / STAT 416 . Offered: jointly with CSE 416. Prerequisites: (CSE 12 or DSC 40B) and (CSE 15L or DSC 80) and (CSE 103 or ECE 109 or MATH 181A or ECON 120A or MATH 183); restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors. Introduction to Parallel Computing (4) Courses labeled "Take x of n" indicate that you can choose to complete any x courses out of the series of n to meet the requirement for that department.For example: CSE 154: 5: Web Programming: CSE 160: 4: Data Programming (only if CSE 143 not taken) CSE 163: 4: Intermediate Data Programming . However, we are happy to accept non-UW courses. CHEM E 301). According to David Notkin, UW computer science and engineering (CSE) chair, about 160 students graduate from the UW with a degree from CSE each year. Only one, 1-credit seminar is allowed to count toward engineering electives (e.g. Departments with a graduate data science option are found here. Offered: jointly with STAT 416. [email protected]uw.edu). CSE 160. 2007 thru SPR Qtr. Data visualization . Students will learn to program in Python, an easy-to-use programming language that is widely used in the sciences and other data-driven fields. CSE 154. CSE 160. Menu. Show/Hide majors: AA BioE BSE ChemE CivE CompE EE EnvE HCDE ISE MSE ME. Courses I taught at UW include: CSE 160 Introduction to Data Programming with Applications: summer 2012 winter 2013; CSE 331 Software Design and Implementation: spring 2010 winter 2011 spring 2012 spring 2013 View course details in MyPlan: CSE 416 CodingBat code practice. Piazza is a free online gathering place where students can ask, answer, and explore 24/7, under the guidance of their instructors. CSE 142 Computer Programming I (4cr) or CSE 160 Data Programming (4cr) AMATH 301 Beginning Scientific Computing (4cr) Recommended Additional Coursework (Optional) ATM S 380 Weather and Climate Prediction (3cr, Win) ATM S 490 Current Weather Analysis (1cr, repeatable up to six times) If you've gotten credit in canvas for any of the problems from checkin 1 by Wednesday afternoon, then you have successfully created an account and shared your answers with us and should just need to be sure you are logged on to the same account for this checkin. The process for applying to the B.S. X . At UPM, I taught a series of workshops on skills for graduate students (identifying research problems, experimentation, writing papers, etc.).. Use of graphics, animation, sound, and other modalities in presenting information to the user. Students in the Data Science option must take 9 credits from a slightly expanded list which includes the courses named above and also CSE 163 4. in Geography with Data Science Option builds on geography coursework in data management, data visualization and the societal implications of data science while offering students additional opportunities to engage in coursework in programming, machine learning, and advanced statistics and probability. Introduction to machine learning (CSE 143 or CSE 160) and (STAT 311 or STAT 390) Machine learning . CSE 142 or CSE 160 One course from: STAT 220, STAT 221, STAT 290, STAT 311, IND E 315 Three courses from: CHEM 142, CHEM 152, CHEM 162, PHYS 114/121*, PHYS 115/122*, PHYS 116/123*, BIOL 118, BIOL 180, BIOL 200, PSYCH 202 Intelligent applications are designed and used to make predictions on large, complex datasets. X . Introduction to statistical machine learning . For P2, If you are requesting placement in Chemical Engineering (ChemE), you are permitted to have two courses in progress at the time of the placement request.. CSE 180. Introductory programming: One of CSE 142 4 or CSE 160 4; Upper level programming: One of STAT 302 3 (recommended) or CSE 143 5 or approved substitute. ; Students attending a four-year school or an out-of-state community college should take equivalent courses at the school they are attending. CSE 160 is an intro programming class that requires no previous computing experience. CSE 154 vs CSE 160? Science and Art of Digital Photography. Placement and Admission pathways Machine learning . CSE 131. Thank you for your interest in our undergraduate program! [email protected] cse160_21wi_checkin02. 2008 § ASL 202 (5) UW 2XX: AUT Qtr. 1993 thru SPR Qtr. For questions about the program or if your department is interested in adding an option, please contact please contact Sarah Stone or David Beck. CSE 163: Intermediate Data Programming Overview Teaching staff: Instructor: Hunter Schafer ([email protected]) Course staff and office hours: Full list here Times: Lecture: PAC 192 from 3:30 to 4:20, MWF Exam 1: Friday, February 14, 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm, PCAR 192 Exam 2: Monday, March 9, 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm, PCAR 192 Final Project Presentations: Thursday, March 19 from 2:30 pm - 4:20 … The B.A. UW is on a ten-week quarter system, and students in CSE 160 attended three 50-minute lectures and one 50-minute recitation section per week. Courses at UW. CSE 190. CSE 546 . For schools that have a transfer agreement with the UW, refer to the Equivalency Guide for courses equivalent to the prerequisites. Acronym CSE 160; Instructor(s) Ruth Anderson; Quarter Winter 2017; Credits 4; Meeting Times MWF 1:30-2:20 with Labs Th 9:30-10:20 or 12:30-1:20 or 1:30-2:20 or 2:30-3:20; Location SAV 260 ; Fullfills Climate Minor Core Requirement; Prerequisites None Elizabeth said that Allen School courses such as CSE 490A: Entrepreneurship, led by Allen School professor Ed Lazowska and Greg Gottesman, managing director and co-founder of Pioneer Square Labs, and CSE: 160 Data Programming with Allen School professor Ruth Anderson, inspired the structure of the 8-week coding program. A list of all UW courses, with credit value, description of the class, and name of instructor, if available, can be found on the University of Washington Course Catalogue.