Our Nationâs Chief Lawyer Must Make A Clear Statement Against Torture. The executioner fills this device with molten tar, lead, boiling oil or boiling water, and the contents are allowed to drip on the victim’s body. The pear of anguish is like the key-chain version of the Judas Cradle for the torturer on the go. It is hollow on the inside with a hatch allowing for the victim to be securely locked inside. Torture is therefore not more efficient in gathering intelligence than other interrogation techniques (Bufacchi and Arrigo, 2006: 359). Sometimes, the coups de grace (blow of mercy) is employed to put an end to the victim’s suffering. The psychologists Robert Lifton and Edgar Schein concluded that American POWs who made anti-American statements mostly did so to avoid physical punishment, and that brainwashing of POWs was not particularly successful. The victim’s limbs are tied with ropes that are attached to a wooden frame. Thumbscrews were also used with toes. Fact Check: Can Mouthwash Help Prevent Covid-19 Transmission? Then they will be gutted and castrated; their innards and genitalia will be burned right in front of them (DRAWN). Lingchi. The U.S. government has been accused of using "torture-lite" or "moderate physical pressure" against detainees, persons held in custody for political reasons, typically because they pose a distinct threat to the U.S. or possess information crucial to ⦠The Pear was usually used as an interrogation device and rarely killed anyone. THE RACK ORIGIN: ANTIQUITY. As Andrew Jacobs and Chris Buckley reported recently, the Communist Partyâs system of investigating its own members excludes them from basic legal protections such as contact with a lawyer and leaves them open to severe physical abuse and forced confessions. They say it’s the most humane form of execution since decapitation and death comes instantly. The victims are forced to sit on a tall, pyramid-shaped structure while men pull them down. The cradle was rarely washed, so the victim dies either from the impalement or due to infection. Rats are placed in the cage and coaxed, usually with fire to find the nearest exit. Convicts placed in a wooden tub with their heads exposed were regularly fed so they eventually swam in their own feces. This is still practiced in some countries until today. If the person drops or lowers his head…you know what would happen next. The trainees undergo practices such as hooding, sleep deprivation, time disorientation, prolonged nakedness, sexual humiliation and deprivation of warmth, water and food. Hundreds of people were held there for years without charge and subjected to torture (or what the US calls "enhanced interrogation techniques"). But what’s disturbing though is that over the years, people have come up with more methods to inflict pain and eventually death in the most horrifying ways imaginable. For those women who were accused or adultery, abortion or any other crime, they were subjected to the painful torture of the breast ripper or the spider. The origin of torture dates back to 530 A.D. when Roman jurists used torturous methods to obtain the truth. The Catherine Wheel was a means of public execution where the victim was attached to a giant wooden wheel through several spokes. The naked victim is put astride on a wooden board with a sharp V-wedge on top. As he descends, the pyramid opens his anus wider, eventually tearing it. This device was used to scare people into confessing as they witness others suffer the torture. Their target, Abu Zubayda, was the alleged logistics chief of Al Qaeda, an organization he joined after teaming up with the jihad against the Soviet Union during their war in Afghanistan. Both humiliating and painful, this... #2. The CIA distributes the KUBARK Interrogation Manual, a 128-page guide to interrogation that includes multiple references to torture techniques. Most who were tortured in this manner didn’t die right away, but afterwards. Crushed by Elephants. Most were cut up only in their abdomen to prolong their agony. In surveying the scientific literature, this paper corrects some persistent misconceptions about torture, concluding that some of the most deleterious effects of âenhanced interrogation techniquesâ are not physical at all, but distinctly psychological. There can be no victory for anti-fascists, Jews and non-Jews alike, unless justice be done for crimes that cannot be forgotten. The broken body is usually left attached to the wheel until they die a slow death from infection, shock, or blood loss. Both humiliating and painful, this device prevents people from lying down, eating, and lowering their heads for days. It was used to rip and tear flesh away from the bone, from any part of the body. Many people don't want to think about the subject. For a bit of added fun, a horn is fitted into the mouth of The Bull which turns screams into a sound resembling that of a bull’s bellow. They also varied in size accordingly. Note 9. Share your thoughts in the comment section. A very effective torture device with a very uninspired name, the head crusher was a device that crushed heads. Also known as the breaking wheel, this was often used in those times when you wanted to kill someone, but wanted to do it slowly and make sure you broke every bone in their body. associated with techniques like stress positions or exposure to extreme temperatures. Over the last 8 years, the Bush administration has systematically dismantled some of the most important rights and protections in the U.S. Constitution. Beating of particularly sensitive areas of the body: 1. bridge of the nose with a rubber truncheon (Dusza), 2. protruding shoulder blades with a rubber truncheon (Dusza), 3. gland area of the chin - which resemble mumps when swollen - with a rubber truncheon (Dusza) and rule (Dusza, Kaskiewicz), 4. (Continue reading next page…). A mouth opener is first used to force the victim’s mouth open. This small-handheld device is then inserted in the mouth, anus, or vagina, but it was mostly used in the mouth. It very rarely caused death, but it did cripple its victims. Some of the worst techniques have gone out of style for their heinousness, but others, it is suspected, continue to be used, especially by secret government agencies. A metal piece with two bi-pronged forks on each end. Note 8. It was also on GAME OF THRONES. There were larger versions of this device which enabled the excutioner to crush the elbows and knees of the victims. Once inside, they keep digging their way out. A second cousin to the head crusher, the knee splitter did what its name promises it will do. Here are some of the most horrendous torture techniques from long ago. Early versions were less bull shaped and far less automated. The brazen bull is also designed to amplify the chilling screams of the person inside. Torture to gain information from someone or to instil fear or discipline is a technique used even today. The Rat torture. The crocodile shear is heated before it is used to clamp and tear off the person’s appendages. Council of Europe anti-torture Committee urges Bulgaria to stop physical ill-treatment of psychiatric patients and social care residents and to immediately cease the shameful practice of using chains as a means of restraint 24/11/2020. The Pear of Anguish was usually very adorned to differentiate between the anal, vaginal and oral pears. The executioners will then saw the victim’s body in half—usually up to the abdomen only to prolong their torment. This type of torture instrument consist of long, sharp iron spikes curved so as to resemble claws. Then, they’d pull or tug the device so large chunks of flesh would be ripped from the victim. A fire is set under the bull and the man inside slowly roasts to death. The torturer would then turn the handle and stretch the victim’s body until the limbs are dislocated. The average person devotes even less of ⦠Some people have a very twisted imagination when it comes to torture. The torturer will decide if he wants to simply tear the skin or expand the “pear” to its maximum and mutilate the victim. The goal is to force their anal orifices open and slowly impale the victims. New York Times, May 4, 1945. It has a door on the side that can be opened and latched. Varying weights are placed on the victims feet until the wedge slices through the victim’s body. Although this torture does not usually cause death, it was often followed by other torture methods. In this method, the victim is hung upside down, so that the blood will rush to their heads and keep them conscious during the long torture. Does This Dead Manâs Hand Have Supernatural Powers. This was Vlad the Impaler’s favorite method of execution. Similar to the thumbscrew, the blades on the tongue tearer clamp tighter on the victimâs tongue until it is eventually cut off. This torture device was used to crush the fingers and toes. Even though its first use was recorded during Elizabethan times, the rat torture has been known to be used as recently as the 90s. As the name suggests, this scissor-like instrument was used to cut victim’s tongues. The Spanish Donkey was specifically designed for women, although on some occasions it was used on men. The Bull is made out of brass and shaped like a bull. 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In no particular order, Wicked Horror takes a look at 10 terrifying modern day torture methods. The Judas Cradle is probably the most poorly designed chair in the world. bition against torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. One end of the device is placed under the individual’s chin while the other end points at the sternum. A torture device specifically designed for women, the claws are heated first before the executioner pierces the woman’s exposed breast. The victim’s limbs are tied to the spokes of a revolving wheel. The executioner would then put large rats and trap them inside. Stretching back to medieval times and beyond, wicked minds have dreamt up a range of psychological torture methods that have caused even the bravest men and women to beg for mercy. Even though they were a little on the small side of the torture spectrum, the thumbscrew was a pretty good way to get someone to talk. This entails a strong, fatal blow on the victim’s chest or stomach. The victim was then beaten with a club by their torturer, the gaps in the spokes insuring that the victimâs bones broke. Once the device was able to firmly hold the tongue, the screw will be tightened until the tongue is cut. Now They’re Living Mortgage Free! It also contained spaces for heating elements. Then a heating element would be placed on the side or on top of the cage to provoke the rats to burrow through the victim’s body. When the poles are raised upright, the victims will slowly side down due to their own weight. Reference Notes (page 534) Note 6. www.the13thfloor.tv/2016/04/20/10-highly-disturbing-ancient-torture-techniques 1. However, it could also be used during questioning. The screws could be added for a little extra damage. Used in the case of blasphemy, the tongue tearer was a type of slow scissor. Why? The instrument consisted of four leaves that separates from each other when the torturer slowly turned the screw at the top. Although the government has banned forced confessions, torture of suspects is not just a historical phenomenon in China. After the device is inserted, a key is turned causing the base of the device to widen. Many of these techniques are against international law if used in interrogations. While medieval and ancient history methods may have been more brutal, these modern day methods are still absolutely terrifying. The prongs were nearly never washed, so the chances of these infections were very high. Lingchi, also known as death by a thousand cuts, was a form of execution used in China from around 900 AD... 2. All it required was a bucket a rat and some heat, all of which are pretty easy to pick up in any medieval dungeon. Guantánamo Bay was established by the United States in January 2002 and has since become emblematic of the gross human rights abuses perpetrated by the US government in the name of fighting terrorism. The Mysteries Behind Florida’s Coral Castle. It was believed to be the most painful form of medieval torture designed to dislocate every bone in the victim’s body. This technique was used by Jean-Baptiste Carrier during the French Revolution. Those who held out longer usually had their eyes pop out right before they died. They would be run through with swords and bayonnets when water was unavailable. There was also the “Head Crusher”. The victim will be locked inside the chamber as the interrogator shouts out questions. A device, usually a bucket or cage, is placed against the victimâs skin with the open end touching his belly. The victim is dragged in a hurdle (i.e. Why Blackboards Are Usually Green, NOT Black, Grandma Becomes World’s First Person To Receive Covid-19 Vaccine, Fingal’s Cave, Nature’s Masterpiece on the Isle of Staffa, Scotland, Cappadocia, Turkey’s Otherworldly Landscape Built by Man and Mother Nature, Archeologists Unearth 59 Ancient Coffins of Priests and Clerks in Egypt. The executioner would then simultaneously use an iron hammer to crush the victim’s bones. It can certainly be said that back in ancient times, we really had a flair for brutality. Talkinâ Tracks â Here Are Our Record Store Day 2016 Picks! Additionally torture is a rather unreliable form of extracting information and often leads to false confessions in order to stop the violent treatment. A huge, solid piece of brass molded into a bull. A pear-shaped instrument was inserted into one of the victim’s orifices: the vagina for women, the anus for homosexuals and the mouth for liars and blasphemers. Couple Turns Double Decker Bus Into Their Dream Home. This made me wonder whether they’ve actually had a twisted sense of pleasure when they developed those horrid instruments. wooden frame) to the site of execution. However, it did vary in its design, size, shape, and the addition (or lack) of spikes. For those of you daring enough to watch, here is the Catherine Wheel in actionâ¦, THE CHICKENING: This Psychotic Poultry-Themed SHINING Remix Will Break Your Brain Forever. This device is attached to a belt and strapped on the neck while the person hangs from the ceiling. This torture device was commonly used on thieves and unfaithful wives. 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The Article concludes with a summary of the relevance of inter-national jurisprudence in assessing whether detainees held by the United States in Guantdnamo, Afghanistan, or Iraq have been subjected to torture or ⦠1. Soon, worms and maggots from their rotting excrement would eat their bodies alive. Torture is as alive as ever â with Amnesty International documenting the use of torture techniques such as electroshocks, waterboarding and rape in more than 141 countries over the past five years. The design dates back to ancient Greece and was in use all the way up to the 500 A.D.âs. This is the most popular form of execution due to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. Men and women—usually priests and nuns—were stripped naked, bound together, and thrown down an icy lake to drown. Traditionally used by the American Mafia, they usually employ this type of punishment on their enemies, traitors, and on spies. The executioner also paints the convicts’ faces with milk and honey to allow the flies to feed on them. Out of these 27 torture techniques, which do you think is the most brutal and horrifying? President Barack Obama banned torture â including the use of waterboarding, sleep deprivation and sexual humiliation â with an executive order soon after taking office in 2009. They could hang the victims, let horses drag them, or they could simply tie them to a tree and wait for wild animals to eat the victims alive. Rat torture was first documented in 17th century Europe during the Dutch Revolt, with the technique... 3. ⦠Dietary Manipulation â This technique involved switching from solid foods to liquid. Then the instrument would be used to grasp the victim’s tongue using its rough grippers. The head crusher was a slow means of death. The 10 Most Gruesome Ancient Torture Methods 1. This torture is easy to use since the device is easy to find and the executioner can think of several ways to inflict pain on their victims using a simple rope. Look at these 27 brutal torture techniques in the history of mankind and tell us what you think about them. Which do you think is the most brutal? The Pear of Anguish, like the name suggests, is pear-shaped. But, to make sure that the device had served its purpose, the executioners would continue to turn the handle until the victim’s limbs are torn out. Burning, beating and suffocating were very common techniques that were used in medieval torture methods, surprisingly, the Roman Catholic Church were heavily involved in medieval torture. As the name suggests, the claw-like device, which ended in spikes, was heated and then used to rip off or shred a womanâs breasts. It is happening across the world, in dark prison cells, secret detention centres and in broad daylight. The manual was used internally by the CIA for decades and was used as part of the curriculum to train U.S.-supported Latin American militia at the School of the Americas between 1987 and 1991. The problem is, âthe worst crimesâ as defined by an ancient governmental system are not always as damning as you might expect. The individual will be left there to die, or in some cases, they’d put the victims on a tall pole and wait for the birds to eat their flesh. A cage is strapped against the victim’s body. Especially with the Cat’s Paw, the device would cause infections as the device would cut so deep. The victims are hung upside down to let the blood rush through their heads and allow them to remain conscious during the torture. In March of 2002, US intelligence and law enforcement agents, in collaboration with Pakistani security forces, raided a compound in Faisalabad, Pakistan, where they captured the first âhigh value detaineeâ in the War on Terror. The Pear of Anguish was a torture device used during the Middle Ages as a way to torture liars, blasphemers, homosexuals, women accused of witchcraft and those who conducted a miscarriage. In the raid, he suf⦠It is a slow and painful execution in which the victim is left to die while tied or nailed to a huge, wooden cross. They will also poke the victim with jagged edges. The torturer would then saw through the victimsâ bodies until they were completely sawed in half. The inventors of torture devices have somehow managed to be more creative in their approach. People convicted of treason in England during the Medieval times are hanged, drawn, and quartered, although the practice was abolished in 1814. Death ensues when the executioner finally pours molten silver on the patient’s eyes. The torturer had the option to tear flesh, break bone and teeth, or just simply cause extreme pain. The rat torture was relatively simple. The victim's ankles would be strapped to one end of this device, and his wrists to another. Neck Torture A piece of metal or wood with very sharp spikes is worn on the neck. It was often attached to a handle, sometimes used as an extension of the torturer’s hand. The side proximal to the unfortunate victim is left open. Victims died of infection or sepsis a few days later if they werenât impaled to death. Their torturer would then squeeze the vice down on to their thumbs crushing the bones. Soviet Extraordinary State Committee, report December 1944. Extremely popular during medieval times, the thumb screw as a small vice that victims placed their thumbs in. The victim would be harnessed naked above the pyramid through the use of ropes and pulleys. He is then lowered slowly onto the pyramid. They will be left there to die and the birds will feed on their remains. The victims will put their heads in the middle of a frame and when the executioner drops the rope, the blade will fall to sever the victim’s head from the body. Vlad watched approximately 20,000 people executed this way while enjoying his meal. Note 7. The 27 Most Gruesome Torture Techniques in the History of Mankind #1. This method was commonly used in people who attempted to assassinate the king. This device was originally used to withdraw confessions from individuals during the Medieval times. Could the Stairway to Hell be in North Dakota? They place cinder blocks on the victim’s feet and fill them up with wet cement. His men forced the victims to sit on very sharp and thick poles. 11 Bloodcurdling Torture Devices of the Middle Ages A lot like the Judas Cradle, however the Spanish Donkey rarely killed. A razor sharp blade attached to a rope—yes, this is one of the most notorious forms of execution. Known as the most preferred torture technique in the Middle ages, convicts or victims are placed in this coffin-like structure that are usually hanged in trees or in the gallows. After all, itâs hard to walk with crushed bone where your knees used to be. Overweight and obese people are also forced inside to their discomfort. This Thursday, January 15 th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing to decide whether nominee Eric Holder should be confirmed as the new Attorney General. Used in France, Italy and Germany, this device consisted of a large metal pyramid.