Prior to that, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Washington in Seattle. Assignments should be submitted before 9.00pm on the day they are due. Brook, local, state and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID. Reservation c. DDNS d. Resolver All classes will be recorded and uploaded (however, I cannot gaurantee the quality of the recordings and I will not be able to re-record). Sonesh Surana, Rabin Patra, Sergiu Nedevschi, Manuel Ramos, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Yahel Ben-David, Eric Brewer. Refer to theARP message structure in your book to determine the elements of the ARP message. 326 18 8979774199. Yi Cao, Javad Nejati, Pavan Maguluri, Aruna Balasubramanian and Anshul Gandhi SIGMETRICS, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 2016 Research Projects Evaluation and optimization of emerging TCP variants ... CSE 101 { Introduction to Computers (Java Programming) Jan.2015{May.2015 310 11 9927240287. Sort. 660-310-0769 Tege Craney. If 5 < h <=15 hours, you will be penalized 8% of your grade, If 15 < h <= 24, you will be penalized 15% of your grade, If 24 < h <= 48, you will be penalized 30% of your grade, If 48 < h <= 72, you will be penalized 40% of your grade. Due to previous zoom bombing incident, I cannot allow unmuting yourself, changing your names, or showing your videos. You do not need to write code for this.Submit your well formatted program, answers to (i), (ii), and (iii) and a README that explainshow to run your program including details of your program logic for Part B.Submission instructionAs before, you should write your program in Python or C/C++. Part A Wireshark packet capture (15 points) Your first task is to capture an ARP exchange from your computer. 319 34 7088366668. Undergraduate TA office hours (for homeworks): Wednesday 12.00 to … Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. 320 35 9457634421. A. Balasubramanian, S. Mishra and R. Sridhar. MN2:[balasubramanian09-rrctail-imc] Energy Consumption in Mobile Phones: A Measurement Study and Implications for Network Applications, by Niranjan Balasubramanian Aruna Balasubramanian Arun Venkataramani, ACM IMC 2009. We we learn networking concepts using the OSI layer abstraction going from the application layer all the way down to the physical layer. Mallesham Dasari, Santiago Vargas, Arani Bhattacharya, Aruna Balasubramanian, Samir Das, Mike Ferdman, In 2018 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2018. a. How's Omkant Pandey CSE 303, Aruna Balasubramanian CSE 310, and Timothy Glotch GEO102 by gankowen in SBU [–] gankowen [ S ] 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 month ago (0 … Course Outcomes: Understanding of the conceptual foundations of computer network and layered protocol architecture. 660-310-5605 Canon Wittrock. The grading criteria are as follows: Final Exam: 21%Midterm exam: 15% Programming Assignments (3 2): 40%Homeworks (4 3): 24%. 303 is very math heavy. You can program in Python or C. Python is by far the easiest for the assignments and I will strongly advice you to use Python. Articles Cited by Co-authors. All future announcements will be made on Piazza. Editors: Aruna Balasubramanian and Lin Zhong This paper is an experience report on IoT platforms for sports analytics. 1.5, 2.1.1, (2.1.2 covered in Transport),2.1.5. She completed her Masters degree at … Sharma, Jialin Li, Dan R. K. Ports, Steven D. Gribble; How speedy is SPDY? COVID changes: I can provide additional office hours and talk you through the material. (It focuses on energy model. View the profiles of people named Aruna Balasubramaniam. Instructor email: 660-310-8383 Remme Brodzik. You will get about 2 weeks for each assignment. (ii) Based on the ARP messages, tell us the IP address and MAC address of your router. More importantly we will learn the design patterns and general principles in designing Computer Networks. UW CSE | ISTC This project is supported in part by the NSF grant CNF-1217644 Design & develop by AmpleThemes. Stony Brook University. Mobile Systems Networks Developing Regions Wearables. These papers are not to be submitted as it is. Verified email at - Homepage. I will use the following textbook.• The zip file should contain all submissions for parts A and B. Required fields are marked *. 18 minutes ago. ACM SIGCOMM Harassment Policy The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of SIGCOMM; these require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. Search Search. Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science Education, Mobile Technologies, Learning Technologies. 314 14 9897288545. The firm deadlines will be announced in class and posted on Piazza. If you need to talk to me face-to-face, please come to my office hours. Once you see the exchange, stop the capture andstore the packet as “assignment3_my_arp.pcap”. Final exam: The final exam will be a written, timed exam. This is similar to your previous assignment, but this time you are not allowed to useany structure. Statement regarding dealing with attendance and class schedule: Students are expected to attend every class, report for examinations and submit major graded coursework as scheduled. a. Alias b. Aruna Balasubramanian. Please be respectful of your fellow classmates and your instructor when posting questions. Students will be requested to provide documentation to support their absence and/or may be referred to the Student Support Team for assistance. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Aruna’s connections and jobs at similar companies. In our prior work [11], we proposed iBall, a system that explores the possibility of bringing IoT to sports analytics, particularly to the game of Cricket. MAUI: Making Smartphones Last Longer with Code Offload Eduardo Cuervoy, Aruna Balasubramanianz, Dae-ki Cho, Alec Wolmanx, Stefan Saroiux, Ranveer Chandrax, Paramvir Bahlx yDuke University, zUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, UCLA, xMicrosoft Research ABSTRACT This paper presents MAUI, a system that enables fine-grained My advisor is Aruna Balasubramanian. Programming Assignment 1: All about DNS CSE 310, Spring 2020 Instructor: Aruna Balasubramanian Due date: 02/24/2020, 9.00pm Almost everything on the Internet involves DNS resolution. Aruna Balasubramanian joined the computer science department at Stony Brook in spring 2015. 323 12 9411054916. Class Attendance and Zoom policy: I will not take attendance in class. But you are allowed a maximum of 2 resubmissions (i.e., a maximum of 3 attempts). The goal of this homework is write your own DNS resolver, and compare its performance with other existing DNS resolvers. Aruna Balasubramanian, a Computing Innovation Fellow postdoctoral researcher in UW CSE working with professor David Wetherall, has received the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, her Ph.D. institution. Homeworks: There will be 3 homeworks. Aruna Balasubramanian, Brian Neil Levine and Arun Venkataramani (University of Massachusetts Amherst). UW CSE Ph.D. alum Mike Piatek (now at Google Seattle) and UW CSE postdoc Aruna Balasubramanian (who completed her Ph.D. at UMass-Amherst) have been named co-runners-up for the 2012 Doctoral Dissertation Award of SIGCOMM, the ACM Special Interest Group on communications and computer networks. Exams will be open book/open notes. Piazza is up! If I find evidence of dishonesty, I will immediately notify the Program Director and give you an F in the class. (Tentative) Office hours: Tuesday 4.15PM -- 5.00PM, Friday 4.00pm -- 4.45pm, or by appointment Instructor email: Instructor office: 337 New Computer Science You will typically get 1 week to finish your homework. 2018 [1] Impact of Device Parameters on Internet-based Mobile Applications Mallesham Dasari, Santiago Vargas, Arani Bhattacharya, Aruna Balasubramanian, Samir Das, Mike Ferdman, In 2018 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2018. These papers are intended to be used for research and reference purposes only. Please note, all students must follow Stony 327 19 8750100824. 10 - group discussion For questions or comments, contact Haichen Shen at or Aruna Balasubramanian at Discussion policy: All discussions will take place on Piazza. Explainhow you determined this. But if you wait until the end of the semester, I will not be able to help you Fully qualified domain name b. View Aruna Balasubramanian’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Be respectful on Zoom. 312 23 9837430330. We will learn how network applications such as the Web work, what constitutes the "Internet", and how information is transmitted from one part of the world to another. She received her PhD from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in … For each packet, you should determine if it is anARP packet, and if it is an ARP packet then process it further. We are specifically going to look at ARP packets.Part A Wireshark packet capture (15 points)Your first task is to capture an ARP exchange from your computer. Instructor office: 337 New Computer Science. Home Arun Balasubramanian (i) Print the entire ARP request and response for one ARP packet exchange (preferably the oneyou show in the screenshot above). Students will be provided reasonable accommodations for missed exams, assignments or projects due to significant illness, tragedy or other personal emergencies. Submissions instructions: We will use Blackboard for submissions. If you post questions or comments on Piazza that I deem derogatory to your classmates, TAs, or instructors (or is otherwise not constructive), I will remove them. Year; … Top-level domain c. Root domain d. Second-level domain What’s another name for a DNS client? SIGCOMM 2007 5 - David Shue Beyond Pilots: Keeping Rural Wireless Networks Alive. Read a Wireshark tutorial on the Web if youare unsure how to do capture messages and store them.Here is an example ARP message exchange I captured from my computer.Submit the assignment3_my_arp.pcap and the screenshot of your ARP message exchange(similar to the example above) for Part A.Part B Analyze the ARP (85 points)Your second task is to write a program “analysis_pcap_arp” that analyzes the pcap trace for theARP packet. You canuse existing pcap libraries to get each packet in bytes.Your program should process the ARP packets. Dr. Balasubramanian joined the computer science department at Stony Brook in spring 2015. 324 13 9452711655. CS Profs are awesome in general. I will be posting important announcements on it. Academic Dishonesty: I take academic dishonesty extremely seriously. Deadlines: All deadlines are tentative in the beginning. Programming Assignment 1: All about DNS CSE 310, Spring 2021 Instructor: Aruna Balasubramanian Due date: 03/04/2021, 9.00pm Almost everything on the Internet involves DNS resolution. 310 … Midterm exam: Details are being worked out. “ A Hybrid Approach to Key Management for Enhanced Security in Ad Hoc Network”, University at Buffalo CSE Department, Technical Report, … We are specifically going to look at ARP packets. Niranjan Balasubramanian Aruna Balasubramanian Arun Venkataramani Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts Amherst {niranjan, arunab, arun} ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a measurement study of the energy con-sumption characteristics of three widespread mobile networking technologies: 3G, GSM, and WiFi. Computer Systems / Systems & Networking, CSE 591. If you submit your programming assignment/homework at hour h after your deadline (after your grace period), the penalty is as follows. Join Facebook to connect with Aruna Balasubramaniam and others you may know. Always send messages to the "host" account 321 37 9718733323. General Chair: Aruna Seneviratne: NICTA/UNSW, Australia: ; Vice General Chairs: Christophe Diot: Technicolor, France: Teaching Assistant under Prof. Aruna Balasubramanian and Prof Christopher Kane for Computer Networks(CSE 310) Cited by. It will be easier if you filter for the “arp” packets. But you can send me chat messages. Please note that if you need a recommendation letter from me and I have never seen you in my office hours or seen you participate in Piazza discussions, I will not be able to write you a letter. Your email address will not be published. 313 24 9456262330. If 72 < h <= 96, you will be penalized 60% of your grade. 1.5, 2.1.1, (2.1.2 covered in Transport), TCP Congestion Control + Wireshark Special Lecture, If 0 < h <= 5, you will be penalized 5% of your grade. The lecture will be recorded and posted but can be of varying quality depending on Internet connection. C or higher: CSE 214 or 260; CSE 220 or ISE 218; CSE major or ISE major. NSDI 2008. All Rights Reserved. Your codeshould be generic and run on other pcap files with ARP messages. Analyzing Tail Latencies inside the Linux Kernel Naveen Kr. Search for Arun Balasubramanian's work. Your email address will not be published. Part A Wireshark packet capture (15 points) Your first task is to capture an ARP exchange from your computer. Aruna Balasubramanian (Principal Investigator) Samir Das (Co-Principal Investigator) Gregory Zelinsky (Co-Principal Investigator) Dimitrios Samaras (Co-Principal Investigator) Sponsor: SUNY at Stony Brook WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB Stony Brook, NY … Questions posted on Piazza can take up to 24 hours for a response from the instructor or the TA. You will not be penalized as long as the total hours that you are late does not exceed 60 hours across your assignments and 36 hours across your homeworks. Grace period: You get a 60 hours grace period spanning all 2 assignments and a 36 hour grace period spanning all homeworks. I will discuss proctoring for the final exam as we get nearer to the finals. iBall develops solutions to track a ball’s 3D trajectory and Aruna has 2 jobs listed on their profile. The message exchangeincludes an ARP request and an ARP response. To do this, open Wiresharkand start recording. I reserve the right to call you for a short meeting after the exam if I suspect of you cheating. The assignments are programming heavy. Programming Assignments: There will be 2 programming assignments in all. If you are finding the class difficult to follow, due to personal difficulties or difficulties in learning remotely, please (please) reach out to me immediately. Perform a byte-level programming to read each byte and convert it to the ARPheader element— the sender MAC address, target MAC address, protocol type, etc. CSE Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr: Start Date: October 1, 2019: End Date: September 30, 2022 (Estimated) Awarded Amount to Date: $499,698.00 Investigator(s): Aruna Balasubramanian (Principal Investigator) Anshul Gandhi (Co-Principal Investigator) Sponsor: CSE 310, Spring 2020 Instructor: Aruna Balasubramanian Due date: April 27 2020, 9.00pm The goal of this assignment is to learn how to perform packet capture and analysis on Wireshark. There are several components in this class: Assignments, Homeworks, and Exams. Computer Networks, A Top Down Approach by Kurose and Ross 7th edition. If you ask a question very close to an assignment deadline, they may go unanswered. They are due before 9.00pm on the day they are due. Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook. She received her PhD from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in February 2011. 660-310-0762 Lyle Fujiwara Piazza is only to ask questions pertaining to the class and not to air out your grievances. Programming Assignment 3: ARP Packet Capture and AnalysisCSE 310, Spring 2020Instructor: Aruna BalasubramanianDue date: April 27 2020, 9.00pmThe goal of this assignment is to learn how to perform packet capture and analysis onWireshark. If DNS is slow, the performance of your application is going to suffer. In the instance of missed lectures or labs, the student is responsible to go over the slides from the previous lecture. Advisory Pre- or Corequisite: AMS 310. If you want to resubmit after you already submitted one version, you may do so. Your assignments will be tested for plagiarism not only against your classmates but also with all past assignments. MyAssignmentTutor provides assignment and homework help for guidance and reference purpose only. Based on your analysis, answer thefollowing questions:(i) write a program to count the number of ARP messages in your captured pcap. CSE 310, Spring 2020 Instructor: Aruna Balasubramanian Due date: April 27 2020, 9.00pm The goal of this assignment is to learn how to perform packet capture and analysis on Wireshark. We are specifically going to look at ARP packets. Their awards were presented on August 14 at the annual SIGCOMM conference in Helsinki. I am currently a Sixth Year Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant in the Computer Networking Lab at Stony Brook University. MyAssignmentTutor. If you want to write in any otherlanguage, please talk to me.You need to submit your homework in a single zip file as follows:• The zip file and (the root folder inside) should be named using your last name, first name,and the assignment number, all separated by a dash (‘-‘) e.g. 315 15 9457407547. The class will have a mix of programming assignments and homeworks, take-home exams, and a final exam. 317 28 9411272677. 316 16 9873459192. I will teach the course top-down from the application layer down to the physical layer. Title. If a student is unable to attend lecture(s), report for any exams or complete major graded coursework as scheduled due to extenuating circumstances, the student must contact the instructor as soon as possible. You are expected to read your Piazza posts frequently. You should wait for sometime, browse the Web etc and you will see an ARP message exchange. Which of the following accurately describes the .edu in the FQDN I am reducing the total number of assignments and homeworks and also increasing the flexibility in terms of deadlines 325 17 9997306306. 660-310-4440 Ma Appenzeller. 660-310-6657 Gussi Iacobelli. 322 47 9412127847. (Tentative) Office hours: Tuesday 4.15PM -- 5.00PM, Friday 4.00pm -- 4.45pm, or by appointment I should note here that I almost never give extensions on any submissions. These do not require programming and are written assignment. Xiao (Sophia) Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and David Wetherall; Lazy Distributed Synchronization: Flat Combining in Grappa Brandon Holt The goal of this course is to cover the introductory topics in networking. Office hours: MW 2.30PM to 3.50PM Instructor email: Instructor office: 337 New Computer Science. 311 22 9927510962. | Prior to that, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Washington in Seattle. 318 29 9411528624. BibTeX @INPROCEEDINGS{Cuervo10maui:making, author = {Eduardo Cuervo and Aruna Balasubramanian and Dae-ki Cho and Alec Wolman and Stefan Saroiu and Ranveer Ch and Paramvir Bahl}, title = {MAUI: making smartphones last longer with code offload}, booktitle = {In MobiSys ’10: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services}, year = …