challenges to the religious settlement

This lesson introduces students to the reactions of the Puritans and Catholics to the religious settlement and questions the extent of their challenges in the early years of the reign. Duncan is an experienced social science and humanities teacher, writer and senior examiner. Plenary: How well did Elizabeth deal with the threats? Puritans believed that catholics wearing elaborate vestements set them apart from ordinary people. This was known as the Geonese loan. 400 clergy were dismissed, as they failed to implement the necessary changes, showing that there was Catholic resistance to the settlement. Presentation . Puritans hoped that Elizabeths religious reforms would be the begining of further more Protestant developments to the Church of England. It is no surprise therefore, later on in Elizabeth’s reign, that the more secure her hold on power became, the less tolerant she became of puritanism and recusancy alike. Inquisition united dutch catholics and protestants, as they united in the dutch revolt. Why did the Puritans challenge the religious settlement? GCSE: Early Elizabethan England (1558-88) - Timeline of Key Events. Lesson . 92 terms . [Understanding of the characteristics of the period showcased by awareness of the resistance from Catholics, as well as the violence from puritans (the latter is often neglected as students often assume that because the puritans are Protestant they don’t do anything to undermine Elizabeth).]. Visit for full online courses.This lesson is taught by Jen Mellors of Hitler & The Nazi Party - The Lean ("Wilderness") Years from 1924-1928. Specific challenges from the Puritans to Elizabeth’s demands: • Ignoring or disobeying parts of the Settlement • Should people kneel to receive communion • Abolishing organ music with hymns (this didn't please the ordinary people) There were 2 main issues: • Crucifixes Share through email; Share through twitter; Share through linkedin; Share through facebook ; Share through pinterest; File previews. 22 February 2018. Study challenges to the Religious Settlement flashcards from charlotte moore's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. While the clergy was … In the end the puritans won and all the crucifixes were taken down apart from the one in the royal chapel. With vestments, Elizabeth wanted Protestant clergy to wear special clothes. Westrate History 1st Test Term List. what was the main reason for Elizabeth keeping a crucifix in each church. Study Notes . 214 High Street, All sheets to be printed out at the beginning of the lesson. Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. 25m video. Lesson . Elizabeth’s religious Settlement (1559): its features and impact. It is recommended that no longer than … Challenge to the Religious Settlement Many Catholics in England were not happy with Elizabeth’s Settlement. Problem of legitimacy. Lesson . This can be seen with both the crucifix and vestment controversies. The puritan challenge Puritans hoped that Elizabeths religious reforms would be the begining of further more Protestant developments to the Church of England. 12. crucifix. The two biggest issues were: Crucifixes: As part of the religious settlement Elizabeth demanded that crucifixes be put in every church. 4 marks. Able to raise an army of 19,000 . This is why she was beholden to Protestant Bishops and backed down with the crucifix controversy and tolerated recusancy for years. Worksheet. In response to this Elizabeth put on an exhibition in london to show people what preists should wear. 13. Serious. Elizabeth’s priority was in maintaining power. What made the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569? • Religious war broke out in France in 1562 (3 years after Elizabeth’s Settlement) • Elizabeth worried that it would encourage rebellion in England • She helped French Protestants, hoping to get Calais back, this backfired when the French Protestants made peace • She ultimately lost Calais forever and annoyed Philip II of Spain • Philip II was angry Elizabeth helped Scottish & French Protestants • He banned … so she didnt anger the catholics by changing too much too fast . How did Elizabeth's settlement try to deal with the religious problems? Many puritan preists didnt like them being in their churches, so threatened to resign. an idol. Elizabethan Settlement. Evaluate which was a bigger problem for Elizabeth and why. This was a long term challenge to the religious settlement. Puritans saw the crucifixes as representing idols (which was not a puritan belief). what did a crucific represent according to Elizabethan puritans. Some rebels fled by the water they were known as the sea beggars and they attacked spanish ships sending supplies to Albas army. A very detailed response which demonstrates excellent subject knowledge and reaches a clear judgement based on justifiable criteria. To what extent did Puritans and Catholics challenge the religious settlement? The Church of England: its role in society. Place events on graph. Video. How did the key foreign powers react to the settlement? 7 terms. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... 21 terms. Intro Quiz. Elizabeth, however, wanted to keep crucifixes in churches as she didn’t want to isolate and anger English Catholics by changing too much too soon. For example, in London there was widespread destruction of church ornaments and statues of saints, owing to the fact that the settlement wanted to remove the Catholic practice of idolatry. This lesson explores the reaction of the clergy and the laity to the religious settlement, and introduces an interpretation of the religious settlement. West Yorkshire, Main: Puritan challenge - Using p26 in the textbook (Hodder 9-1), research the Vestment and the Crucifix controversy. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. However, only 4% of all lower clergy refused to take the oath to the Queen. Choosing her councillors. [Elizabeth was always having to deal with different levels of papal interference so referencing this is important.]. The challenges to Elizabeth’s authority from the clergy (especially the bishops) and puritans were far more difficult for Elizabeth in establishing the religious settlement. Presentation . However, Elizabeth had greater challenges to her authority that made the implementation of the settlement even more difficult, from both Catholic and Protestant clergy alike. Each worksheet comes with extension tasks to stretch the MABLE. 4.375 6 reviews. More Study Notes. Judgement lesson on the enquiries. 14. They captured Durham Cathedral. It wasnt long before Puritans started disobeying the laws of the religious settlement. Because of this he banned all trade with England, In retaliation to this Elizabeth stopped trading with spanish owned netherlands. 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The fact that England was roughly divided between the Catholic north west and the Protestant south east did make implementing the religious settlement difficult in some areas. Challenges to the religious settlement,1558 - 1569. [Criteria for the required judgement justified from the outset, with a clear explanation of why geographical divisions were not the most important. 24m video. Likewise, in the north west, recusancy was high, even amongst the nobility (which partly explains why Northumberland and Westmoreland were able to rebel in the north in 1569) and this helped undermine the implementation of the settlement. Whilst most people were happy with Elizabeth's Religious Settlement, Puritans were not happy as they believed that it should go further in its reforms and make a truly radical Puritan church. Why did the different religious groups concern Elizabeth? LukeDunkley. bishops are putting up the biggest challenge from within the Church! The inquisition was a political and religious organisation designed to keep spanish territories true to catholicism. Elizabethan Religious Settlement Religion became a very divisive factor in people’s lives in England when Protestant ideas challenged the dominance of the Catholic Church of Rome. France: When religious war broke out in 1562 in France Elizabeth was threatened by its ability to increase religious conflict in England. Weimar & Nazi Germany (1918-39) - Timeline of Key Events. Stimulus = Crucifix controversy / The influence of London, [Examiner commentary following each paragraph and at the end is provided in italics], ____________________________________________________. Philip of spain set up the inquisition. Challenges at home and abroad – financial problems, relations with Spain, France, Scotland 1.2 The ‘settlement’ of religion Religious divisions in England in 1558. Last updated. However, the situation was not fully resolved until 1566, demonstrating how difficult Elizabeth found it to enforce her religious settlement. The settlement of 1559 had given Protestants control of the Church of England, but matters were different at the parish level, where Catholic priests and traditional laity held large majorities. Exam questions can be completed for homework. Intro Quiz. This was only a short term challenge to her authority. Why? Puritan bishops wanted to ensure all crucifixes were removed from churches as this was seen as idolatry and undermined the purity of God’s message through the bible. By november 22nd they controlled the land east of the pennines. © Copyright Get Revising 2021 all rights reserved. 806 8067 22 Elizabeth agreed to help french protestants hoping to win back Calais, but unfortunately her attempts failed and the country made peace later on in 1562. Scotland: Had an Auld alliance with France, Elizabeth was worried that Scotland would remove her from the throne and put on a catholic monarch. The papacy: The papacy was a system drawn up by the pope to try and strengthen the Catholic faith in England, by supporting local communities, persecuting those who have controversial opinions and opose the catholic faith. Marriage and succession. This instant approach to the question demonstrates a Level 4 approach and wins over the examiner from the outset.]. Study Notes. GCSE History: Elizabeth I - Challenge to the Religious Settlement [Redhill Academy] 97 terms. 17 terms. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. We're back in Elizabethan England, this time in 1559.This video covers the reactions to the Elizabethan religious settlement. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. He has taught Politics and Sociology A Level for many years and has a PhD in Social History. How did the Puritans try to change … However, the fact that most of the country was relatively mixed or easy to control meant that geographical divisions were not the most important issue. [This is where good content knowledge in the form of dates can help quantify the extent of a problem.]. Learn faster with spaced repetition. 1.3 Challenge to the religious settlement. Femininity. Challenge to the Religious Settlement. Religious divisions. Spain: Elizabeth had irritated philip of Spain by helping the french and scottish protestants rebel. Generally, the south east and in particular London was the most Protestant, due to its proximity to the Protestant Netherlands and Germanic states. The challenges to Elizabeth’s authority from the clergy (especially the bishops) and puritans were far more difficult for Elizabeth in establishing the religious settlement. Despite experiencing some resistance (as Protestantism championed the wearing of ordinary clothes to signify all people were equal under God) the vast majority assented to Elizabeth’s wishes. 25m video. In response to the revolt, Philip sent the duke of Alba to the netherlands with an army of 10,000 men to control the revolution. Elizabeth I also had to deal with the staunch views of puritans. 15. 25m video. She was in a much stronger position then before. Lesson . Reach the audience you really want to apply for your teaching vacancy by posting directly to our website and related social media audiences.